See above the AUM – OMkara in Niagara Falls , right in the Sun! Amazing photo captured by Rahul, USA Yogi (during this seminar at Niagara Falls in 2011
This article represents a collection of impressions and “results” from a special Weekend of Togetherness at Niagara Falls initiated and organized by Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation group with help from yogis across Ontario and North America in 2011. Enjoy!
Rahul (On behalf of Indiana Collective USA)
The divine blessing we got that weekend see in photos I’ve shared. Thank you for arranging such beautiful Vishnumaya Seminar in Canada. It was as if Holding Infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour. Our sincere regards, respect and love for our brothers and sisters in Canada for making this a memorable weekend of our life.
Aarti at Niagara Falls – yogis representatives of many meditation places have gathered together from around the globe (North-America, Europe, Japan, India, Turkey, China, Russia .. the list goes on) and meditated in this sacred place: Niagara Falls
Debbie from Milton (Halton)
I felt very blessed to be part of the Niagara’s event. Thanks for making this possible. I was also happy to assist by having the yogis stayed at my house. This was a good chance for me to contribute to Sahaj. The program was organized and this mainly comes for collectivity. Thank you again. Debbie.
Mar’yana (Toronto)
The week-end was so awesome, Thank you! Yes, it was beautiful, intense, and very useful too :). Love – Mar’yana
Slideshow with Photos from North-American Togetherness Weekend (check it all!)
Sudeep (Buffalo) – Impressions
Thank you again for organizing that wonderful seminar. We feel very close to the Canadian collective and it’s always wonderful to celebrate the togetherness. The vibrations during and after the Puja at Niagara Falls were very beautiful.
Below there is a list of issues gathered by Sudeep (Buffalo) from his group/Circle of Discussions/Awareness. We created various groups with yogis mixed ad-hoc and in each circle created a “List of Issue for Sahaja Yogis’ Collective Awareness” so that we can continue havig our attention on them and “doing bandhans” for those issue.
* bandhan is a simple sahaj method of sending prayers to the Creator/Collective Consciousness, while in a state of meditation and surrender
* note: during the seminar we formed Circles of Open Discussions & Enlightened Attention on North America and we’ll share more of such lists, so we can all meditate and introspect upon them; and of course doing bandhans for them (we’ll learn how at the classes:-)).
List from Circle#1 (Rahul’s):
1. To end bullying in schools and foster more secure, comfortable and warm environment for children of all ages.
2. Love in familial relationships e.g. brother-sister, husband-wife, parent-child
3. To promote respect of privacy laws.
4. To establish collective consciousness in Americans, i.e. to consider the consequences and influence of our actions on others at all levels (gross to subtle) and act with responsibility.
5. To establish purity, innocence and wisdom in America(s) i.e. the Ganesha tattva.
6. To purify attention at the individual and collective level with awareness of the spirit. To make the awareness of natural laws inherent in our thought and action. To make our attention deeper and subtler.
7. To establish love among extended families of Sahaj Yogis and remove all negativities that come from them.
8. For Sahaja yogis to develop discretion in helping and guiding newly realized yogis and in handling their issues; to be warm and understanding with them (rather than policing them).
9. For divine discretion, diplomacy and sensitivity in phrasing what we say or write to seekers.
Thank you. Sudeep
** please, send us your similar lists with the issues that were discussed and were uncovered by the Circles during our seminar. As well, it’s not too late to provide your personal feedback and experiences. We have 2 more articles to share about that weekend, the amazing program in Goderich and in Niagara Falls.
Breaking News: We’ll start regular, bi-monthly free sahaja yoga meditation classes in Niagara region, on Sundays – 1st class is on October 16 – in St. Catharines, between 12:30pm and 1:30 pm @ Port Weller Community Centre. Address: 1 Bogart Street. See you there!
** make sure you’ve opened the photo album above – there are photos of great beauty : nature, people, events.
The weekend was just amazing. Every moment for me was filled with vibrations and a beautiful awareness. Many thanks to all the organizers were greeted everyone with sincere love,gentle care, patience – as a true family.
Thank you for the wonderful accomadtions Anjali and opening your home with such generosity!!
A slide show of joyful faces! If it makes them smile from the inside out, why not find out what the real “secret” to joy is? My search for something I couldn’t describe was…for healing, permanent and lasting positivity, ability to diffuse the negative from being absorbed, ability to cope with stress…the search ended here, at these free meditation classes sponsored by Sahaja Yoga…it only took a spark to light what was already inside of me…and now the journey is not seeking in every nook and cranny from any source the media spits out..I gained my gravity…it makes me steady, it is clear what is true…you just feel cool, soothing vibrations that come from the divine…it is coming from within and the path ahead is lit up, and life is so rich with connections to the divine, now I can see and absorb this connection rather than letting negative forces influence me. IT is difficult to describe until you have tried this “thoughtless awareness” and begun to feel your subtle system speaking to you on your fingertips, anyone can get it…if we so desire from our hearts. Come and get for’s your destiny!
So much Joy to see all this faces full of light and to have a glimpse of the Love that was flowing this days from the sky and spreading into the hearts…
Thank you for sharing all the information about America and all the beautiful pictures. My Kundalini was up like a beautiful light and make me enjoy the spirit of your article.
The weekend was just amazing. Every moment for me was filled with vibrations and a beautiful awareness. Many thanks to all the organizers were greeted everyone with sincere love,gentle care, patience – as a true family.
Thank you for the wonderful accomadtions Anjali and opening your home with such generosity!!
A very special weekend to be remembered forever!
A slide show of joyful faces! If it makes them smile from the inside out, why not find out what the real “secret” to joy is? My search for something I couldn’t describe was…for healing, permanent and lasting positivity, ability to diffuse the negative from being absorbed, ability to cope with stress…the search ended here, at these free meditation classes sponsored by Sahaja Yoga…it only took a spark to light what was already inside of me…and now the journey is not seeking in every nook and cranny from any source the media spits out..I gained my gravity…it makes me steady, it is clear what is true…you just feel cool, soothing vibrations that come from the divine…it is coming from within and the path ahead is lit up, and life is so rich with connections to the divine, now I can see and absorb this connection rather than letting negative forces influence me. IT is difficult to describe until you have tried this “thoughtless awareness” and begun to feel your subtle system speaking to you on your fingertips, anyone can get it…if we so desire from our hearts. Come and get for’s your destiny!
** from Yoann Freget – france
So much Joy to see all this faces full of light and to have a glimpse of the Love that was flowing this days from the sky and spreading into the hearts…
Wish to be there for this great event next year!
Thank you for sharing this again: shows so well the importance of ‘integration’ especially crucial for America (being the vishuddhi chakra)
Thank you for sharing all the information about America and all the beautiful pictures. My Kundalini was up like a beautiful light and make me enjoy the spirit of your article.
Let’s pray to our Motherthat this brotherhood and oneness spreads and binds each & every soul on this earth.
This is my dream to come and visit you!
This is one of the most memorable experience of my sahaj life. Absolute joy. Thank you for this togetherness. I long for this more and more.