This article offers an in-depth explanation for the Roots of Stress as well the Solutions to Stress are provided by Shri Mataji – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation
We will also learn about the role that our organs play in our overall system and how can they affect us mentally and emotionally
Especially on a day like Civic Day we can also take a bit of time to improve ourselves so we can better serve our community. Therefore, for those of us that want to find interesting information that correlates the daily stress with our liver’s health status, as well with other aspects of our wellbeing, there is the following video (transcript is also provided below) to be explored.
It is Shri Mataji’s Lecture on Stress and Tension Management for Government Servants offered in 2000, Mumbai, India.
Let’s Meditate on Civic Day on “What is the Root of Stress and How can we get rid of Stress?!”
On Canada Civic Day or Provincial Day we can go deeper within and understand how can we become true patriots through Self-Realization. Sahaja Yoga Meditation explains, teaches and transforms us from within. From personal benefits we transcend into a global personality that deeply cares for the nearby community as well for the entire world :-). The following lecture of Shri Mataji – the founder of sahaja yoga meditation – is a true gem! Enjoy the video and the transcript of the talk – both shared further below.
(#1 VIDEO) Stress and Tension Management for Government Servants with Sahaja Yoga Meditation – Shri Mataji’s Address to the IAS Officers, 2000, Mumbai, India
Below is the Video-Transcript for the Public Lecture addressed to the IAS Officers in Mumbai, India on March 1st, 2000 (including outlined Ideas and Conclusions)
“I bow to all the seekers of truth. That’s a very interesting subject that has been given to me to talk to you people because I have been always worried about the IAS, IPS, and other Government servants, very much worried because I have known the kind of life my husband was leading. And I used to think: if these new people, who have come to the services, to the Government service, we have to tell them the dangers that are ahead of them. Because we don’t know what is the subtle system within us, which works.”
Learn how our Reactions and Speedy Life lead to Defects within our Subtle Energy System
“And in the subtle system, when we lead this kind of a very speedy, intensive life, it has a defect; you can see in the chart.
They have shown the subtle system which works it out. So we have a (chakra or subtle energy center) here on the crossing of the optic chiasma. This center is very important because we react with this.
Did you know? When we react we react with Agnya Chakra placed in the optic chiasma
“We react to everything. By this reaction we create a problem within ourselves.
And this reaction comes to us because we do not know how to go beyond the mind.
Every time we are looking at something, we react. We look at someone, we react. But we cannot just watch. We cannot be just the witness. If we could be the witness, it will not have any effect on us. But we cannot be.
That’s the trouble when this center [Agnya Chakra] is very active. We call it as Agnya chakra, where the two optic nerves meet. At the crossing point, this center is placed.
Even Jung has said that, “You have to go beyond your thoughts and that you have to become thoughtlessly aware.”
Even in our Shastras [Hindu scriptures] it is written that,
“You have to have Nirvichar Samadhi, (is ‘without thought‘ state of mind) and the another is Nirvikalpa Samadhi (‘without doubt’ state of mind).
Now even Einstein has said that, “You have to go beyond the mind to reach the torsion area. ”When he was searching for his Theory of Relativity, he found it was difficult, he couldn’t find it [the torsion area].
He got very tired. He went into his garden and was playing with soap bubbles like a child. Then he says, “Suddenly from somewhere else it dawned upon me this Theory of Relativity.”
He calls it openly as a torsion area and this torsion area we have to touch, instead of ourselves thinking all the time and reacting.
What happens is that our movement on the autonomous nervous system goes to the right side [ known as the Solar channel of Pingala Nandi in the Sanskrit language].
The right side is very good otherwise: A person looks very impressive.”
Let’s learn about the Problems of the Right Channel and the Liver connection
[however] ‘He can oppress other. He can be aggressive. He can be very systematic. All these things can be there but it has a reaction. The reaction is horrible because this right side affects our liver to begin with. Now the liver is called ‘liver’ because live, we live because of liver only. That’s why it’s called ‘liver’. This liver gets affected and there is no actually treatment we should say in the medical science for liver. They can replace it with a pig’s liver or some liver like that. But otherwise, there is no way out. But we are the ones we are spoiling this liver ourselves by creating tremendous heat in the liver. This special liver has got a capacity to absorb heat and release heat into the blood stream and then, you see, it gets relieved of it. But when it is too much, when the liver is too much full of heat then it cannot give up that heat. Then heat, this heat starts traveling upward. It can go to the right lung. It can go to the heart.
