Check our Calendar with classes and events here. We offer FREE online and in-person classes, workshops and events with different timings for more flexibility but all are EST (TORONTO time zone).
City | Weekly SYMN Classes – FREE IN-PERSON [Attn: NO session during the long weekend or statutory holidays] |
Burlington | Wednesdays (the “New ME” series): 7:30 pm to 9 pm Location: Orchard Hub located within St. Christopher’s Catholic Elementary School Address: 2400 Sutton Dr, ON L7L 7A9 (entrance across Easton Road) |
Oakville | Thursdays: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Location: AN Global Consulting, 2nd Floor Address: 2305 Wyecroft Rd., Oakville, L6L 6R2 |
check the Calendar | Sundays (to be confirmed with our team of instructors): Summertime Outdoor Meditation – 11:00 am Note: these sessions may include gentle physical exercises like stretching or even yoga poses On Saturdays or on any other day might be other workshops or events. Check the Calendar! |
NEW 100 Seeds of Joy FREE ONLINE “Lunch Recharge” Sessions | |
Monday to Friday | ’30 Minute Guided Meditations – 12:30 pm to 1 pm (Open to Everyone; No experience required) Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/859102060 |
Note: NO sessions during the long weekend unless we announce that a Seminar or Special Program is scheduled. | |
** check the 3 article compilations shared below (the 1st one is about the feedback from our “test group”, the 2nd is about How & Why to Meditate in the morning, and the 3rd article is about How & Why to Meditate in the evening too, how is that different than the morning ones … check them out. There is so much more to discover and learn + videos to enjoy. Be part of “this” and drop a comment too about your experience.
#1 Feedback received during the TEST WEEK for “Going ONLINE” (MARCH 15 – 22, 2020)

#2 Morning Meditation with A Murmur of Starlings & Sea Rose: Contemplate & Listen!
#3 How to Meditate in the Evening? Evening Meditation Exercise & Experience with Planet Earth

“After this comes the Evening Meditation. It is for the Surrender. Then comes the question that how you are surrendered. Read the article!
Today, March 21st – Nawroz & 1st Day of Spring – Let’s Awaken our Innocence & Listen to Shri Mataji’s Message!

We launched the Online Series on March 21, 2020, to honor the birthday of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation —- we take it as a good omen as it is an amazingly auspicious day: Persian/ Sufi New Year (Nawroz) as well the Spring Equinox. Join SYMN – our Sahaja Yoga Meditation ONLINE Network!
Processing is very nice. Jay Shree Mataji
Indeed! See the feedback from Kavita who is working in the much solicited Health field:
“I attended few online meditations sessions and it had been a miracle. I felt being connected to all of you and felt as I was sitting in the collective. Somehow it was so much focus that was natural as words were becoming a cool breeze. Thank you! for coming out with this online idea and thanks to the entire team …. This is a miracle…”
It was such a pleasure to celebrate Shri Mataji’s birthday on-line, see Her photos, watch authentic videos, hear Shivangna’s beautiful poem and meet everyone.
Thank you 🙂
Cool breeze from both hands were felt the moment I joined the session and it remained like that during the time I was there. For me it was again a blissful, peaceful, and amazing experience. Thank you for this online sessions!
Thoroughly enjoying each and every session. The birthday celebration for Shri Mataji online was a beautiful session, marvelous videos and poem by Shivangna!
Going deeper with newer ones that know the basics has been truly inspirational. How you have all grown in this last little while! Strengthening our centre heart, asking for courage and confidence to envelope us in these turbulent times, was a very powerful ask, that could be felt like a shield of protection going into battle. Thank you all. We will get through this together.
We are not alone at all. A practice of being collective (in the consciousness) while socially isolating from each other. We feel you, world. Good ideas slowly coming into place. We need to do more and we will. We continue our roles, becoming part and parcel of the whole.
Dear Ioana and All members of Halton SY
I attended few online meditations sessions and it had been a miracle. I felt being connected to all of you and felt as I was sitting in the collective. Somehow it was so much focus that was natural as words were becoming a cool breeze. Thank you! for coming out with this online idea and thanks to the entire team including our dearest Shivangna and Abi for setting it up. This is a miracle of Shree Mataji.
