Description of the Event from dr. Andrei Harabor:
From Buddha and Socrates to modern day psychologists and scientists like A. Maslow and J. Eccles, the target for our inner evolution has been Self Realization. We will engage in a journey of wisdom and expound the reality of the meta-modern era, where the jump into the next stage of evolution is not only desirable, it is both imperious and achievable. The workshop parts of the session aim to allow everyone present to attain the experience of mental silence as the first palpable step in the actualization of our Self. A verified framework of individual and collective pursuit of inner growth based on this experience will be shared.
When: Sunday Nov 12 in 2 separate sessions
Time: 1:30pm to 2:30pm and 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Where: Henderson Library (Meeting Room One)1050 Henderson Highway, WinnipegThis is part of the national series of “Bridging Science and Spirituality through Meditation and Self-Realization” launched by Sahaja Yoga meditation team – represented in Winnipeg, 2017 by Paula Erskine.For any information contact us via email at [email protected] or call/text 282-242-2755 (Paula).
This event sounds amazing, wish I could be there!!
There is no doubt that the desire to evolve as human beings and find the solutions for inner peace and outer peace, stress relief, and a higher understanding of our purpose in life is a very strong desire in the Heart of Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba. There are so many seekers of truth there. A great opportunity to attend, and to follow up with regular Sahaja Yoga classes from November to March 2017-2018. Why not find out what is your true potential?
Having attended previous programs from Dr. Andrei Harabor and Dr. Cristina Harabor, the value and effort they put forth in the seminars are priceless. If you can only attend one seminar this year, don’t miss this wonderful event and a chance to ask members of the medical profession about the health benefits and to experience meditation as a living process that can change your life from the very first try.
OH !!! Estoy maravillada por las palabras y expresiones de los Yoguis y Yoguinis de CANADA nos llenan de gozo, JSM!!!