The Marvel of Sunrise in Burlington

Let’s Rise Up, Get Wiser and Enjoy the Marvel of Sunrise here in Burlington

All photos are from this morning that I enjoyed with Maxi – our golden retriever puppy -, here in Burlington. We did not need to be told that today is special. It felt so. This morning the sun was bright and the sweet delight of joyful innocence was everywhere around us. Let’s share with you our morning’s photos accompanied by some words of wisdom.

Maybe you’ll get to feel Today’s Special Morning in your heart too!

Beautiful honey like morning. Maxi and I enjoyed it very much!

Sunrise Quote of Wisdom from Shri Mataji

 “In the beginning, when people saw the marvel of the  Sunrise, marvel of the flowers becoming fruits, they thought that there must be some power that is doing all these things for the benefit of human beings. “

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation (1982/08/27)

Even the Roses this Morning were both Joyful and Meditative

Ioana’s roses this morning

This morning even the roses that I picked from our garden somehow seemed to transform in front of my eyes once I placed them next to Shri Mataji’s photograph [ my spiritual teacher ] that is in my room. They became silently dancing, petals became wings for lotus flowers, inviting me to meditate and rise in my awareness with them. What do you see when you look at them?

Today’s morning in Burlington

Quote of Wisdom about the Penetration into the Subtleties of Your Surroundings and more

“When we start analyzing, we are breaking our own nerves, and poisoning our own mind and brain. So, to watch something without analysis, without thinking about it, is Reality.

If you can achieve that point, where you watch everything without reacting, you are in reality.

And then only, the penetration into the subtleties pf your surroundings, of your relationships, your friendships, the whole universe, dawns upon you.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation (1989/12/17)

Maxi definitely enjoyed this morning in this Burlington Park!

Quotes from Shri Mataji about Innocent Joy

“Because that joy within you, of Innocent Joy – which doesn’t harm anybody, which doesn’t expect anything, which doesn’t demand anything, which doesn’t want anything, but is just emitting joy all over – that sort of a personality you should have. “

“The respect of the innocence, the expression of innocence should be there. With this innocence, we can solve the problems. All the problems of the world can be solved.

That’s why Shri Ganesha is so important.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation (2000/09/16)

Quote from Shri Mataji about the Fun-Creation and Innocent Personality

“Shri Mataji: Yes, just translate this part what I’ve said is, that Fun is nothing but blossoming. It doesn’t tease anyone, it doesn’t hurt anyone, doesn’t trouble anyone but just blossoms, the whole thing, into fragrance. It is the Divine’s trick. It has something higher than that also, that if you are innocent, you really can feel the joy.

So, an innocent person can feel the joy of something which a very serious and a very rational person may never see. An innocent person may laugh loudly at a thing, to other people it may not be something funny.

So, the fun-creation is not a dubious thing, it’s a very straightforward, simple, a spontaneous blossoming.”

Maxi this morning – he really seemed like laughing for having so much fun under the sun and water combined environment!

Did You know?!

Every year on July 28th, World Nature Conservation Day acknowledges that the foundation for a healthy society is a healthy environment. It’s also a day to increase awareness about the importance of protecting our natural resources.

Here in Burlington there is strength in such awareness. However there is always space for more. Let’s also rise to even higher level of awareness: the Self-Realization that we are collectively bound and capable of being and doing better. Then, hopefully there will be truly that Reality of natural harmony existing among all human beings, genuinely enjoying each other, living in a healthy society, wihin a healthy environment.

Quote of Shri Mataji on the New Awareness

“So we have to awaken ourselves into that New Awareness by which we can know the absolute truth and we can know that Divine Power which is surrounding us. All this compartments that we have made around ourselves will break and we’ll see the Dawn of a New Era where we will know that All of us are capable of achieving that Great Height of Awareness. “

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation (Public Speech in Vancouver, Canada: 1990/08/11)

Have a Great Day ahead – make it count towards a better self and a better world!

We are trying to do just that at our 100 Seeds of Joy classes offered in Burlington by Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network. 🙂

(click!) Carol – My Experience with Root Chakra Meditation

(click for an in-depth compilation) Learn from Leaves and Trees about the New Type of Humanity – An Introspective Exercise by Running in the Way of the Roots

Reminder: Join our Classes and Leave a comment if you wish!

Join our 100 Seeds of Joy initiative! Let’s create a Community of Joy Cultivators. This photo is from last week’s Orchard Class; around Ioana (from SYMN team of volunteer instructors) there are some of the participants that stayed long after 9pm and helped her wrap-it up. The theme for that sahaja yoga meditation class was “Root Chakra” — all about Innocence, Wisdom, Joy, Spontaneity and Mother Earth.It seems that everything comes together nicely in this article. 🙂

Don’t be shy and drop a comment, let us know what you feel about the gifts we shared with you here.

photo from this morning on our way home.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Kruti

    As they say Nature heals… even reading Shri Mataji’s quotes on nature or looking at the beautiful photos, I felt that calmness and peace within. I felt assured that everything will be okay, the world will become better place one day, and peace will prevail. Loved the group picture of class attendees, it’s so good to meet the new yogis. Looking forward to meeting them personally. These classes are precious. Thank you.

  2. Niti

    This article is truly amazing with the beautiful pictures of nature and with the pictures of dear Maxi.I love all the quotes of Shri Mataji as she said,only an innocent person can enjoy everything with the power of his innocence.Innocence makes a person humble and wise.Thanks for sharing this beautiful article.

  3. isabelle

    Today I was meditating outside in nature and it was so peaceful . There was calmness and peace and I was grateful for this gift that nature provided me .

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