Appreciation Letter from BARRIE’s Canadian Mental Health Association for “Morning Inner Peace Workshop with Sahaja Yoga Meditation”- March 25, 2014

We had the opportunity to introduce sahaja yoga meditation and its benefits to "Barrie and Community Family Health Team" (mental therapists,etc) from Canadian Mental Health Association, Simcoe County Branch - Gambling, Substance Use & Mental Health Services. Besides the practical approach in experiencing collectively the "Inner Peace" meditation and its immediate positive effects such as relaxation and calmness, we were able to project few videos reporting briefly the medical studies applied to sahaja yoga meditation; our team of volunteer instructors had also the great pleasure of discussing and inter-acting one on one with this dedicated group of…

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(Come on June 1st) Amazing Free Program for Parents & Children: Meditation, Creativity & Playful Chakra workshop (CELEBRATE International Children Day)

On June 1st 2014 everyone that brings a child is invited to join us for this special event. Stay tuned for more details! No registration is required. Send any inquiry to [email protected] Check other recent programs for Children and Parents (FRESH VIDEO!) Free Yoga Meditation Classes for Children and Parents: COOL KIDS @ Lawfield School(click!) Sahaja Yoga Meditation for Children & Parents receives a Thank you Letter from Girl Guides of Canada @ Earth Day 2014

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(New VIDEO!) Free Yoga Meditation Classes for Children and Parents in HALTON/HAMILTON: COOL KIDS @ Lawfield School on TUESDAYS @ 7PM)

(WATCH) VIDEO by SHULIN - "Life De-Stress Program for Youth with Sahaja Yoga Meditation"(click!) Cool Kids on Earth Day 2014 @ Girl Guides of Canada (THANK YOU LETTER)(Photos) Children LOVE to MEDITATE @ Halton Eco Festival in Oakville(VIDEO) “Inner Peace with Sahaja Yoga Meditation” @ Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School’s “Multicultural Week”

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Twin Sisters’ Meditation Testimonials

Twin Sisters First Testimonial  I'm 21 years old. I was first introduced to 'Sahaja Yoga Meditation' a couple months ago, in November 2013. Prior to joining this class, I practiced meditation on my own, although a lot of the time I was very scattered, distracted and unable to concentrate. As soon as I started coming to these classes I found that I became significantly more balanced, more attentive and a lot more aware of my surroundings and myself. I now consistently meditate everyday, I found that clearing my chakras, raising my Kundalini energy has made such a…

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Burlington Highschool Celebrates the World Day for Inner Peace (!)

Yes, we are! Shulin who is 16 and had joined last year the weekly "Life De-Stress Program for Youth with sahaja yoga meditation" program in Oakville, had booked March 5th, 2014 not only in her calendar but in her school's calendar! That day at Shulin's highschool in Burlington in the School Theater all students are invited to attend a one hour after school seminar and workshop that is celebrating The World Day for Inner Peace . Students will be introduced to meditation and will learn specifically about sahaja yoga meditation and its basic balancing techniques. We hope to…

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Serene Letters and Video Testimonials from Elsie

Enjoy the Serene Letters and Video Testimonials from Elsie about "The Serene Gift of Peace and Meditation for Seniors in our Community" This Article is helping us to know the Seniors in our Community - that practice sahaja yoga meditation. Today it's all about Elsie: Enjoy discovering her! Elsie's Realization (click!) The Gift of Peace that Surpasses All Understanding              *********************** Snippets from Elsie's Letters Thank you dear for your e-mail.  I would be honored to have you post this,  I am slowly going through the rest of the e-mail and have just been reminded not to take…

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