Sam‘s Testimonial (Youth Meditation Program)
I have been attending Sahaja Yoga for about two months now and it’s been absolutely fabulous, I have been able to connect so deeply to myself, as well as understand myself and my path in life. It has already helped me through rougher patches, because I know that I am not alone, and I know that they (the collective) are there for me and that alone is enough to help cheer me up. The sense of true family, pure love and acceptance with them is astounding and I have never met (or even heard of) a more wonderful group of people.
 Sahaja Yoga has opened up a whole new world, a whole new dimension, for me, it has allowed me to connect with the energy in not just myself and others, but also things in simple everyday life; food, books, pictures, movies, you name it! Just by putting my hands out, or listening to my own energy, I am able to tell truth from lies, what’s good for me to eat or drink or just simply see what has good (or bad) energy. I’ve found myself becoming very sensitive to these energies, and being able to play with them whenever I like is very “cool” and a lot of fun!Â
However, meditation hasn’t only helped me on a spiritual and emotional level, physically, even my eyesight has improved. Despite having tried many things when I was younger to improve my eyesight (including eye patches and other such things) nothing seemed to work and my eyesight only declined until recently; I noticed it around a month after I had been going to the classes, when I found I was able to read signs farther away without my glasses easier than with them, now I need to really look into getting a new prescription, because my glasses are practically useless at this point; I find myself looking over them more often then through them! Overall, I have had amazing things happen already in only a couple short months, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me in my future in Sahaja Yoga.  I’m excited to learn as much as I can, about Sahaja Yoga, and myself, and pass that knowledge on to others to hopefully help them on their path to learning more about themselves.ÂÂ
Dear Sam, it is us who are so happy to have you as part of our sahaj family. Not only your mom has been such a lovely member, but she shared you and your sister with us! From the day you told us about your dream (about the pearls and Shri Mataji – I hope you will share with us again) I have felt you are a very special and beautiful person. I really admire you and how quickly you’ve become a part of us. It is special souls like you who make really make our sahaj family so open, warm and inviting.
I’m very lucky to know you.
Thanks a lot for sharing your very lovely experience!!!!!!!
And your S. Family is not only in Canada, but everywhere like here in Lebanon and you are most welcome to your lebanese home whenever you like to visit…
Beautiful, the way you describe your amazing experiences and fast growth.
Thankyou for sharing this with us and inspiring us 🙂
Sam I am so moved by your story, the vibrations from your testimonial just leap off the page even before all the photos were fully uploaded from this article. You are a very sweet person with such an inspiring, proof-laden story of transformation. Your perspective is so honest, and I can definitely relate to your wonder and enthusiasm towards this connection to divine energy through Sahaja Yoga, and connections to each and all of us. I hope your happy testimonial inspires other youths to tap in to this joy giving energy. We are all instruments! This letter is fantastic. xoxo
Sam found the love and acceptance in Sahaja Yoga at a young age. How fortunate she is to know her path so early in life. She recognizes energy that is around her permitting her to know what to eat and how to take care of herself. May her testimonial attract other young people to Sahaja Yoga. The benefits are priceless.
Whenever we experience of having certain ‘ábility’ that comes involuntarily growing within and transform us as ‘special’ from within. Whenever we are able to recognize the energy that no more remains a mysterious hypothesis, we must know we have achieved Sahaja Yoga much faster than many of us who still lingers and yet doubt the ‘special ability’ that we are blessed within after attaining our self realization.
Other’s experiences indeed instills much hope to our doubting self when we come in terms with reality. The power of love to give and share and to enjoy is the greatest gift God blesses us with.It is basically the essence of that higher awareness that takes us to a higher platform than the normal evolutionary process within human consciousness. We do become extraordinary from an ordinary personality.
The gate is opened to all of us who finds it. Its the first step towards experiencing the love of God for all of us human beings who desires and surrenders to that all- pervading power – that is the ‘Doer’.
Thank you Sam for the beautiful experience you shared with. We have a long path to pave through and much more to experience and tell the world that ‘We are special’. We are ‘messenger of God’. Let us feel that power in everything and transform everything we come across with that power we are blessed with. That is our mission.
All our love with you to enjoy that power and let the world know more about it- to give joy to everyone that you experience. Your message has given us tremendous joy . We would wait for your share of joy with that transforming power that you have seen,felt and experienced.
Dear Sam, as I m writing my comments I have no words to express my joy. You are so deep and so fast you have grown to spread love of our mother to everyone around you. No matter how much we meditate how much we read, it’s our inner awakening and spreading and sharing of our experience to collective makes us more and more stronger in Sahaj. Sahaja is easy yet difficult. Really happy to see that even in nirakar (not physical) form mother is blessing those who are true seekers. Love, Kalpana from India
Thank you for sharing Sam’s presentation. What a delightful young woman!! I had a smile on my face throughout her entire presentation. Her artistic talents are incredible too. That picture is awesome!!! Sam simply radiates the loving vibrations that she has discovered through her brief time in experiencing Sahaja Yoga. I can’t wait to meet Sam in person. Such a beautiful, authentic soul.