Let’s find out about the connection between Asthma and the Right Lung
“Now imagine, right lung means asthma. Simple thing is asthma. Then it goes to the heart. There’s a young boy, say of twenty one years or so, up to that age. He starts playing cricket, tennis, and drinks a lot. Then he gets a massive heart attack. It’s fatal. He cannot live. Then it affects as I told you other organs also. This heat goes to the pancreas causing diabetes of a very serious nature, not of a mild nature but a very serious nature. Then this heat passes down to the spleen. In the spleen, it gives you blood cancer. This is all possible for all right sided people, I am telling you. That’s why I was worried that people who are, according to Me, are the spine of our country. They are the spine of our country. They should not get out of life because of too much of strain and stress on their mind. Now then it goes to the kidneys. It coagulates the kidneys and you get kidney trouble. You cannot pass urine and you have all the troubles there. Apart from that, it goes to the lower intestines and you get terrible constipations and all the problems of the constipation. Then also to the heart at a later age it comes. It goes on affecting. Ultimately your heart fails very early in age. I know of, recently, two people died of heart trouble who were at a very good position. This is very much worrying Me that how to bring them to close to themselves, to know themselves what’s the problem is and how to solve that problem. With this we understand that we react, by reaction we create such a heat within us. Apart from this, the other psychosomatic diseases, this is the, I am telling you about somatic, but the psycho disease which comes from your psychological problems come from the left side. Of course I’ll not deal with that now. But somehow, if you can move from right to the left, you are sure to get some psychosomatic trouble which cannot be cured by medical science, like cancer, aches, all kinds of this. So you are just preparing your body for that.
In these modern times, the life is so full of struggle, speed. Now we were coming and there was a jam. Now you can’t help it. I was very silently watching, “Now this, the jam, I have to reach late, doesn’t matter.” My husband normally would’ve been really in great trouble. He would’ve looked at the watch all the time. Would have been “Where are we? What are we doing?” this and that. But he was so silently watching the whole thing, I was amazed because normally he would be jittering that we are getting so late for a function like. Now, you see, once you get rid of this problem, is the easiest thing to live.
The other day I met one gentleman who was transferred. He is an IAS officer, “Whenever I am transferred, Mother, I used to be so jittery. Such tension, such stress on my mind. What will happen? Where will the children go? What will happen to the house? ” This, that, all problems would come to me.’
[since he and his wife started practicing Sahaja Yoga Meditation].
‘But what has happened to me and my wife, we don’t feel anything now! We are not worried. We sleep very well.”
I said, “That’s what has to happen. All these things should not affect you.”
That’s only possible when you can go beyond this mind. Mind is not such a good word, I should say because it’s not mental.
It is, if it is only mind means the one which thinks and for them mental hospital is also mad people. I don’t know how English language moves, it’s difficult you know. English language is very difficult to explain Sahaja Yoga because in the English language you’ll be amazed that they call ‘spirit’. ‘Spirit’ is the Atma, right, ‘spirit’ is the dead body moving about according to them and thirdly it means also alcohol. Now which one is closer to which one, I don’t know, but this is why I am saying that English language is a difficult thing.’
Find out about Maharashtra, Kundalini and the Nath Panthis’ subtle work in giving Realization to only one person
‘Marathi is the best because lot of work has been done among Maharashtrians on Kundalini. Nath Panthis were there. They have done lot of work. But the tradition was that one person would give Realization to only one person.’
About Shri Mataji’s contribution in Giving Collective Realization
The Self-Realization is explained below
‘If I have done anything you think worth mentioning, it is that I tried to find out a way of giving collective Realization, collective happening. That’s what was my humble contribution and by which I find thousands of people have got their Realization.
‘Now what is the Realization?
It is that: if you see at the base of the spinal chord is a triangular bone called as ‘Sacrum’.
It is called ‘Sacrum’ because it is a sacred bone and the Greeks knew about it, that it’s a sacred bone. And according to our Shastras and also many other prophecies, there resides a power within us, our own power, your own power called as Kundalini. It is called ‘Kundalini’ because it is in three and a half coils. Coils are called ‘kundal’, that’s why it is the Kundalini.