Dear All,
The meditation was amazing. Within a short while I calmed down and was able to focus more on Sahasrara. The loving collective’s energy was profound! Thank you everyone for being together and truly caring with respect and love.
Blessings and love to all
Overcoming the temptation to sleep in in order to participate in collective on-line morning Sahaja Yoga meditation is beneficial to establishing and following daily routines, which, according to the psychologist interviewed on CTV last night, is very important during these challenging times.
Thank you Ioana, the Team, and all Participants of this on-line meditation classes/sessions for the opportunity to achieve and maintain balance and connection to the all pervading energy.
Each session is better and better – different each time but enriching and nourishing the soul, connecting to the pure spirit within and to the creator without this connection I feel like an orphan. The sessions are so calming and I feel like beauty is unfolding within me. I feel the coolness more and more now and my heart is starting to shine.
I felt so happy I joined the morning session. Clearing left channel helped me clear the emotional side. I felt much calmer and relaxed for rest of the day. T
Thank you so much for wonderful meditation sessions! And thank you for playing Shri Mataji talks, they feel like food for the pure spirit really ! The collective love is also felt in every session.
From Cathy- Barrie:
Thank you for the Sahaja Yoga Meditation which gives me such clear vibrations and letting go of everything, where I can return to my pure spirit. I feel the heaviness of all situations leave me and a sense of Divine peace inside.
Cathy, Barrie
Today’s beginner session (Mar 24) was beyond powerful.
Just seconds into entering the meeting room and I was ‘literally’ blown away by coolness.
It really does feel like the time is NOW for all of us to find each other virtually (through the ether…that’s why it’s the Ethernet 🙂 ), for us to come together and grow like a wave that will engulf the entire world with an ocean of love and pure attention!
Hello! Today’s evening session (March 24) was really wonderful and I just wanted to say thank you! The guidance was done so well and I really loved getting a chance to connect with my spirit and practice self-love this way. I’m really excited to continue and work on clearing out my emotional side more. Thank you so so much!!
The online courses are professional, knowledgeable and open the heart so wide. The stress the world is facing together can easily be helped through the power of Sahaja Yoga Connection. A living process you can feel happening, like a cool breeze emitting through the hands. Tonight was magic, peace, calm, cool and collective. Such a nice bunch of meditators. Thank you again and again.
The on-line meditation sessions are very helpful. Despite the social distancing requirement due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, we can experience inner peace by practicing Sahaja Yoga together.
I usually feel some chakra blockages and imbalances at the beginning, which clear out by the end of of each session.
Thank you everyone for this wonderful opportunity in these unusual modern times.
This mornings meditation was very calming, very helpful to draw within and feel some protection.
It is a wonderful opportunity to be together and share! Thank you everyone!
I have heard after the online sessions, extraordinary feedback from participants. Here is mine: Although some sessions I noticed some blockages (left heart chakra, later swadhistana) but always a dissipation until the blockage dissolved into collective bliss it took a few sessions, and determination.with dedicated sahaja yoga techniques.. but the collectivity online has been a key learning curve.It is a return to a feeling of peace and joy when we meditate together.
The next thing after that, I noticed that my centre heart (sense of securiry, courage) was getting stronger. In fact, all day for more than 2 days my left middle and right heart/anahat chakra centres are emitting a cool wind clearly out of all 3 centres! I can feel it right through my entire chest, like a shield, of protection is forming.
The last days at the same time, I noticed my visshuddhi/throat area chakra is also emitting cool from the front area, indicating a marked improvement in vibrational awareness.
This morning I held my head bowed in my hand, asking during the session to forgive myself, let go, forgive everyone…and I could clearly feel cool vibrations through the back of my neck. It has been very humbling to be a part and parcel of these experiences…It seems meditating online via the ether element has opened up our chakras to a new dimension….now we isolate, yet we are not alone, we collect online, we travel to where our spirit takes us, when united with the life force…it can soothe and give our “beings” a new, improved sense of our connection to the planet. We can help everyone by developing this new sense of awareness.
the talk we listened to was wonderful. Very easy to go into thoughtless awareness in these online classes. looking forward to the next one. 🙂
The moment I joined the meditation, I felt the cool breeze blowing from both of my hands. I had a big headache since this early afternoon and I thought I would need to clear before I can feel the breeze. Later on, when we worked on the void, the headache started to go away. I felt one with my spirit. We are so grateful for these wonderful online meditations.
