Oakville Newspaper about Yoann’s Concert – Oakville Beaver, Sept 24, 2010

Important Note: the concert offered by Yoann Freget in Downtown Oakville was part of the Free Community Event: "Meditation, Music & Spirituality" that was organized & sponsored by Sahaja Yoga meditation (non-profit organization) in collaboration with the Organic Market Farm - Oakville Check the Links to VIDEO, INTERVIEW & PHOTOS from THIS EVENT: Angels in Oakville - Captured on Camera Yoann Freget in Newspapers & Collection on VIDEOS from Yoann's Tour in Canada

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Halton Summer Seminar on Monday, July 26 @ Crawford Lake with Sahaja Yoga Meditation!

Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Summer Seminar - Outdoors Where: @ Crawford Lake When: @ 6:30 PM -9PM Start /Meeting Point:@6:15- 6:30PM on the Green area near the Parking Lot (at the entrance). You can join us later, just call to find us where we are. :-) Address & Directions: 3115 Conservation Road (formerly Steeles Avenue), Milton, ON, L9T 2X3 Crawford Lake Conservation Area is located at Conservation Road (formerly Steeles Avenue) and Guelph Line, 5 km. south of Highway 401 and 15 km. north of the Q.E.W. At the border between Burlington and Milton. GPS Coordinates:…

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Enjoy & Reflect: Olga’s letter about Forgiveness Sunday & Slichot Day with Torah Wisdom, Easter Eggs, Easter Bunny and Chicks plus Easter Card from Abu Dhabi!!

Happy Easter! I forgive you! I'm singing my Easter Joy that's like a Sunny Daisy!! Easter letter from Olga -- a dear friend that is practising Sahaja Yoga meditation in Whitby "Dear family, One of the many blessings is to live in Canada, a country where so many parts of the world, cultures and religions are represented, so that we can open our hearts, our minds and appreciate the diversity. In spite of all visible and often superficial differences, there is a deep tradition of forgiveness rooted in almost every culture. Here are two traditions that were…

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Aum, Ham & Ksham – Mantras for Fearful or Aggresive Minds with Chakra’s Evolutionary Theory from Ganesha to Jesus

"And it is the most important incarnation (Lord Jesus) because he is The Principle. He is the Principle of Creation. The Tattwa /Principle as they call it in Sanskrit language. He is the Tattwa. ... is the Support of all the Universe. And because he is just the essence, the essence never dies." (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Caxton Hall, Londra, UK, 1978 ) "Ganesha, who resides in the Mooladhara (1st chakra) gradually evolves to be Christ at this stage." " From that Red chakra (1st one, called the Root chakra or Mooladhara Chakra)...." "..up to this chakra…

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Simple Prayer Advice for the Root Mooladhara Chakra

Shri Mataji, holding the hand with Shri Ganesha, The Lord of  the Root Chakra "So, it's my prayer and request to you…that if really I have loved you and have given love to you, be Silent within… and Enjoy!! Break all illusions and differences… and the blood of life will start flowing within you… and will fill you with joy, peace and bliss!!" "Today I wanted to talk about Mooladhara, which is a very important subject.  I think I have talked about it many times.  Mooladhara is one of the most delicate and most powerful chakras.  It…

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Day 4 – “Art and Spirituality” Tour in Hamilton @ Staircase Cafe Theatre

When Rhythm Becomes Meditation in Hamilton @ Staircase Theatre This event worked out in a very sahaj way. The organizing team for Anandita's Tour in Canada had found out about this lovely place - The Staircase, in Hamilton - from Liz who was a dear friend and a regular participant to both Burlington and Hamilton sahaja yoga meditation classes. Then, with much enthusiasm from sahaja yoga coordinators of these classes and with the great help coming from The Staircase's manager, we were able on a very dark and rainy evening, to bring Anandita's Light to Hamilton with…

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