Now this power is your own. It’s in every human being and if it is awakened, it passes through six centers piercing through the top of the head, which we call as the Brahmarandhra in the Sanskrit language and the fontanel area in the English language. It passes through that soft bone which was there in the childhood and you just start feeling the cool breeze coming out of your head and the cool breeze coming on to your fingertips. It happens. It’s an experience and for which you cannot pay, it has to happen. The Kundalini has to rise and has to pierce through fontanel area otherwise it’s no use, it’s just words, some sermon or something like that.
‘So this happening is very easy in this Kaliyuga (the dark era).’
‘It is really remarkable because maybe because of Kaliyuga people are fed up of the things going on and all kinds of things working out.
‘Now what does it [Kundalini energy] do?’
‘It passes through six center. Six centers, these are meant for our physical, mental, and emotional being and also for our spiritual being. So when it passes through these six centers, it nourishes those centers, it integrates all these centers, and ultimately it passes through this and enters into the all pervading power of Divine love, is called as ‘Paramchaitanya’.
You may call it as ‘all pervading power of Divine love’ or anything but names make no difference.
There is a very subtle power around us, which looks after us, which guides us, which helps us, which is the torsion area. Now, while doing that what happens that you become knowledgeable of the absolute truth, absolute! Whatever you know is absolute, is nothing to doubt, nothing can be challenged. For example, it starts flowing through your fingertips. Starts flowing through your fingertips and you can feel it on your fingertips, your centers. Now these are five, six, and seven centers, five, six and seven centers. I am not going to tell you all the details now. But when you start feeling these whole sensation, Adi Shankaracharya has called it as ‘spand’, then you feel the truth, the real truth.
For example, supposing in your office you get somebody who is a cheat, very well dressed, speaks English very well, you know, very well behaved. How will you make him out? Just have to put your hands under your table and see for yourself. Immediately you will get some sort of a burning sensation or you might feel some sort of a, what do you call, needle and pins like that. That kind of a feeling you might get. Then you will also know what centers he’s catching on your fingertips. This is the absolute knowledge about everything. Is not question of only knowing he is a bad or a good person, but also of diseases. Supposing you have some disease, you will feel it on your fingertips. On your fingertips you’ll feel it. You’ll know this is your disease and if you know how to cure them, you can cure others also because you become one with the whole. It’s a very collective personality you develop. Who is the other, after all? We are all one. But only trouble is we are separated because of this ignorance. Once this works out, so many things drop out from us. This is the right side I am telling you about but also the conditionings are very much working out in us.
In our reaction, there are two things that work out. One is the right side, another the left side. And the left side is all the conditioning as you see there. These conditionings come to us through our childhood, through our family, through our country, through our reading, this, that all kinds of things, they come up. But also family upbringing is very important because according to our Shaastraas, there are six enemies. We have got six. Now these six enemies are what? So Kama, Krodha, Mada, Matsara, Lobha, Moha.
Kama is what you can call sexual urge. Krodha is anger. Krishna has denounced anger. But all right sided people are hot tempered. They don’t want to be, but they are. And when they lose their temper then they feel bad also. Not that they want to lose it but they just lose it. Now this one drops out. The temper goes out completely because you develop that witness state saakshi swaroopa. With that witness state you just see everything. You don’t lose temper. You just see it. That is one thing drops out very well.
Mada is false pride. That we have. I know IAS officers and their wives. They have that false pride. Not everyone, but some of them do, they have. I have very funny experiences of that. Like, once we went to Delhi to Hatriji and they had given us a house in Mina Bagh and I met another friend of Mine from Lucknow who had married an IAS officer. Oh, very proud girl and she asked Me, “Where are you living? How are you?” I said, “My husband is a government servant and so he’s transferred here.” “But where are you living?” I said “Mina Bagh.” “Oh my God! Mina Bagh! What is your husband doing? Is he a clerk? What is he doing?” I said, “He’s doing something” and I was just looking at her the way she was on Me. “My husband might be your husband’s boss” this and that. I said, “Maybe I don’t know anything about these things. I am sorry, I don’t know your list of people, anything. I am not interested.” And then my husband came. So she said, “See that tall man. You know he’s very important. He’s with the Prime Minister. You go and talk to him and get Your husband promoted.” I said ([Laughing] What is she up to?), I said, “Sudhali, he is my husband.” “Heh! He’s your husband? Haan yaar! Oh my God! I am sorry I am.” I said, “It’s all right.” Common experience. The women also become IAS, you see, not actually but as wives and I’ve been such a lost person with them. I could never understand what is there to be IAS and to be his wife. It was beyond Me. But one thing, what really helped me in all this turmoil of life, because you know our pay is less, this, that all problems are there, was the patriotism Raashtra Bhakti.
