Collective Experience of Fragrance during Meditation

Enjoy the Details about a Miracoulous Collective Experience of Fragrance during Meditation    - By  Brenda Telchak /01/04/2014 Enjoy the sharing about the Gift of Scent and Flora that was experienced Collectively as Fragrance during our Burlington Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class  "It was a blistery cold and windy night as I walked the path to class at the end of February. I soon forgot the treachery of the journey as the warmth of the people comforted me like a fluffy blanket as I entered the Burlington meditation class. The genuine fondness of those who regularly attend was…

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Sonia – Reflection on Skepticism and Shri Mataji

Article by Sonia Holden - Burlington Class (as a tribute to the memory of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation (March 21 1923 - February 23, 2011) As I approach the one year anniversary of my very first Sahaja yoga meditation class I have been reflecting upon my journey. What brought me to the class was my desire for better health and a better me. I have tried for many years to develop the practice of meditation, but have been unsuccessful. I wanted to return to yoga, but in my current situation…

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How Cool is to Meditate ? Check Yon’s Testimonial on Sahaj IB program @ “Life De-stress” for Youth

Enjoy Yon's letter about How Cool is to Meditate with the Youth Sahaja Yoga Meditation programs. This letter was received by one of the volunteer yoga instructors (Youth Program) on October 22nd, 2013.  Hi Ioana, I would like to share with you a detail of my journey which I had discovered today:After coming home and having a short meditation session by myself, I gave myself some time for retrospect. I realized why my vishuddhi chakra (note: at the throat level) was blocked today: I was having trouble focusing --the same feeling I get at school. It's a…

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Light, Spark and Diamond – Collective Miracle Experience

Ioana from Burlington: "We were preparing for Easter celebration 2013 (the 'sahaj way' ) with the newer yogis and yoginis from Halton and Niagara regions. Few weeks prior to the Easter we had several gatherings  in our area to introduce these eager and deep 'new ones' to the subtleties of a sahaj celebration, that offers not only a  profound meditation experience, but requires as well a connection to the Divine Principles. During the occasions of 'sahaj pujas' a deep state of  Bhakti (veneration) in Yoga(connection)  is expected from all participants. One evening we gathered at Perviz in…

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How to Reach from Self to God with Yoga Meditation Practice

The Autonomous System - From Self to God 'There is an 'autonomous nervous system' working in our being. 'Auto' means' self', so who is this Auto who is running this autonomous nervous system ? Doctors have called it a self-propelled system, but who is the self? The Self is the Spirit. This Spirit resides in the heart of every human being and is in a witness-like state. The Spirit is the projection of God Almighty, while the Kundalini is the projection of the power of God, of His desire which is the Primordial Mother, or you can…

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Heart Chakra Experience#3 – Debbie’s Heart Really Rocks! (VIDEO)

Read more about the article Heart Chakra Experience#3 – Debbie’s Heart Really Rocks! (VIDEO)
Debbie's Creative Heart - her gift & part of her presentation about Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra Experience#3 - Artwork - Debbie's Heartfelt Play with Rocks VIDEO - Debbie's Heart Chakra Experiences on the ROAD! Debbie's VIDEO-testimonial: How Sahaja Yoga Helped me?! Anjali's VIDEO-Experience with ANAHAT Centre! Adrian's VIDEO-Experience with HEART Centre & ART!

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