Check the Spiritual Blossom Time in Munich, Nepal and Thailand

Check the Spiritual Blossom Time in Munich, Nepal and Thailand

This article provide knowledge about our spiritual qualities that is shared through beautiful sahaja yoga wisdom quotes from Shri Mataji as well through stories received from sahaja yogis that traveled around the world. Enjoy!

Let’s Learn about the Positive Powers found within the Seekers and how we can attain our Self-Realization

Shri Mataji – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation:

“So the power of assimilation of good, the power of emission of good, all these powers are just in your complete reach.

But all this should not become a praise but should become a kind of a challenge, a kind of a beautiful curiosity and an advancement for you.”

Example of Quality in Seeking (Munich) & Inner Powers

“I said I am not going to Munich. But in Vienna I just felt the vibrations of Munich. And I was amazed! I said, alright, I am going to Munich. We had to run up and down to get my visa, this thing. Everything worked out as usual. And in that short time, in 3 days, four hundred people were there. And so intense I tell you, so intense, even children.. they were listening to every word I was saying, and picking up as pearls, precious as diamonds, every word they were noting it down. And when they had their realization they were just stunned people. Imagine the Germans.. They are people of determination. If they decide to do good, they will do lot of good. .. when I left them, for one hour they were in the hall, just stunned, discussing about Sahaja Yoga. You are being completely renovated but just use your mechanism. I work so hard with you people that nothing is wrong with your mechanism. Only thing is that you have no faith in yourself. And those who do not have faith on themselves are always bumptious people. So first of all station yourself within your Spirit, within your heart and try to develop your powers, inner powers, not of talking and showing off, but Inner Powers.

Going higher to this spiritual life, best thing is to take the Discipline from your Spirit and you are disciplined automatically.

Let the Spirit rule you. It is possible. You are empowered.

Today let us, with full confidence in ourselves and in our ascent, let us with full intensity attend this .. and in our hearts decide that:

I am going to discipline myself.

(1984-09-23- Excerpt from a lecture of Shri Mataji on Self Discipline)

What is the Cool Breeze in our Hands?! Answer with Blossom Time and Cooperation of Seekers

“So, we boil down to this point that we have to be really very honest with ourselves, because it is our loss, nobody else’s, that so far we have not achieve that state of Spirit and that in all humility we are going to achieve it. We have to achieve it, we have to accept that this should happen to us. This is so simple. It’s so simple and so natural. It’s just in the event that at this time had to happen. It’s very simple thing. There is no complication if you have not complicated yourself much. But even if you have, the Divine Power knows how to disentangle you and work it out. This is the blessing of the Divine where you become the Spirit and then you reach your absolute form where there’s no doubt about it.
If you want to know what happens is that you just start feeling a cool breeze flowing into your hands or from your hands; and then you ask a question: is there God? And the breeze is much more. If you ask about a thug: Is he a good man? It stops.
The rapport is established with your Spirit. It speaks to you as a Cool Breeze in the hands.
This Cool Breeze in the hand is the energy of the Spirit flowing by which your diseases get cured, you can cure the diseases of others, you can raise the Kundalini of others and give them Realization and you can enjoy the beauty of Nature;
Not thinking about it or grossly valuing it but just enjoying it in a full way. This is the short and sweet but it’s such a long story taught a thousands of years back and today it is just reaching its climax.
The Fruit is just going to be formed.
It’s just the Blossom Time has come for this story and if the Seekers cooperate I’m sure it will work out, have all the hopes. 🙂
May God bless you all.”
(1982-07-22-  excerpt from a lecture of Shri Mataji on Creation)
We hope you’ve enjoyed the Quotes from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and by know you know what this Cool Breeze is and of course What are the Spiritual Powers that await to be awakened and be manifested within us – within each and all of us.
The news  and video about a public program of Sahaja Yoga in Thailand came from a dear on-line friend from Nepal, Hitesh, who is now in Thailand, doing his Masters in Information Management and of course, volunteering with sahaja yoga classes and programs there. It’s so nice to hear that in Thailand the group of sahaja yoga practitioners is very active and beautiful, just quoting Hitesh: .as I just took the video, but doing greater works are humble Thai, European and Yogies from all around the world.. Hope you will enjoy the video with the seekers from Thailand and this gentle article on Spring and Fruits .. of Self-realization.
It also happened that in this video I’ve recognized Thomas, a dear friend and deep sahaja yoga teacher from Munich, Germany; this inspired the little tribute on Munich seekers that transformed themselves in strong spiritual beings, able to provide help to the next generations of Seekers. Indeed, we are witnessing the Blossoming Time everywhere and we are all connected to each other beautifully!


Mari Joël’s confesses about her “New Beginnings” Personal Experience


Ana Bianca’s New Ideas – Video Testimonial

Yogis with Mayor Goldring and Seekers SNAPed at the Art Gallery of Burlington 

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Rajendra Tosawar

    Dear all,
    By HER let it be embibed in oneself whatever SHE has said.Outcome will be immense.
    Have Balanced and Blessed day

  2. Divya


  3. arie

    Blossom time and Ascension…

    “The only thing is you have no “FAITH” in yourself”…

    This quote by Shri Mataji refers to those who do not truly Believe or Understand that “yourself” means “YOUR SELF”… as in SPIRIT.

    The Spirit is like the “wind”…
    You know it exits…
    Yet you cannot see it… yet!

    We always want proof!
    Proof is an illusion…
    Because even when we have proof
    We may still not Believe!

    Faith or Belief is REAL.

    The bridge between “proof and faith”…
    It is subtle… like the wind

    There is another beautiful quote by the poet/artist Gibran.
    It goes like this…

    “The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom…
    but rather leads you to the threshold of his mind”…

    The teacher is you…
    Who is also her/his own Guru…
    Who is his/her own Master…

    This quote by Gibran
    holds I feel the essence to our “humbleness”
    And the “Blossoming into our ascension”

    So have FAITH and BELIEVE in YOUR SELF.


    1. adrian/arie

      When you are me…
      Then I am…
      To blossom

  4. Nitendra


  5. Colleen

    This is definitely the blossoming time. It is the time to awaken to truth and to “know” God. Love this. Thank you.

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