How to Meditate? Simple Meditation Step by Step (What to Do / What to Say / Positive Affirmations)

Let's Find out How to Meditate at Home with Simple Meditation Step by Step Intro to Sahaja Yoga Meditation with Basic Explanations: We will also learn How to Meditate at Home and introduce positive affirmations into a "Step by Step Simple Meditation" experience. You will find out: What to Do and What to Say when you're connecting with your energy centers' qualities. Soon you will  realize how helpful is to use such Positive Affirmations during meditation. (What to Do / What to Say / Positive Affirmations) What is Kundalini energy? Try this Guided Meditation as a Dialogue…

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Farewell 2014: New Year’s Eve Photos and (VIDEO-CLIP): RELAX, God is with You!

Light a Candle for Year 2014 and MeditateOn the Eve of New Year, a group of sahaja yogis from Halton Classes had gathered together for a collective 'last meditation in 2014'. After a short yet profound meditation we enjoyed a wonderful festive potluck dinner that was jammed with cool vibrations, felt by everyone present while we blessed the food in the 'sahaj style'. The pure intentions and the spiritual love experienced during our 2 hrs congregation of meditators was palpable in our hearts as well in our chakras. Further into the evening of December 31st, 2014 we…

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How Cool is to Meditate ? Check Yon’s Testimonial on Sahaj IB program @ “Life De-stress” for Youth

Enjoy Yon's letter about How Cool is to Meditate with the Youth Sahaja Yoga Meditation programs. This letter was received by one of the volunteer yoga instructors (Youth Program) on October 22nd, 2013.  Hi Ioana, I would like to share with you a detail of my journey which I had discovered today:After coming home and having a short meditation session by myself, I gave myself some time for retrospect. I realized why my vishuddhi chakra (note: at the throat level) was blocked today: I was having trouble focusing --the same feeling I get at school. It's a…

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Miranda’s Testimonial from Barrie & Snapshot from The Free Press Journal (India, March 2013)

Miranda: "This is a feeling that everyone deserves to experience!"My name is Miranda Gilbert and I live in Barrie. Over the years I have been attracted to and tried various meditation practices, from mindfulness meditation, to Falun Gong, and many places in between. When I heard about classes being offered for free at the library, I jumped at the chance to try it. The first day I was amazed at the calmness of the group and the ease with which Sahaja Yoga brought me past my ego states and into a feeling of complete peace.This last year…

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Letter of Appreciation: Meditation Meets the Corporate World at the CRA Lunch & Learn Program (October 10, 2013)

Letter of Appreciation to Sahaja Yoga Meditation - from Canada Revenue Agency   Meditation Meets the Corporate World at the CRA Lunch and Learn Program   Vassili: " I remember her saying, ' I feel so peaceful.' Vassili, Sahaja Yoga volunteer instructor, took a half day off from work (he is a great massage therapist!) and met Peter, Isabelle and myself at the Canada Revenue Agency venue. An auditorium was set aside for the lunch and learn programs that were initiated to improve the health and wellness of its employees. About 40 employees had signed up for the meditation seminar, one…

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Sahaja Yoga Meditation in DESI NEWS Canada:`The Power of One`(Nov 2011 issue)

The evening of Nov 6th, 2011 brought us an unexpected gift for our 6th Annivesary of Free meditation classes in Halton region: the newspaper article on 2 pages featuring Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Desi News, Canada's #1 South Asian Magazine. The article is not paid advertising. Please check below the Link that goes to the Article. The editor of this reputed magazine had interviewed one of the volunteer instructors with sahaja yoga meditation on personal life, benefits and results. (click!) Article:`The Power of One` - Desi News Canada Magazine - Interview with Sahaja Yogini The photos in…

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