In this time these on line meditations keep me at peace.The meditation on Gudi Padva Day,I felt coolness on the entire left body.I LOVE these online meditations.VERY GOOD IDEEA,thank you so MUCH.
Thank you for the Sahaja Yoga Meditation which gives me such clear vibrations and letting go of everything, where I can return to my pure spirit. I feel the heaviness of all situations leave me and a sense of Divine peace inside.
Cathy, Barrie
These simple beginner meditations are like an essential service for the community, for every one to feel as one. We begin to feel our higher self through a living process of self realization, actual yoga connection. We feel it like a cool breeze flowing and soothing our energy centres, together. If anyone feels to join, there is zero experience necessary. We can all learn to be the master of our higher self through Sahaja Yoga. Also very much enjoying the wise talks from Shri Mataji, who patiently teaches to know ourselves, our inner universe, and how we can transform our selves and consequently, the whole world.
Another note of appreciation to Ioana, Team and all on-line Meditators for on-going organization and participation, which continues to provide stucture as well as serenity in these unusual times.
** this is on behalf of Annie **
** Tue, Mar 31 – ONLINE CLASS **
Thank you ! this session was so powerful!
Cool breeze in hand top of my head warm breeze out of the other one that was palm up, same when we stitch hands!.
I was “buzzing/vibrating” allover more concentrated in my hands, both pinkies and feet.
When you played the Sri Mataji Nirmala Davi video my dogs both of them stared at the screen for the whole duration of it!
I was overwhelmed by the sensation of the cool breeze when Sri Mataji blew in the microphone it brought tears in my eyes.
Incredible experience.
Much love,
Oh wow annie, thank you for sharing this. You and your pets are so connected to the purity of spirituality. Your experience brought much joy. I hope you are able to join us online (in ether) again 🙂
Good evening, these sessions bring so much peace for me and my furry companions.
Please let me know if the Ocean song is available somewhere. I didn not get the name of the artist she has an incredible melodic voice that speaks to the soul.
I did a bandhan for serenity and protection for all in hope the ether receives my message.
looking forward to see you all again.
Much Love, Health & Happiness
Sincerely Annie
The meditation last night was amazing. For example, I could feel the coolness in my ego area as we were collectively clearing our chakras. Listening to the founder of Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, talk about the need for regular morning and evening meditation and proper conduct was very important.
Good morning, my brain is saying:”if I take nothing but the peace of mind it’s still all worth it.”
I sleep amazingly well after foot soak, meditation and bandhan it does clean the soul of the worries.
This morning was my first morning session I can only take care of me, and desire to make Sahaja spirituality my priority to better myself. Thank you for showing me the way.
looking forward to see you all again.
Much Love, Health & Happiness
Sincerely Annie
Watching and listening to Shri Mataji’s talk during our collective meditation today was so much needed as She emphasized the need for introspection, self-improvement, growth and becoming an inspiration for others.
Thank you Shri Mataji for making Ana Bianca your capable instrument in guiding the morning meditation today, and the second part of your lecture expressing the “uncomfortable / inconvenient” truths, and sharing your wisdom and advice so as to help / motivate us to become (more) broadminded, self-disciplined, balanced, responsible, sincere human beings, free from complacency, artificiality / superficiality and hypocrisy.
This morning meditation and Shri Mataji’s talk specially, helped me clear my left agya. I was a bit surprised how blocked it was as I never felt any heavy sensation earlier. Greatly appreciated the session! Thank you.
Friday Online Class (April 3, 2020)
Amazing experience and very deep meditation.
The song was beautiful ……
(Friday Online Class – April 3)
My friend brought me to your offering.
Thank you every so much for sharing these free meditation sessions. Your generosity is, among other energies, like a limitless, beautiful, renewing waterfall!
Your heart meditation tonight empowered me to feel comfortable with a big life transition I am making.
