Raine – A Writer’s Testimonial on Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Raine - A Writer's Testimonial on Sahaja Yoga Meditation Raine is an amazing mother, writer, yoga/wellness instructor and on a rainy day she had tried sahaja yoga meditation .. and the rest is history. Enjoy Raine's personal journey in the video below:  We are sure that you've felt Raine's emotion and enjoyed her generous  "self-help" tips shared during the "We unite for M.E" public program in Oakville, earlier this year.  This year we celebrate 10 years of active volunteering in Oakville for the Halton sahaja yoga team. Yes, a great milestone!! More clips featuring live music for meditation and COOL…

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Meditate Each Day to Keep the Pain Away

Carmela says: Meditate Each Day to Keep the Pain Away Watch the following two short videos to get to know aunty Carmela 'Mama Carmela' and her journey with sahaja yoga meditation. One will realize that 'Meditate Each Day to Keep the Pain Away' is an advice that deserves serious consideration! (VIDEO#1) Check Carmela's Testimonial and her walk through certain dangerous woods   (VIDEO#2) Check Carmela's Testimonial offered during Burlington Class' 10th Anniversary Listen to Carmela experience with being pain free after surgery and how Sahaja Yoga Meditation helped both her and the dentist :-). Please, set bring…

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(16 min NOT-TO-BE-MISSED VIDEO) 10th Anniversary Sahaja Yoga Meditation with MAYOR’s Speech and FUN at Burlington Art Centre: Music, Dance and Testimonials (July 11, 2015)

Gift offered to Mayor Rick Goldring of Burlington  There are few short videos, all worthy of your attention; each one unique. Also articles that reveal what are we all about "here" in Burlington, Halton. (watch 16 min Video) Youth "Life De-Stress with Meditation" Project Video's Essential Content - this not to be missed video was realized by Shulin, gr 12 student and sahaja yoga youth instructor - Mayor Goldring's opening speech with appreciation offered to sahaja yoga meditation group for community service and spiritual enlightenment in Burlington and Halton area. -  Filmed Testimonial from Dr. Frank Hayden high-school's principal (for morning…

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Yolanda – Gratitude: “Your Classes have changed my life both at personal and professional level!”

Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Barrie 2015 - Benefits, Appreciations, Feedback Yolanda - Director of Community Wellness Centre in Barrie sent us her Appreciation for the benefits of sahaja yoga meditation: Feedback on Barrie Meetup - Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation Sample of Meetup Activity - Events & Communication All classes are unique. Our team of volunteer instructors are absolutely dedicated to share their knowledge and time so everyone at class/meeting is reaching the state of connection through the self-realization process that is triggered by the awakening of Kundalini energy. Holly, Jon, Igor, Paula, Peter, Miranda, Olga, Shulin, Isabelle, Ioana…

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Namaste from a 300-year old Yogini -> Knowledge Expressed in Attitudes (Holly’s 10 min video)

Holly - beloved Sahaja Yogini from Burlington now living in Nova Scotia with her beautiful family Namaste from Holly, a 300-year Old Yogini through her 10 min video testimonial. Also let's learn about Sahaja Yoga Knowledge that is Expressed in Attitudes through two excerpts from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's speeches presented below. Enjoy! Check the Testimonial from Holly  in connection to What Knowledge is for a sahaja yoga practitioner (1) The Knowledge of Sahaja Yoga makes Global Personalities "You can’t imagine how a Mother who has so many beautiful children, sees them in such a joyous mood…

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Aunty Carmela’s Walking in the Woods with a Flashlight

Aunty Carmela's Testimonial on Walking in the Woods with a Flashlight (video) Spontaneous Testimonial from Aunty Carmela (Burlington class) This is a truly exceptional Christmas story about a very special flashlight.  Shulin from Youth Life De-Stress program realized the interview with Carmela aunty during our traditional Sahaj Christmas Party 2014 @ Baxter's in Burlington. It led to a heartfelt ad-hoc "Testimonial On Walking in the Woods with a Flashlight" which is about sahaja yoga meditation. Aunty Carmela was born in Croatia, lived also in Australia and UK before making her permanent home here in Burlington, Canada. She has…

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