My father was a great patriot. My mother was. They sacrificed everything for the independence of this country. I cannot travel by any foreign airlines, whatever maybe. Maybe Air India is not good, doesn’t matter. It’s my, my country’s. So the feeling that this is my country kept me going. You see you become like a Kargil soldier. You are fighting for your country. You are working for your country. My husband got into Indian Foreign Service. I told him, “Nothing doing. We don’t drink, both of us and I can’t leave My country in the lurch at the time when we have got the freedom. So if you want you can go, I will not come. I don’t want to go to Foreign Service.” They cut his pay. That time, you know, 300 was a big amount. I said, “Doesn’t matter. Whatever it is, I’ll stay in my country. I’ll work in my country and you work here. I’ll support you every way. I don’t want anything. Nothing I want and you don’t take a bribe at all otherwise that day I’ll leave this.” Otherwise also I said that, “The another thing is our country has to develop.” Who will develop? I always felt that you are the spinal cord of our country. You have to develop this country. What is this money? Comes and goes. You’ve seen the people who have got money, where their children have gone? What has happened to them? What have they achieved? So I told very frankly that I will not go to the Foreign Service of any kind because what is in the Foreign Service? I want to do everything in this country of mine for which I have also fought. I have fought a lot and this is what now sometimes, you know, is disappointing to see what things are happening. But a day will come. This country will rise. How? Because when this happens, when this Kundalini rising take place, when people become realized souls, they just transform. They become extremely patriotic, extremely patriotic and they understand what is needed today for our country.
They can sacrifice anything. They can live anywhere and they are not bothered about some sort of a, you can call it a financial help or other material thing. They are above materialism. There are thousands and thousands like that even in our country, thousands and also abroad. Now Sahaja Yoga is working 86 countries. They are all full of joy because with this happening you get joy of a quality which has no double thing. It’s not happiness / unhappiness. It’s just joy and you have another thing also with it, is the peace of mind. Just you are so peaceful, absolutely peaceful. You don’t have to worry about things. You don’t have to become jittery because see the diseases you develop. Apart from that, all kinds of paralysis comes on us. We had a doctor in our hospital there who was working very hard. I told him that, “Doctor, see now your age has come. You should take it easy. Daytime you must rest. There’s no need. You are not in a office, just rest, take rest do something else. Read or you can go and play. Do something.” He wouldn’t listen to me and then he got paraplegia, means that failure of the hand and the leg, completely. He couldn’t even walk. He couldn’t lift his leg. Now he’s all right, cured. But then I told him that you take treatment for your right side. That’s very important. It’s very simple treatment and which can be done very easily. For example, you can have an ice bag on the liver. You can have ice bag here because this is the portion. This moves like this so the portion this one gets heated up. So you put ice here, you put ice. This icing business will really help you a lot. But also there are some other very simple homely treatments which you can take. But I would request all of you to come to our center somewhere in …
Mother talks aside: [Bhaaratiya? Wahan hai na? Bharatiya, usmein hai ki nahi?] Where is she gone?
Somebody says, “Bhaaratiya Vidya Peeth.”
Shri Mataji: So you all can come there if you live in this area. In every area, we have got centers. So you all can come into that center humbly.
There is, you see, in Sahaja Yoga there is nothing like any position or anything. We have to humble down. This false pride is of no use. We humble down. When we humble down, it’s very easy to achieve it and to get this into yourself. After all, otherwise, what is it? What is life for? There’s no enjoyment. There’s no experiencing of what you are doing. So much work you put in I know, I know that. I know how you people have to work hard. But to get over, to get over all the strain and stress, you must do meditation for five minutes which they will tell you how to do it. Five minutes in the evening will help you. So, just like as you take bath in the morning, bathe yourself with the showers of this Kundalini. She’s your mother. She has been your mother from ages and she has recorded everything about you within itself. This is the subtle side of you and when you want to have your Realization, she’s very anxious to be awakened. She’s extremely anxious and it works wonders. I am surprised that how people get Realization in no time. The only trouble with them is, it’s like a primule or you can call it the ‘ankuraa’, which grows but it doesn’t become a tree. So, little bit you have to meditate. You have to be collective and works out. In collective, you forget everything, your position everything. I have known IAS officers who have been dancing with the villagers, singing with the villagers, so much they enjoy. They said, “We knew this but we never wanted to express it, you see.” So all this drops out. All these outward bondages drop out and you become one with the collective. You know their problems. You know how to solve them and it’s very good. I think this is what is only one has to achieve, nothing else. If you achieve this, you’ve achieved the last and the best. With this then you can help others. You can give Realizations to others. You can save their lives. I mean, it’s all your power that is going to work out. In these days of horrible struggle and all kinds of things happening, violence, very much needed is this Sahaja Yoga. And you’ll be amazed, it is something a grace that people get it.
