I am a Kundalini addict

I am a Kundalini addict and can Prove it! Photo of Kyla's outfit . Kyla is a yogini from Burlington and one day we met by chance by Burlington's Ontario Lakeshore. I loved her outfit so I took this photo with Kyla's Shri Mataji brooch and T-shirt that resembles so closely our logo for Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network. Cool! This article was inspired by the following words of Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, discovered a while back in a talk in which She was advising Her followers, the Sahaja Yogis to be upfront…

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Changing the World with Enlightened Youth bringing along Great Music, Peaceful Meditation and Real Fun – Anjani’s Photos & Story about the Sahaj Awakening Tour 2010 in Austria

"A bunch of us were in Italy at a sort of summer camp project and spontaneously had the idea of all driving up to Austria and starting a small Realization Tour (= the awakening the kundalini energy "around" to the Seekers from a country  or region that would be interested to experience it). Many of us were born in Sahaj and grew up with the knowledge of this Kundalini energy and how to use it. The others who got their realization a little later were also very excited to join as they know for themselves how much…

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Four Essential Q&A about Meditation and Spiritual Seeking

Question: Even though I meditate, thoughts come to my head, they just come all of a sudden and I know they're not part of me. Is there a method to control these thoughts even though we do meditate? Shri Mataji: See, you must raise your Kundalini. Try to raise it. Put your attention to your Sahasrara (crown chakra).  Say: 'Mother (Kundalini), come in my head. '  As soon as Kundalini crosses the Agnya (= Third Eye chakra) you cannot have those thoughts. You should follow this simple method also, that if you see any thought coming in,…

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Connections and Differences between Kundalini and Spirit

Let's Find out the Connections and Differences between Kundalini energy and The Spirit Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation Let's read and absorb the truth from this Quote from Shri Mataji's teachings: "The biggest problem we face is to keep the connection between this Spirit and the Kundalini. Our connection is very loose and that’s why this Kundalini cannot look after the Spirit. I wonder if you have noticed one thing in Sahaja Yoga, that you canmanoeuvre the Kundalini, but not the Spirit.  You can raise your hand, the Kundalini will move.…

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Discover Sahasrara the Crown Chakra through Beauty and Subtle Science On Mondays

Let's Discover Sahasrara the Crown Chakra through Beauty and Subtle Science On Mondays In this article we will not just learn about the seventh subtle energy centre known as the Crown Chakra named "Sahasrara" in Sanskrit language. In fact we will discover its beauty and subtle science connected to poetry, the yoga system and even to Mondays! Let's be Kabir's Friend, follow him and Gaze to the Infinite Beauty from the Lotus with 1000 Petals.  "Do not go to the garden of flowers O friend, go not there In your body is the garden of flowers Take…

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Morning Meditation with A Murmur of Starlings & Sea Rose: Contemplate & Listen!

Let's have this on-line morning meditation 'together'. We need to make sure that the speakers are ON for an Amazing Music (sahaja yogis are the musicians!), then we open our hands towards the screen and simply immerse in Meditation while we are listening to the beautiful music (sahaja yogis are singing!) .. and watching with patience & pure attention :-) how the Divine Hand is gently drawing on the Sky with collective movements of birds dancing together as One.  So beautifully captured on video!  Let's make sure we enjoy All that this article has to offer till…

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