Simple Prayer Advice for the Root Mooladhara Chakra

Shri Mataji, holding the hand with Shri Ganesha, The Lord of  the Root Chakra

“So, it’s my prayer and request to you…that if really I have loved you and have given love to you, be Silent within… and Enjoy!! Break all illusions and differences… and the blood of life will start flowing within you… and will fill you with joy, peace and bliss!!”

“Today I wanted to talk about Mooladhara, which is a very important subject.  I think I have talked about it many times.  Mooladhara is one of the most delicate and most powerful chakras.  It has so many folds and it has so many dimensions.  If your Mooladhara is not all right, your memory will fail., your wisdom will fail.  You will have no sense of direction.  The insanity that is now crawling up in America , before they become 40 years of age is because their Mooladharas are out.  Most of the diseases which are incurable come because of weak Mooladhara; on the physical side.  On the mental side, most of the mental problems, disorder, most, I would say 90% are due to weak Mooladhara.  If a person has a strong Mooladhara, powerful Mooladhara, it doesn’t get into trouble.  Because you know there’s a very strong hold of that Mooladhara on the back here.  And when the mind goes off, you blame the brain.  It’s not the brain, mostly it’s the Mooladhara.

** Audio excerpt with Sahaja Yoga Knowledge on Mooladhara Chakra in English and French:

“So for physical safety and for emotional safety also, you have to have a sane type of attitude toward Mooladhara.*root chakra.  Because the sensationalization has become the main theme of modern life and you are tossed about on the rough sea of all these deliberate actions of the people; media, books, ideas, everything create this horrible excitable temperament within you.  Such a person doesn’t have any patience, any balance.  Actually he is hypocritical and has a very bad left Vishuddi (the throat Chakra).  So many complications take place within them.  Before meditation, forget the past.  Whatever you have done, forget it, just don’t worry.  But remember one thing: that you have damaged your Mooladhara, so you have to look after it, you have to soothe it down.  You have to bring it to normal, you have to make it a healthy, balanced, centred, so that Shri Ganesha can rule over it.

Talking about Shri Ganesha you know vibrations become too much for me.  We talk of innocence but to awaken innocence within ourselves we must be on the full watch, on the full alertness about our minds.  What is it thinking, where is it going, where is this thief going?  Is he going to do some tricks, is he up to some tricks, all right!”

“You have to be alert, very alert. So please be careful, very careful about it, that you again make your Mooladhara very healthy and powerful.  May God bless you.”

So our prayer should be that:Let our Mooladhara be healthy and strong!

(extracts from Shri Mataji’s talk on the Root Mooladhara chakra in 1985 in the UK)

You can follow the following recorded meditation video that had “Root Chakra and its Divine Principles” as theme. It included a collective meditation with Sahaja Yogis as well instructive video clips. Enjoy!

Click below on few Articles related to the ROOT Chakra and Shri Ganesha

Images of Shri Ganesha & Subtle Connections to Mother Earth -Article

Chakras Evolutionary Theory from Ganesha to Jesus Christ

Jesus and Ganesha to The Divine Essence of Prayer

Christmas and Shri Ganesha – Subtle Connections through Chakras Knowledge

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Debbie

    If the root is not sustained, nothing can flourish. In order to progress and see beauty unfold in our lives and around us, we must maintain and respect our Mooladhara. Thanks for this very important message and reminder.

    Lots of love always.

  2. Elsie

    The Mooladhara chakra is very important in our life and although it is delicate it is very powerful. As it is at the base it appears to be the foundation. Our wisdom, our mental clarity depends on this chakra. Without either our life becomes muddled and many diseases follow suit. If this chakra is not right, we cannot function well in our life as we would be only concerned with ourselves not with others as we should.
    We are given the tools to make this chakra healthy and powerful. The prayer that Shri Mataji gives us “Let our Mooladhara be healthy and strong” will be included in my meditations now. I realize that I can’t be loving and kind without this base to build on. I would not have joy to give or wisdom. Thanks

  3. kesh

    Perfectly said. Overcoming the evils that try to destroy our Mooladhara is very liberating and most important.One truly feels free when lust has no control on your Spirit any more. Realy we are free as a bird in the skies of Heaven…!!

  4. CSRangaSai

    Unless Mooladhara is alright we cannot grow in sahaj.
    Every day we keep getting attacked on our base of Mooladhar.Need to introspect and improve our attention and be alert.
    By keeping Mooladhar clear on daily basis we can grow deep in sahaja yoga.

    Let our Mooladhara be strong and healthy.

  5. Shulin

    to protect our Mooladhara, not only we should be careful about what we see, but also what we think and how we react, is our mind pure? is our thoughts pure? we have to ask ourselves.

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