Study Smarter with “Inner Peace workshop” provided by Sahaja Yoga Meditation

We were honored to accept the invitation to provide another Inner Peace workshop with a guided meditation and energy balancing activity during the Mental Health campaign that was launched by this outstanding 12 grade Halton student for her peers and teachers alike..

Thank You Letter from Student in Grade 12 – Organizer of the Mental Health Event at her high-school

We were really impressed by Vanessa’s initiative that was linked to the Social Justice and Equity course that she studied – the fact that the social campaign she chose targeted the issue of mental health in her community’s youth — that is indeed a very relevant topic.

Thank you Vanessa! Claudia and I –  the duo representing the Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation group that volunteers in this region – truly enjoyed and we wish you and all your colleagues to further excel in your journey. Make sure to meditate .. ideally every day … to keep the mental health issues away .. 🙂 

The photo was captured yesterday in London Ontario where meditated this weekend with a student that is doing her master in neuroscience at Western university 🙂 

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Mohinder Sidana

    Cool vibrations

  2. Mohinder Sidana

    All divine blessings

  3. Shivangi Nehit

    Very glad to know Vanessa and such students who are interested in constructive way of improving mental health among students and study smarter. Right choice 🙂

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Carolyn Vance


  5. Sandra

    Vanessa, what a beautiful initiative you took! We wish you the best journey with your meditation. Love, from Etobicoke, Sandra

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