Join Thanksgiving and Diwali Spiritual Celebrations in Halton (this week)

Join an Evening Dedicated to Spirituality -- Collective Meditation -- Chakra (subtle energy) Workshop -- Diya making -- Celebrate Collectively the Inner Light Within Come with an open Heart & Mind - you might be surprised   (click!) What is Kundalini? Answer with Miracle Photos & Numerology Info (HOW TO Establish my Self Realization?!) (click!) What is Diwali (Deepawali) ?! Sahaj Connections to Christmas & Chakras 

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Awaken the Detached Yogi in Oakville – Wisdom and Photos

Part 2 of "The Journey Within" 2019 Program  dedicated to Navaratri Festival in Halton  " Only one technique I would prescribe for you .. is that you start with your Heart and end there only. It starts from your Heart, from your Atma (Spirit) and ends in your Atma. Just give up talking about it, just start feeling your Heart; just start feeling your Heart, opening it out --- not your mouth so much as your Heart."   (Lecture of Shri Mataji  in Lonavala, India, Jan 25, 1982)               On Friday, October 4,…

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The Journey Within during NAVARATRI – You are invited to 4 Unique Public Programs (Oct 2,4,9,11 – 2019)

It is a proposal to join and experience together  The Journey Within -- 4 different Themes to be approached, absorbed and experienced. Email us at [email protected] or Call 905-901- 5006. Feel free to further share the invite! There will be special guests that will share their talents in supporting our Collective Journey Within. Raga Bhairav and Raga Durga will be performed at Flute during Meditation "The ragas Bhairav and Durga have a power of Divine bliss and protection. Both help activate the HEART - Anahat chakra. When the Kundalini energy touches the heart chakra, Raag Bhairav activates spirituality in the…

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Young Meditators bring their Inner Lights to Burlington’s Seniors (Photos & Impressions)

  In December 2018, Halton Sahaja Yoga's traditional "Inner Lights Festival" answered the call from our dear friend and yogi meditator Pam to give a self-realization program to seekers in a beautiful theatre-like setting at a Burlington Senior's Residence. The room filled up very nicely, and  the event was hosted by Shivangna, Ana Bianca, Carmela and Paula from Halton-Sahaja Yoga meditation. Shivangna shared a poem she had written, which really got everyone's attention and also opened our eyes to how poetry can change the way we perceive or feel an experience.  This was the preparation to be open-hearted and…

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Positive Feedback from Oakville Sahaja Yoga Class: “Honour the Cycle of Life”

Enjoy the Positive Feedback from Oakville Sahaja Yoga Class "Honour the Cycle of Life"! Feel the Love and Joy that was transmitted to all participants to the special Oakville Sahaja Yoga Class: "Honour the Cycle of Life". This was part of the RAIN# 2 Program "Honour the Cycle of Life" (Realize Awareness in Nations to Heal M.E - Mother Earth) created by the volunteers from Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network. All their efforts and creativity were highly rewarded! Read the feedback collective from a few participants and you'll understand why! We had an absolute blast of positive…

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Carol – My Experience with Root Chakra Meditation

My Experience with Root Chakra Meditation   "Hello Ioana!   You asked me to write down my Four Experiences with Mooladhara Meditation  - my journey with the "Sahaj Guru Game" we've started earlier this year.   Here they are:   1.First meditation:   'I saw an Orb moving up all my Chakra out into the universe, a brilliant white Light appeared  that  opened up like a curtain, then I saw a beautiful Ocean and  trees. Cold feeling going through my left side of the hip (Left Swadhisthana chakra area). Message was: 'Pure Love, Joy and Laughter; Feeling…

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