Meditation Experiences shared by Seniors and Students!

We are sharing the Meditation Experiences collected from Seniors and Students that participated in our meditation workshops offered during the Halton Eco Festival 2011

In 2011 we participated in the annual and most popular free event in Oakville: the Halton Eco-festival. Our “Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation” booth was setup on Friday evening, in such a sweet and collective way! Almost the entire Oakville class (located at that time in the same place where the eco festival was held: the Glen Abbey Community Centre) came to give a hand and help with creative ideas about “how to best represent sahaja yoga’s positive energy and message?!”.  On Saturday we were busy and could not take many photos, but we had a great time together!

Please, take a stroll through this article to read some of the Feedback received from Halton  Sahaja Yoga Meditation volunteers and from other friends that joined our volunteering efforts for this event.

Enjoy Chandra‘s  Feedback – he loves coming to our Oakville Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes: 

“One surprising thing in the eco festival was, a good number of visitors already knew the name of Sahaja Yoga, even though they did not know what exactly Sahaja Yoga is! Every youth we asked to experience the benefit of the workshop instantly accepted our offer with no reservation. Youth were more interested in SY and more open-minded. In the morning session, there were many visitors and there was good vibration when we gave them workshop. Every visitor expressed they felt something after the workshop. I felt that public functions like this are not just for visitors, it is beneficial to us for our own collective expansion. When I went home, I felt I have accomplished something good. -Chandra”

Feedback- experience from Jon ( who loves joining all our Halton Sahaja Yoga meditation classes) – he is the one seen raising the kundalini energy to the little girl in the photo above – she felt the Cool breeze so beautifully!):

“My experience at the Eco-Festival was very interesting! The venue was full of wonderful people who were open to trying Sahaja Yoga Self Realization. As a new member of the group, I learned how to perform a workshop and I met a few sahaja yogis I did not know. In general, I had a number of specific Sahaj experiences that day that were instructive in my personal development. I also had a number of experiences that helped me to better understand how the state of someone’s subtle system effects how they relate to others. It was a positive experience and I plan to be back next year!”

Feedback from Michael (from Halton classes – you can see him offering a chakra workshop in the photo below): “I really enjoyed the eco fest, I came with the intention of staying for a couple of hours and was drawn to stay longer. The connections I felt giving workshops on people were great, deep and I felt a lot of energy. It was my pleasure to connect with some new people, some came to Fridays Oakville classes after and I hope they are continuing:) I felt really in the zone for most of the time there and could tell that people were genuinely interested. “

Feedback from Mohit, a Waterloo student who practices sahaja yoga meditation since high school year and who joined our team in the last half of the event): “At the festival, the most outstanding thing was how easy it was to work on the people there. The couple people that I’ve offered to a chakra workshop had no trouble raising their kundalini energy and feeling vibrations and they were very motivated and looking forward to attend the weekly classes. The Sahaja yogis of Halton were very responsible in setting the place up and organizing the entire event. The booth setup at the event was very simple and effective, which I found attractive as well. Overall, it was a peaceful event.”

Now, the Feedback from Rohit, gr 11 student visiting from Mississauga: “Well, my brother Mohit pretty much summed it up. But I would like to add how easy and joyful it was to get connected with a few people. Also, like my brother said, the booth looked very neat and welcoming. It was also joyous to watch the Halton yogis, even the new ones, to be SO into it and so dedicated and committed to the event.”

Feedback from Gladys (participant to the Halton SYMN classes): “When I went to the Eco Festival, I met a few Spanish people, I talked to them in Spanish, and that made them comfortable to know more about sahaja meditation yoga.
They said they where going to join our local classes. A special moment: there where  also three young (Canadian) men that were looking what was going on, and I asked one of them if he was willing to have a ‘realization’ :-).It was amazing what I felt, he was full of energy, (so did I!! ),  the cool breeze (vibrations) that came out of the young guy was out of this world, he felt at Peace, and very relaxed, and he invited the other two to sit, and feel the experience, he was very happy and said that he was definitely going to come to the free classes we offer in Oakville. “

We’ll end this article with the Feedback coming from Peter (from Halton classes): “I was impressed that the people who stopped by our booth were recognizing that they needed to change something in their lives and were looking for the right thing. I understand this is the path of growth. ”

We also provided live flute music during the festival with help from Andrew – our special guest:

Many thanks go to our impromptu photographers: Peter, Michael and Rohit and to everyone that took the time to share their sincere impressions about our participation to this community event. Farewell and yes, See  you soon, as per our Invitation below 🙂 :

(click!) Visit us at the 14th Annual Health and Wellness Show in Burlington

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Jon

    Very nice article Ioana! These experiences sum up the day very nicely and collectively. It’s true, that floor was ideal for draining negativity as you said. The cool concrete is nicely connected to the earth.

  2. Sonia Batra

    Thanks Ioana and everyone for spreading beautiful cool Sahaja vibrations in the Halton region.

  3. paula

    Surprisingly, when we offer to show someone how to open themself to meditation, to get their “realization”, to feel sensations that they are the spirit, it actually works on our own subtle spiritual systems in the most profound way. Thank you to all the lit candles lighting the “spark” in others. I always feel so happy to raise someone else’s kundalini (the sacred in-born energy) as it also benefits the the person sharing the vibrations. It is so nice to read and hear that we are all “one”, connected with the mains, yet each of you have such a profound perspective and unique experience within this journey. This is the revolution of evolution of the spirit! Very proud to know all of you beautiful souls.

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