Watch, Listen and Feel the Niagara YOGI-MEDITATORS: What are they like?! What do they do?!

 1) Telling Stories with Surprise Endings (video!) It is a normal practice for yogis to visit various centres either for helping at the classes or simply to enjoy exchanging vibrations and spiritual growth. Also we are encouraging the 'new ones' to try and visit various centres 'around' to  experience this unique sahaj togetherness and oneness - that 'family' feeling like. So, that night we had a bunch of representatives from St Catharines' Sunday class coming to the Burlington meeting. Feel the sheer joy and spontaneity that was captured this time on camera. 2) (Ray's) Enjoying the Singing and Painting…

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Letter of Appreciation: Meditation Meets the Corporate World at the CRA Lunch & Learn Program (October 10, 2013)

Letter of Appreciation to Sahaja Yoga Meditation - from Canada Revenue Agency   Meditation Meets the Corporate World at the CRA Lunch and Learn Program   Vassili: " I remember her saying, ' I feel so peaceful.' Vassili, Sahaja Yoga volunteer instructor, took a half day off from work (he is a great massage therapist!) and met Peter, Isabelle and myself at the Canada Revenue Agency venue. An auditorium was set aside for the lunch and learn programs that were initiated to improve the health and wellness of its employees. About 40 employees had signed up for the meditation seminar, one…

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“Vibrations were Swirling” @ Ignite the Flame, Paris 2013 – AMAZING FEEDBACK (photos, stories)

TIP: Who are these: Colleen, Jon and Paula ?! - check those links too after reading this article! One will discover wonderful seekers with beautiful and interesting experiences to share. They are 'real people' - come and meet them at our classes!Feedback from Colleen -  (Burlington class)"Holly's meditation on Mother Earth at Ignite the Flame was very powerful. Many in the crowd had tears in their eyes afterward. The organizer had a hard time talking afterwards because she was so choked up.  While  Holly read the prayer on Mother Earth a bird flew right through the door and into the…

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Sam's Testimonial (Youth Meditation Program)I have been attending Sahaja Yoga for about two months now and it's been absolutely fabulous, I have been able to connect so deeply to myself, as well as understand myself and my path in life. It has already helped me through rougher patches, because I know that I am not alone, and I know that they (the collective) are there for me and that alone is enough to help cheer me up. The sense of true family, pure love and acceptance with them is astounding and I have never met (or even…

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Sahaja Yoga Meditation: A Featured Exhibitor @ 13th FREE Annual Halton Eco-Festival (Sat, April 6, 2013)

The above represents the customized poster that we had received by surprise from the Eco Festival's show manager, Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights. Thank you Stephen! Indeed, Sahaja Yoga Meditation had been a proud exhibitor for several years in a row already, to this beautiful and much needed community event in Halton region. Enjoy (click on) some of our "memories" = experiences & photo-albums collected from the previous years. WATCH Faina's LIVE Testimonial on Sahaja Yoga Meditation from Halton Eco-Festival (2011) (2012) Children Love to Meditate in Halton (Photo-Album)  (2011) Photos & Experiences: Students & Seniors!   (2010)  Yogis Singing-Performing@…

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How we Celebrate our Birthdays in Halton-Niagara Family?! The SAHAJ way! (check the PHOTOS)

It was a  Monday, on May 7 and Monday is the week day corresponding to Sahasrara (the crown) chakra. What a better way to enjoy this day other than, celebrate the Birthday of a fellow sahaja yogini?! And by Surprise! Enjoy Ioana's birthday celebrated (by surprise!) on Monday's Milton-Mississauga class as an example of how much pure Love and Joy and Creativity and Generosity and Collectivity is radiating our Halton- Niagara sahaja yoga family. Thank you ALL!! Nari who is so busy with his job and art and family, came to our Milton class and was busy…

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