Feedback in Echoes from our Inner Lights Festival 2022. Let’s Open the Door!
The “Inner Lights Festival” is a FREE annual community event provided by the team of volunteers from Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network. Last year it was celebrated on Dec 21, 2022, during the last Burlington Sahaja Yoga class of the year. It was a very long joyful day as we celebrated not only at the class, but we continued the “party” also at Mama Carmela‘s home, that we call “Gruha Lakshmi Ashram“. Year 2023 started on a “happily busy note”, so here we are with this article collecting Impressions, Videos, Photos as Echoes of the Inner Lights Festival 2022. Enjoy feeling ‘How was it” and BE there with us!
Quote from Shri Mataji’s Letter to Sahaja Yogis in 1977:
“The achievement has been made only because the workers over there have knit themselves in bond of wonderful Love.
This broad-mindedness is capable of generating feelings of happiness in one’s self and acts like a magnet where others are concerned. This Broad-Mindedness is the quality of a human body and gets multiplied with the awakening of the Kundalini. This is the manifestation of Divinity.“
Feedback from Hinal *international student* about her 1st Sahaja Yoga class ever!
“Dear Ioana,
Hinal’s feedback is that she really liked it and was a different experience, very lively, and she would recommend this class to others as well. No stereotypical activities. Something unique and she loved the diversity of different age groups and cultures.”
Feedback from Anjali * sahaja yogini from Halton
“My feedback: I left feeling joyful and cheerful and very energized…even the next day I carried that joy with me. I also slept very well and felt satisfied. Feeling very lucky to know and share this joy with everyone. “
Various Feedback collected via email after the event from those that attended in person

Kruti (sahaja yogini visiting from Brampton):
“The room was decorated so beautifully and lovingly and to see so many seekers eager to meditate was just heart warming. When we were giving workshop from behind and raising newer ones Kundalini, I felt gush of vibrations and hand became very cool. I was thoughtless and enjoyed every moment spent at the event. Group discussions while having freshly made hot chocolate from mamma Carmela and pastries were just perfect to end this beautiful event. I could see the joy in every ones heart while leaving the room with beautiful painting and special quote gift in their hands.”
Paresh (visiting from Brampton as he always does for our Halton events):
“A beautiful evening of celebration, music and Sahaja yoga. Meditating in a group setting and discovering truths about yourself was truly inspirational and uplifting.“

Pinal (new comer):
“This was my first time attending the class. My both hands were so heavy at one point that I couldn’t even lift them up. Slowly I started to feel the heat in both palms. When someone was giving workshop, I felt like current was passing through my body, and noticed some difference. Felt very relaxing after that”.
Daxa (new comer):
“I had done some meditation in India with a guru, however my Kundalini was never awakened. During the meditation, felt tingling on both palms, more on left than right. Learning about our subtle system was just amazing. I am thankful to get this opportunity to clear my chakras. Also loved the gift that was given.”
Karan (from ‘Cool Kids & Parents” Sahaja Yoga classes):
“It was relaxing because of the quiet room and I could feel lots of vibrations throughout different parts of my body. There was beautiful instrument being played called the sitar and it was nice to hear the live classical music. We listened to a short talk from Shri Mataji and finished with amazing homemade pastries while we all got to connect and talk at the end.”
Kush (yuva teenager):
“It was a good experience. I felt cool and the community was welcoming”. 🙂
Mahima (came from Mississauga; started joining our Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes in December):
“The Festival of Inner Lights event was a heartwarming evening which was truly full of love and light all around.
I could really feel the pure and positive energy that was present in the room that day. Thank you for inviting me to be part of this beautiful celebration.
“Avatar and Hey, we will do Yoga?” Echoes after two weeks from Anjali and Hinal

Dear Ioana,
Hinal really enjoyed the meditation program from Wed two weeks ago. She felt coolness and felt she can really connect with sahaja yogis. Her mom has always told me that she usually is not open to everyone she meets but in this case she found it very easy to become part of the sahaj collective. She further even joined the meditation we had at home last week with some of us. She stayed with me 1.5 months and last week moved to a family friend’s home. She missed me and the sahaj collective so much…before she left she cried as she felt sad to leave this home that felt like her mom’s home.
Before she left she asked me to please let her know when there is a next meditation session so she could join. She missed me and her new found friends in our sahaja collective so much that she took the Go Train for 145 mins from Scarborough and she visited again this weekend…and she proactively expressed a desire to meditate together prior to coming. ..and that is what we did last night..we joined the Friday night meditation via zoom .
She felt the coolness and enjoyed it very much..she said she would like to continue this meditation and asked that I share the zoom link so she can join Friday session at least on a weekly basis. ..later we watched the first Avatar movie and shared when each of us felt vibrations during the movie at times..
That’s it for now.. will keep you posted. We go see Avatar in 3 days now.
All my love, Anjali❤️
Check also our Photo-Album:
Video Collection from Festival of Inner Lights 2022 in Burlington
1. Check our Dancing on Christmas Carol with Kathleen 🙂
2. Carmela’s Testimonial on Getting Help from the Divine
3. Surprising Carmela with a Chakra Workshop on Mother’s Day in 2022 (bonus)
4. After Party following the Inner Lights Festival at Carmela’s home (Surprise Birthday for Kathleen)
5. After Party following the Inner Lights Festival (Fun and Laughter with Toronto Yogis)
6. Beyond Pink and Green Blessings for Carmela
Enjoy Two Testimonials from Burlington Sahaja Yoga Classes
- Rania visiting from Egypt – My Complete Transformation
- Brenda from Burlington- Connecting with Sahaja Yoga – Powers of Healing, Creativity and Giving Life to Bees (!)
(click) From the First to the Seventh Floor of Spiritual Evolution
Let’s depart from this Article with Kush’s live ABC Sitar performance – in meditation!
The joy of that beautiful evening stayed with us even for Christmas and New year celebrations. I truly felt like we are one and we absolutely need to come together in collective meditations in order to enhance our spiritual journey. This article pretty much summarizes all the fun we had at the event, but the experience of physically being there is just incredible.
Looking at the pictures and reading about the collectivity is such a beautiful experience.
Appreciate it so much. Thanks very much for sharing and helping to ‘be there’ while not physically being with you all.
So wonderful!!
Thank you for sharing beautiful and joyous moments with Sahaj family. Though not present yet could feel being part of collectivity. Truely incredible.
Enjoyed reading all the experiences of everyone especially newcomer and their feelings.All the pictures
are beautiful,Also enjoyed the true collectivity though I was not present there physically.
This is Christmas!