Being a novice to your internet site, I was wondering how I get further access to some of the resources
you so lovingly mentioned tonight. When we emerge from these ongoing difficult times, I hope to grow with you .. Remain at peace
thank you for another therapeutic session..feeling healed and strengthened 🙂 ah…ready to face the day
(Friday ONLINE CLASS – April 27 )
free flowing into a vast ocean of my spirit, feeling very relaxed tonight, both ring fingers were tingling tonight
(Friday ONLINE CLASS – March 30)
I felt vibrations come up from the floor up into my heart
…Its interesting that vibrations are strong even through Zoom
Tonight was very good. AnaBianca does a beautiful meditation. Leaves me with a feeling of calmness, support and peacefulness. When accompanied with foot soaking, and regular meditation, I sleep so much more soundly these days. Thank you so much. Cathy Wild, Barrie Sahaja Collective
Today’s meditations were so beautiful! In the morning meditation during Shri Mataji’s talk I could feel how my right swadishtan chakra was being cleared. And at night Shivangana’s musical performance was amazing (as always)! I was able to feel a cool vishuddi chakra after the music. Thank you so much to both of you for all your love and hard work.
Dear Shivangna and All,
I love your poem and the way you play(ed) the flute, especially the “Jago Kundalini Ma” melody.
Jai Shri Mataji
Amazing!!! Loved it! So much power!
I used my wireless headset and connected via phone – a totally new level of freedom for me – I was crying when Shri Mataji talked… And this girl with her music – wish she and live music could be part of mediation every time!
Thank you team! Despite your full time busy jobs, you bring to us such enriching meditations. They are like deep workshops, so nourishing, pleasant, relaxing and rewarding for the overall well being. I look forward to the meditations every morning and evening. I would attend the 7 PM ones as well if I was able to! I am getting addicted to these sessions and the collectivity. Want to keep discovering the pureness within and strengthen the connection with the all pervading power that created us.
The evening meditation tonight was so very enjoyable and peaceful…so was hearing the Lord’s prayer in different languages …i look forward to meditating collectively at Easter.
(Apr 10, 2020 – Friday Easter Class)
SO enjoyed everyone’s sharing the lord’s prayer. Overcome with coolness!
It was helpful to listen to Shri Mataji’s lecture urging us to overcome our laziness in, for example, getting up very early in the morning to meditate as part of our “vertical (spiritual) growth”. Thank you
I am so grateful for being able to join these morning and evening sessions with everyone. I learn something new each time, either from the meditations or from Shri Mataji’s talks. The music is inspiring and I am loving it. This morning Anna Bianca’s leadership in meditating collectively made me realize how scattered I was and helped me to get back my focus.
I struggle wIth feeling cool vibrations and therefore am hard on myself when I do not feel the cool breeze that everyone else is feeling during our collective meditations. Shri Mataji, in her talk this morning, helped me to realize that I should just enjoy being in meditation and let go and not put such pressure on myself to feel the cool breezes. I know it will come as I have the pure desire and the support of a loving community.
I always feel better and more balanced for taking the time to heal through these wonderful gatherings of our collective spirits. I know that it is helping and I am moving forward with each on-line session.
Thank you so much Ioana and all of the beautiful yogis who are helping us through this time of self-isolation. I am truly grateful to have you in my life. Happy Easter to all during this most sacred weekend.
Happy easter Monday everyone. I love to start my day (and my work week- since it’s Monday) with these beautiful morning meditations. The music this morning made it so easy to be in the pause with palms open. Even after I log off, I feel to return to that state and I find myself taking a moment here and there to bring my attention on the spirit within and cool breeze overhead. Namaste 🙂
these meditations are a great start to my day. The guided meditation makes it so easy become thoughtless. thank you for doing this 🙂
Yesterday evening meditation and Shri Mataji’s talk on Jesus Christ was so deep and powerful. I attended with both my kids and we learnt and absorbed so much. All of us felt some relief and joy by end of it. The vibrations were very strong. We felt gratitude to have spent Easter Sunday with other yogis despite the lock down. Thank you to whole team for your continuous effort to conduct these amazing and effective meditation sessions!
Dear sister Ioana,
We talk about Shri Mataji Sahaj yoga meditation. We also meditate everyday. When Ioana sends the meditation link we are very much excited. We lighted the candle and we hear the meditation, its powerful and she has bhakti in her heart. When she talks about each chakra, we feel the vibration and many times we feel thoughtless. We need strong yogi to support each other.
Dear Kathleen,
Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem during the evening meditation yesterday.