Our Super Event @ Cogeco TV News:10 year Anniversary for Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Burlington (2015)

Check out the 2 Videos, 2 Family Photos, the Agenda of the Event and COME on Saturday, July 11th @ 10 Years Anniversary Celebration

TV Cogeco interviews Ioana  2015-07-08 at 3.18.22 PM

 On Monday July 6, 2015 we had a spontaneous mini-event, in preparation for our Big Special Event that is coming on Saturday July 11 (2pm -4 pm). At 10:30 am the TV Cogeco News producer, Kristin Demeny arrived to interview Ioana Popa and film our group’s impromptu meditation session. All decorations are realized by sahaja yogis from Ontario.

(VIDEO#1) TV Cogeco Halton InsiderInterview with Ioana

Sahaja Yoga Meditation Family Photos

Burlington Sahaja Yoga group - Mini event at Burlignton Art Centre

 About 12 sahaja yogis both ‘old’ and beginners from Burlington weekly free meditation class – came together to decorate the Shoreline room at the Art Centre of Burlington — same room in which we will celebrate our 10 year anniversary.

Burlington Team at Art Centre after TV Cogeco Interview

The energy in the room was quite strong so we felt to take some group photos after the TV shoot. Thank you Kristin, TV Cogeco News and Burlington Art Centre for your support!! We thank also to the volunteers that came on such short notice – from left to right: Holly, Norma, Isabelle, Shulin, Jon, Ioana, Ana Bianca, Jaya, Chandra, Alex, Nitin (not in this photo) and Wendy. It was amazing to see how everything came together and how everyone contributed to this mini-event!

See you soon to our Big Event! 

When: Saturday, July 11, 2015; Time: 2pm – 4pm — Free Entrance
Where: Art Gallery of Burlington in Shoreline Room
Address: 1333 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, L7S 1A9
Info: [email protected] | 416-628-0355

AGENDA for Saturday, July 11, 2015Public Program “From We to One – 10 Year Anniversary for Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Burlington”

2:00  : Opening by the Mayor Goldring of Burlington
2:10  : Collective Meditation on planet Earth
2:20  : Dance performance on The Creation of the Universe (Shri Adi Shakti – Primordial power)
Hema Kukreja (performing artist and teacher of various classical Indian dance styles)
2:30  : Self-realization yogic experience in 7 steps with Balancing of Moon/Sun energy channels
2:45  : “Nirananda” Music Band performs Sufi and Bhakti Bhajans
3:00  : Testimonials Video “Burlington’s Inner and Outer Beauty: from We to One in Ten Years”
3:20  : Honoring the founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation and Celebrating Halton volunteers
3:35  : “Sound Healing for Chakras – Inter-active Workshop” with Mar’yana (Toronto university)
3:45  : “Stand Up and Invite Your Kundalini to Dance!” – Experience Collective Spiritual Joy with Sahaj music and dance
4:00  : Learn The Bandhan – Energetic protective shield during “One on One” Chakra workshop
4:15  : Thank You — live sharing of experiences, connect to artists and sahaja yogis, check music and books stand
4:30  : Wrap-up
Jully 11th final 2-4(1)

(photo) Discussion on Meditation with Mayor Goldring @ Williams Fresh Cafe (June 25, 2015) .. and it’s a YES!


This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Shivangi

    Awesome , see you soon 🙂

  2. Sam

    How amazing and blessed we are to have this event! It’s going to be fantastic and beautiful, it always comes together right when it needs to and is always perfect, this is just one example of that 🙂 can’t wait to see everyone there at *the* event!


  3. Rabi Ghosh

    Beautiful and exciting. We love You Shri Mataji. Love you Halton collective. All our love from world around.

  4. Chandra

    Divine Ma said it is Blossom time now and don’t we see it here, now !!!

    The Cogeco reporter has done a great job indeed !

  5. Philippa Newman

    Sahaja Yoga is the only solution for this world. It is free, natural and brings us back to what we truly are: the spirit.

  6. Antoinette Wells

    It sounds like the culmination of very good work!
    with warm wishes!

  7. Tracy

    Congratulations on all of your joyful and collaborative effort to create so many wonderful opportunities on TV, with the local mayor, and for the public on this 10 yr celebratory anniversary of Sahaja Yoga Meditation in your communities in Ontario! With you in spirit on your special day and wishing you great success tomorrow!

  8. Colleen

    Fantastic video!! Can’t wait for this wonderful event!! 🙂

    1. silvana

      Herzlichen Glückwunsch

  9. Tracy

    I was sitting waiting for someone to come to my house so i checked my emails and there was one from sahaja yoga.I was so excited so i opened it and it was the tv one and my first thought was there’s my Family!! It was so beautiful to see everyone it almost brought tears to my eyes. Great job everyone. Love Tracy from the burlington class.

  10. Karen

    How beautiful I am so blessed to have a wonderful extended Sahaja Family…the words spoken brought an abundance of great joy
    just knowing that we as a family can send out positive vibrations to everyone.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Luv Karen

  11. Constantine


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