In Turkey, we have about two thousand people who are realized souls. Nobody lost their life, not a single thing, not their houses were even, they just little bit, I would say, shook but never fell down. The whole Orissa, it happened the same. It has happened in several places that people have been just saved with those who have been in the grace of the Divine. We have to become that. We can’t live without it. It’s rather subtle. It is subtle, I know but sometimes must understand we have to be subtle. Now as it is, so much of illness, sickness I find, mostly I find with all the people who are working very hard is the right sided problem. Some sort of a right side. And it can be absolutely cured, absolutely be under your control, and you can cure others also. This is such a blessing we have in this horrible Kaliyuga. The worst times, they say, the worst and worst that is the time is now and you see the effects of that. But in that only, the lotus of Sahaja Yoga has come up.
You don’t have to pay for it. That’s one thing you should know. Anybody asks money from you, he’s not Divine. Don’t have to pay for it, at all. When you grow and when you achieve, when you give Realizations to others, then you will be surprised you rise into a new realm of understanding which is a doubtless awareness which is called as ‘Nirvikalpa Samadhi’ according to Patanjali.
Now as we have learnt English, I don’t think we read much of our Indian scriptures and thing. But that also, those who read will go on praying to one monde of statues, this, that, I mean just they are fanatically religious people, wasting their life like that. The another side are the buddhivaadis what you call are the intellectuals, you see. They are the much worst because they think they have read everything. They know everything. Now what to tell them? It’s a very simple thing, they don’t want to accept. You can’t tell them, “Take it straight.” You have to have it in the other way. So also to understand it, we should know we have not known ourselves. We have to know ourselves and for knowing ourselves, Kundalini awakening is the only way, as far as I know. And I hope you all will think about it and come to our centers where Realization can be given. There are many centers we have got. You don’t have to pay any money, nothing, but you come and relax. Relaxation is only possible after Self-Realization, not before that. You’ll be surprised your aging will stop. I have no aging problem. My husband also has no aging problem. We don’t think of it. It’s over. Now, whenever one has to die, one will die. But till then we are not bothered.
‘Anything that you do will have a special light of the Divine.’
‘I bless you from my heart that you develop this subtle things within yourself and you try to understand that so far you have not known yourself. You have to know yourself. You don’t have to introspect and sit down criticizing yourself, feeling guilty. No, not at all. Whatever has happened has happened! You’ll be amazed at yourself that all your destructive habits also will drop out by themselves.”
Overnight in London, there were twelve boys with the addiction of drugs. They stopped over night, over night. I don’t, never told them. I never tell people, “Don’t, don’t.” I never say that.
‘But that Kundalini rises and the light of your heart, light of the Spirit, that guides you. That tells you what is destructive for you. And you have power not to accept anything that is destructive.’
‘I know there are difficulties. I know there are problems but you’ll never see them. If you are sitting in a boat, you are not be bothered as to how deep the sea is. It’s like that. You rise above all these things and you watch and you help others. Apart from that, it helps you in your work, very much in your work. You understand your work very well because of torsion area again. My husband says, “How do You get this idea?” I say, “I got it. All right this is the idea, I’ve got it.” Now he’s amazed sometimes how I manage things. How I am doing? I have no secretariat. I have no secretary. I have no P.A., nothing. And we are working in 86 countries. So it is just works out because it is this Divine power which is so helpful or which is so kind.
So again and again, I wish you best of luck. Please come to our centers. I hope they’ll give you the addresses and all that and you can come on Saturdays or Sundays, whenever you want to and get your Realization.
May God bless you!
Somebody says, “Shri Mataji, they are requesting, if you can give them Self Realization here?”
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
(video) Inner Peace – One Heart One Truth: Gandhi, Einstein, Martin Luther King, Shri Mataji