Let’s Take a Driving Lesson on a German Car with a Yoga Master – Inside Knowledge about Freud & The Subtle Energy System

Let's Take a Driving Lesson on a German Car with a Yoga Master - Shri Mataji The following quotes provide a guide within the Inside Knowledge about Freud & The Subtle Energy System. Enjoy the ride! "So I'll have to explain what we are inside, then it'll be easy for you to understand why we cannot control ourselves. You can see here, three lines are shown (below, on the Chakra Chart): one on the Left, on the Right and in the Centre." "The Left side (blue channel) represents the Power of Desire within us, and is the…

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A Fabulous Day@ Webster Falls with Yoann in Photos, VIDEOS & Stories

Isabelle's Story about that Beautiful  Day with Yoann & Four Halton Sahaja Yogis Enjoying the Canadian Fall Isabelle: "We have many treasures around us however we are too busy to see them and then don’t realize that they exist. I have lived here for many years and not until recently have I visited Webster’ Falls and the Tews Falls.  I have always loved the beauty of nature and it is beautiful to contemplate on your own but I would always think I wish so and so can see this, to share This Beauty.  It was so nice…

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Aum, Ham & Ksham – Mantras for Fearful or Aggresive Minds with Chakra’s Evolutionary Theory from Ganesha to Jesus

"And it is the most important incarnation (Lord Jesus) because he is The Principle. He is the Principle of Creation. The Tattwa /Principle as they call it in Sanskrit language. He is the Tattwa. ... is the Support of all the Universe. And because he is just the essence, the essence never dies." (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Caxton Hall, Londra, UK, 1978 ) "Ganesha, who resides in the Mooladhara (1st chakra) gradually evolves to be Christ at this stage." " From that Red chakra (1st one, called the Root chakra or Mooladhara Chakra)...." "..up to this chakra…

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Day 4 – “Art and Spirituality” Tour in Hamilton @ Staircase Cafe Theatre

When Rhythm Becomes Meditation in Hamilton @ Staircase Theatre This event worked out in a very sahaj way. The organizing team for Anandita's Tour in Canada had found out about this lovely place - The Staircase, in Hamilton - from Liz who was a dear friend and a regular participant to both Burlington and Hamilton sahaja yoga meditation classes. Then, with much enthusiasm from sahaja yoga coordinators of these classes and with the great help coming from The Staircase's manager, we were able on a very dark and rainy evening, to bring Anandita's Light to Hamilton with…

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