Teen’s IDEA about How to ‘Make a Change’ in Schools?! “Prepare to Be Amazed”- New Year’s Rezolution from Youth program

Prepare to be Amazed by Shulin

Shulin - her Making a Change in 2013 at Halton Boarding Schools-1

fromLife De-Stress Program with Free Meditation Yoga for Youth


Story from Making the Change Conference – Burlington, December 10th, 2013

Note: Shulin is 16 and a Workshop Presenter at Making the Change Conference and below she is telling us how she thought of making a change within her reach and what was the immediate impact in photos and feedback. She prepared the entire workshop, the flyer and handouts, everything.

Flyer prepared by Shulin for Making a Change Conference - Burlington 2013

“I went to the Making the change conference – this is a conference for students and staff in grades 7 through 12. Each year secondary and middle school students use their creative synergy to develop meaningful and engaging activities to promote inclusion and social justice to their peers. This year was my first in Canada (being a new immigrant from China) but i got involved right away Shulin - 16 years old yoga meditation instructorand had been accepted at Garth Webb Secondary School as a workshop presenter on December 10th 2013. Teachers as students

Of course, with all the love and support from the youth program that I joined same month, September 2013, when the school started.

Shulin -a youth making a change in 2013

The workshop that i prepared (see the flyer above) was a success indeed with 23 high school teachers from different schools in Halton School board having their self-realization( this is the process of full awakening for Kundalini energy of life from within).  And more than four offers right away for the youth program to held workshops in these teachers’ schools. (Including my own school)

    I received feedback such as: “I felt the cool breeze on top of my head and I was freaked out!” Last Part- - the verification of the subtle Kundalini energy during the self realization “This is so amazing, I’ll definitely check out the classes”, “you should come to our school and do it!” etc., etc., etc.,

I was in the youth meeting the night before this. My brothers and sisters were so supportive and loving that I received so much strength from them. Christmas Seminar-Party with Youth programYon and aunty Ioana even sent me text messages before the workshop to support me, everyone was giving bhandan and attention to this workshop that I had all the force and love from everyone and to pass to the teachers there. The only thing I did for this was praying, surrendering and trying my best to be at a thoughtless state of profound meditation. I had no anxiety and no thought of failure nor of rewards. Just pure joy for sharing my way of making a change in this world.

Official Thank you letter presented to Shulin - The making the Change Conference - Burlington Dec 2013

 Thanks and love for everyone who has their attention and love on the youth program, and thanks to the teachers who attended the workshop and being so kind and open.

Thank you Letter for the sahaja yoga meditation workshop created and offered by Shulin - Dec 2013 1

Thanks and love for all my brothers and sisters. I hope more youth can join us in 2014 and spread the good energy.

Breaking News from Shulin: In January 2014 all teachers from her high school will attend Shulin’s “prepare to be amazed” meditation workshop. Let’s wish luck to Shulin to continue changing the world for a better, more peaceful and more loving place for generations to come!

(video testimonial) Wisdom+Fun from Youth Program (!)

 (click!)  Speech: Stephen Dankowich (OCCPEHR)

(click!) Yon’s Testimonial on “Life De-stress” for IB Youth

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Ana Bianca

    Shulin, I’m super proud of you! You’re such a great example, keep up the good work!

  2. kalieswari

    Great job Shulin, thank you for sharing
    Mother’s love to all. We will all pray for your task to be very successful.

  3. Girish Gupta

    Shulin great work.

  4. anjali

    Dear shulin,reading the above about u and ur surrender brought tears of joy to my eyes. its amazing how u have blossomed so beautifully with ur other youth brothers and sisters and became such a wonderful instrument in doing such important work. U have so much to offer and I hope u continue to be an inspiration to everyone u come across in ur life. So proud of u. Missing u and everyone. love, aunty anjali

  5. Cristina/Romania

    My dear sweet Shulin,

    As you see i’m from Romania and now we are here many people from this Universality of Souls interested in Self evolution through the Living Force within us. I want to send all my love to you, dear angel, and if you will not be upset, because we will hear from you much much more from now, i am sure, i want to congratulate more your teachers that humbled down so much and took a leap of faith to open to a student and more, to pick the fruits for themselves from this unique experience conducted by you, through your inner powers that are awakened now in so many of us! Such a lesson of humbleness from them and all are shining and being so beautiful, i want to embrace all of you individually and to steal a promise that they will continue on this innocent path that you shown to them!

    Take care of you, take care of this still little, little child called Self that wants to help us from within and it’s the simplest way to change The World. Through young generation we give birth to a younger in soul population and Mother Earth will be joyful and the crops will double, they will contain this youth spirit inside and when we will eat them, they will transform us in a blink of an eye :)))

    Love and enthusiasm, Cristina with applauds for you!

  6. Mohinder Sidna

    Dear Shulin ! You are doing a great job with these youth programs.I personally saw you during couple of programs.
    May your program is a great success

  7. letitia

    Ce bun exemplu esti Shulin,Posterul e minunat.
    De fiecare data e de invatat de la voi.Multumesc.
    La Multi Ani!

  8. Zz

    Lin~really great haha

  9. Karen

    Dear Shulin,

    Congratulations great job with the youth program!!!! It is so humbling to know that our youth feel ‘mothers love’ and so innocently spread the word to others….
    Thank you xo

  10. Jon

    Great work Shulin! We’re so happy you came to Halton/Burlington, but of course, we’re still willing to share you. Maybe. Haha! Very cool.

  11. sharayu

    Great work Shulin.
    Awesome!!! Great vibes!!!

  12. sharayu

    I like the text on your flyer.
    It straightaway stimulates the curiosity in any reader 🙂
    Nice one!

  13. Colleen

    Amazing Shulin!!! Good luck in 2014 in your future workshops and giving self-realization to more teachers and students!! Thank you

  14. Kathleen

    You are an amazing sister Shulin, you give shine to us with your love and sweetness, congrats on the great event..so proud of you 🙂

  15. shilpa


  16. paula

    You are a force for good Shulin! Powered by innnocence and a strong sense of direction! May the force be with you! You have inspired everyone around you! And you humbly and fearlessly offered this workshop to Halton teachers! So amazed, yet not so amazed, because your potential is huge but what you are actually achieving, the spreading of this wonderful, gift of peace to teachers, teaching teachers, you are actualizing your role by sharing this connection and spreading light to everyone! Congratulations!

  17. Jon

    Hello from Burlington class!

  18. Sonia

    Amazing Shulin! You are such a beautiful spirit. I am so glad that you are able to share this with so many teachers.

  19. Sindhu

    Mother works thru Special Instruments , who keep the Pure Desire Of Spreading the Divine message of Sahajayoga As Their Biggest Priority …!!!! U r a True Example …. and a Great Inspiration for all we sahajis , dear Shulin !!!

  20. Elsie Kuly

    Shulin, through your remarkable work, you will encourage other young people to become involved in the world they inhabit. This will make it a better world for all of us.
    With all your effort you are making possible the changes that are so badly needed at the present time. I admire and respect you greatly.

    thank you Elsie

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