My quest got answered

Ever since high school, I have searched for the truth. The truth about life - what is life about really, what is our purpose in life, why are there so many religions and why are there so many conflicts in different religions when they are all directing us to the source of all that is. What about all the sacred books such as the Bhagavat Gita, the Koran, the Bible, the Guru Granth etc., do any of the stories and the messages conveyed in those books hold any truth? How can I get guidance at every step…

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My Journey of Beautiful Experiences with Sahaja Yoga

This article has so much to offer! You can feel the sincerity of an open heart and the joy of a Seeker that found "it"! Ann's first experience with Sahaja Yoga meditation started during an energy workshop offered outdoors by our team, as part of a Burlington community event celebrating Canada Day Strawberry Festival 2006 at Joseph Brant Museum. Right after, Ann joined our Halton meditation classes and now is her turn to help others to benefit from this practice. My Journey..... Sahaja Yoga meditation has brought such silent beauty and rest to my life. I so feel…

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