Ioana: Ceva de Duh .. Sfânt

Culese din "arhiva" - 2007 Ceva de Duh Sfânt - Amintiri cu Realizarea Sinelui și Primele Întâlniri cu Shri Mataji Unde sufletul se simte acasa in regiunea Halton a Canadei Introducere de Sine Vreau să vă spun de la început că am fost întotdeauna o împătimită a limbii române, mândră de istoria țării mele și de vorbele de duh, pline de dulceața de gutui dulce amară specifică înțeleptului anonim făurar de legende, proverbe, snoave, colinde și atâtea alte seminții lingvistice. Am trăit mereu minunea Mioriței, am admirat înălțimea coloanei infinitului brâncușean, toate regăsindu-le cioplite în sufletul meu,…

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Gratiela – Asta e povestea mea cu Meditatia Sahaja Yoga

Proiectul "Arca Mamei" al colectivului Sahaja Yoga Halton (piesa de teatru cu textul bazat exclusiv pe lecturile lui Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - ghidul nostru spiritual in yoga Buna Ioana,Astazi dimineata asa mi-a venit sa scriu povestea mea in Sahaja Yoga"Acum 10 ani imi veneau in minte tot timpul intrebari ca 'Cine sunt eu? Care e scopul meu pe acest Pamant? Cine coordoneaza sistemul nervos autonomic?Si sfatul unei prietene din Calgary care cand vorbeam cu ea la telefon imi zicea sa ma duc la Meditatia Sahaja Yoga. Am cautat online unde este Sahaja Yoga in orasul  meu…

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Ioana La Taclale cu Vecinii: Explicatii despre Sahaja Yoga si Meditatia Spontana

Poveste Romano-Canadiana cu VIDEO Introducere la Copacul Vietii, Duhul Sfant si Energia Kundalini Poza pt backdrop la videoul spontan :-) Ioana - La Taclale cu Vecinii despre Yoga si Meditatia Spontana La rugamintea mamei mele venita in vizita din Romania, am facut un mic video, cu adevarat pe fuga, in ultimele clipe dinaintea plecarii catre aeroport -- venise timpul sa spuna "La revedere Canada" cu inima plina de gratitudine pt frumusetile naturii Canadiene. De ce si pentru cine?! Anisoara - vecina draga a mamei, devenita prietena de suflet, este un cautator adevarat si dorea mult sa afle…

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Earth Day 2020 – 1st Guided Meditation (video – April 21)

(recorded VIDEO) SYMN Online Meditation Class - Tue, April 21, 2020 watch - feel - be "there" with us all We thank to OneTree for the amazing music for the ancient prayer that we incorporated in our video.. not to be missed also the bandhan for Peru's volunteer doctor helping with the COVID-19 testing that joined our online meditation class and confessed that it was helpful.. truly grateful for our online community of meditators.. such quality  ** 41 participants @ April 21 Online Evening Meditation class Today's recommended read :-) (click!) Calling the Seekers to Meet the…

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Subtle Sisterhood in Easter Basket: Kathleen’s “Online Self-Realization” Poem, Kyla’s “Permeation” Experience and More

We got mail - from Kathleen, Burlington, Halton, ON, Canada, World Created by an artist Sahaja Yogi -- check Easter Symbolism and Subtle Connection related to Shri Ganesha, Shri Jesus and The Easter Egg "Online Self-Realization" Poem From a small little village,looking at the horizon,a child is pondering,who would i be?what would i become?Want to understand,wandering passion,thirsty of question,hungry for answers,wanted satisfaction.In a big foreign land,eyes closed and still,flowing with thanks,for a journey within,then one has become.Breathing freely,thoughtless but awake,music of happiness,heart full of love,that's all it takes. Snapshots from our truly special "Cool Kids & Parents"…

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Inspired Easter Prayer and Meditate on Christian Sayings

Enjoy this Inspired Easter Prayer "A Tiny Wave of Vibrations" - Let's Meditate on the meaning of "Be in Connection with Christ" saying for a Sahaja Yogi Easter Card created by Halton Sahaja Yoig as a Souvenir for all Ontario Yogis that attended that Easter Puja in Toronto ** offered in our Easter Baskets among colored organic eggs :-) Letter-Feedback from Howard (yogi from Toronto): "Dear Ioana, I just wanted to say a word of thanks for Halton Yogis team's organizing the joyous Puja of yesterday.  It was one of the best pujas I have ever attended. …

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