We are glad to inform you that This Winter the Seniors in Burlington City tried our Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class and Experienced Inner Peace
Enjoy us sharing the 1st Meditation event offered to Burlington Seniors on January 21st, 2025
We received an invitation from a Burlington social committee that wanted a Sahaja Yoga Meditation class to be offered to their group of seniors this month; it is a white and cold Canadian winter, therefore an excellent time to meditate indoors.
Cultivating Seeds of Joy in our Burlington Community does not wait for Spring to come!
Our 100 Seeds of Joy team of volunteers gladly responded to the call and sent Ioana, Carmela and Paula on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025 to offer a guided sahaja yoga meditation workshop at that location.
We were warmly welcomed, and also noticed what a beautiful room was provided for our wellness class. By the end of the event nobody wanted to leave, the overwhelming feedback was the “inner peace”, “sitting on a cloud”, “completely relaxed”, “felt sensations in my palms”, “where else in Burlington you do these classes? I want to come”, “thank you”.

We were glad to introduce this simple yet so effective meditation practice to all participants.
Not everyone tried meditation before, and it seems that our explanations also helped them understand the meaning of yoga, meditation and thoughtless awareness. After the class we offered the opportunity to ask questions and share their experience and feedback with our team. We are grateful for the invite and we said Yes already to their future invitations!
The Social Committee showed their Appreciation with the following Thank You Letter
Enjoy the following Meditation Quote that takes us deeper into the Thoughtless Awareness meditative state
“ When you are inside that, you are in Thoughtless Awareness.
Then, not only that you are there but you are everywhere.
Because that is the place, the point where you are really in universal.
From there you are in contact with the principle, with the Shakti – with the power that permeates into every particle that is matter, into every thought that is emotional and into every planning and thinking of the whole world.
You permeate into all the elements that have created this beautiful Earth.“
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation (1976/03/30)
We are grateful for this opportunity to meet a lovely group of people and meditate together on that freezing winter evening – it warmed up our hearts!

We hope that you’ve enjoyed the news – drop a comment if you wish.
Two Recommended Articles for You to explore – A Senior’s Letter and a Student’s Letter about their Meditation Experiences
(1) From Elsie – Burlington Senior: The Gift of Peace that Surpasses All Understanding
(2) Study Smarter with “Inner Peace workshop” provided by Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Find out Why Meditation is Mental Silence and Why Meditation Benefits Your Chakras
We say Good Bye to you with this video-clip capturing the amazing landscape created with the waters of Lake Ontario by the freezing winter in our Burlington City.
Dear ones,
I feel more relaxed and peaceful reading the experiences experienced!
The room is so pretty and the wellness feels so strong.
Wonderful—thank you for what you are doing and sharing
Love to all
So proud of our seniors in the community who are charged up to meditate.. They make it to this session despite so cold weather. Needless to say, these classes are very beneficial and conducted in a beautiful manner to bring our attention inside and find peace. Hope to see more and more seekers to join.
What a delight to meet such esteemed and interesting seniors and daughters tonight. I met a wonderful lady, who, when I asked if she was a dancer (I just knew by her simple hand movements during meditation), she said yes, all my life. The spark in her eyes after the lively meditation session was genuine. She loved it as much as I did.
The lady next to me was so serene after, her eyes shining bright. We were on the same joy filled cloud. She was glowing. There was discovery about how our hands and bodies felt afterwards, an interpretation of what the subtle system part of our beings were now trying to tell us.
I enjoyed joining with my 82 year old mom who is thriving because of the SYMN network and collectively participating in these particular meditation sessions and exploring the power of “thoughtless awareness” and self realization.
I just love discovering this deeper side of humanity and growing together. My cup overfloweth with an open heart. Thank you