Marta – Otkrivanje sadašnjeg trenutka

Iskustvo samorealizacije pomoću tehnike Sahaja joge dovelo me na evolutivni put koji sam osjećala čitav svoj život.

Marta – Croatian yogini & friend of our “SYMN” family
Marta by the cliffs

Iskustvo samorealizacije pomoću tehnike Sahaja joge dovelo me na evolutivni put koji sam osjećala čitav svoj život.

Mogu reći da sam ‘tragalac’ a istina, bit i evolucija uvijek su bile važne teme u mom životu.

Bilo mi je teško imati duhovnu ili religioznu praksu koja je diskriminirajuća, pa je Sahaja joga konačno utjelovila moje vječno traženje.

Bila sam to dijete koje je našem svećeniku postavljao nemoguća pitanja.

Osjećaj slobode bio je najvažnija emocija zbog koje sam dolazila na besplatni tečaj jer sam mogla naučiti tehniku, ali i iskustveno provjeriti i uvidjeti što sam istovremeno osjećala, a nije postojao samo jedan jedini rezultat.

U slobodi da u potpunosti istražim svoje postojanje i steknem unutarnju mudrost, neki su se dugoročni problemi strahova, traume i pažnje riješili.

Najbolje od svega je to što sam zaboravila da sam ih ikad imala i mogu uživati u sadašnjosti.

Počela sam neizmjerno uživati u prirodi i prepoznavati istinsku ljepotu oko sebe.

Život je postao stvaran i opipljiv. Nije savršen, ali je stvaran. U svim godinama meditiranja bilo je teško nekome objasniti što je meditacija uistinu …

Rekla bih da je to nešto poput započinjanja vježbe za maraton, ali niti ne znaš da imaš noge, dakle prvo dobiješ novu sposobnost i s praksom počneš uživati u svom napretku svojim vlastitim tempom i sam si sebi konkurencija.

Čak i ako mislite da ne biste mogli meditirati, kako mnogi moji prijatelji kažu, samo pokušajte nekoliko puta i možda ćete dobiti novi par ‘nogu’. 😁

Marta (Hrvatska)

** Check Marta’s more detailed testimonial in English here.

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(CLICK#2 !) Meditate Each Day -> Pain Away

(CLICK#3 !) Morocco’s Spiritual Beauty revealed by Meditation Tour in Photos & Stories

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  1. paula

    Antonia is Marta! (Antonichka i Martica!)

    Kak ste otvoreni i divni ljudi! Volim vas puno i hvala za ovaj projekt od srce do srce. Mi smo svi cisti duh! Osjetim vibracije kad sam citala sta ste pisali. Puno vam hvala. Vidimo se drugo ljeto. Love you my peeps, from Hrvatska to Canada, and back. xo

    Your online meditation classes have been inspiring and a source of connection and peace during these pandemic times where we are socially distanced and unable to travel across borders. The universe is unlimited, so when we meditate together and connect to the cosmos, we cross the limits and enter into an unlimited bliss. We can cross borders in the ether, the sky, we meet across phone and internet lines, as if we are beside each other. It is a type of meditation, thoughtless awareness, than can be done alone, on-line and especially together as meditating together is something that works out and expands so much more. It is the next level in human awareness. People are really looking for solutions, change, getting back to their higher, best self.

    I have enjoyed both the Croatia-Pula-Rijeka online classes with you all, (open to the whole country), and also the former Yugoslavia country classes getting together with yogis all coming together to meditate online.You are both great instruments in getting meditation groups started promptly, in response to the pandemic situation. It is a sanctuary for those who want to feel peace and transformation.

    Meeting beautiful people from all these collectives with the goal of feeling inner peace to achieve outer peace and feel joy has been wonderful. The potential for lasting inner peace that translates to outer peace is achievable through Sahaja Yoga everywhere.

    Hope this inspires others to write and help more people to experience their self realization. Meditating on the beaches of Selce, Crikvenica, Pula, Rijeka, Krk island together, feeling the vibrations of the mountains and the sea have been incredible meditation experiences. A sunset or sunrise in Croatia (or anywhere), can produce a stillness within. The skies and the earth have much to teach us about their role in our lives. The mother earth always delivers an innocence and strength that can help us to feel balanced.

    Giving self realization in the streets of Rijeka and Pula to people seeking their truth have been deep experiences.

    I will never forget giving self realization to the two teenager gypsies in the streets of Rijeka…it was profound. The yoga state they reached and the vibrations I felt flowing through them was a highlight of the tour. They were attending school there, calm, curious, opened their hands, and sat in bliss for a long time during the guided meditation. Their faces changed, they were full of possibility afterwards. Their faces were lit. They asked questions, they told their school friends. It was an afternoon and evening of many school boys telling each other to try it, even though they were skeptical at first. Then each one brought more friends forward and encouraged them. We raised their energy, they felt sensations in their hands, the cool breeze within, they were in awe.

    Remember the teenager who had pictures of his eyes changing on his phone? Different colors, he showed us that this was a page where he had captured his eyes in different shades of colors. Then I told him that his pupils were so large now he should take a picture of his eyes right now, so he did take a selfie. The pupils were dilated as kundalini had passed through his 6th chakra and opened up the crown chakra, giving him his self realization. From the inside, he was transformed, and we showed him the proof! His dilated pupils had relaxed and expanded giving him fresh new eyes.

    Also raising the energy of tourists visiting from neighboring countries, and with all our languages we were able to speak to them in “tongues” of french, Italian, English, German, Greek Slovenian, Bosnian and more.With the George from Greece and Gwen from Austria, it was a real treat to have them with us for these programs in the streets of Rijeka. Davorka, Jasmina, Tamara, as well as you two, completed the team. Then in Pula there were more experiences, with Suzy and the team there, opening the eyes of locals and tourists to a new reality, and infinite realm. It has been a source of joy, answers, peace and vibrations all these years. I am so glad we found this paradise within and we have an opportunity to pass it on, even to skeptics.

    Missed you this year, but, we meet online and in the ether, we are always there for each other, my universal sisters of the cosmos!

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