Daisy, Chakras and People in Sahaj Connections

Enjoy this Compilation that binds together "Daisy, Chakras and People" in Sahaj Connections "My mother gave me an English name – Daisy. If you see, the daisy is the Sahasrara (chakra), Whole." Quote from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - The founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation Years back, there was a weekend when I've found daisies at every step! Ther natural impusle was to write an article and share with everyobe this fascination for daisies, while we all learn a bit more about Sahaja Yoga and Sahaja Yogis. Enjoy! In the above photo, one can see Shri Mataji. …

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Reporting from Sitar & Tabla Event -with Photos & Stories

Hema - Sitar We had a wonderful Evening @ Oakville Class on Friday, July 3 @ Glen Abbey Recreation centre. Our Special Guests did not only carry us to an elevated space with their music, but both Ahilan and Hema had the open hearts to offer us teaching elements - so very interesting! - about Sitar, Tabla and Classical Indian Music. We are looking forward to Enjoy these musicians again, this time the event will happen most probably in September during a Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class in Burlington @ Brant Hills Community Centre. I am inviting Hema…

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Enjoy Awesome Foot-soak with Sahaj Report from Oakville Waterfront Festival

Sahaja Yoga Halton had participated for 3 consecutive days to the Oakville Waterfront Festival. We've experienced it all: a bright beautiful evening (on Friday June 26), a supper sunny and hot long day (on Saturday, June 27) and the moody weather: from rainy-dark-wet morning and afternoon to the bright sunny late afternoon (on Sunday, June 28). On Saturday our inner mood was totally tuned to the Bright Sunny weather .. we even needed sun-glasses to face such a glorious Day! But as we also changed team members during these 3 days, with friends coming as far as…

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Socrates about Ram Navami & Magic Tabla Music

Meditation on Live Tabla Recital & Introduction to Right Heart Chakra - with the occasion of King Rama's Birthday ( the Ram Navami festival) - During this special event we've explored the sense of righteousness, responsibility and good will that are nurtured in our Right Anahat energy centre (Anahat centre is called Heart chakra as well as it is placed at heart's level). On Friday, April 3, 2009, at the Oakville Class we had a  Special Event  dedicated to Ram Navami. We had participants coming from our Halton Classes (Burlington and Oakville) plus friends of theirs that had an…

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