Los Mejores Tres Consejos En Historias de Mark Williams: “Descifrando la Meditación o Cómo Meditar” & “Los Buenos Pensamientos de Cien Changos” & “El Milagro del Mantra de San Gabriel-Hanuman en el Desierto Australiano”

Hemos comenzado a meditar sobre el Principio del Gurú y estas tres historias pueden darnos una idea de la relación entre el Gurú y el Discípulo. Mark Williams había publicado sus experiencias personales en un foro internacional y con su permiso las compartimos en el sitio web de Halton. De esta manera, conocemos a un compañero yogui y nos damos cuenta de cuán poderosa, protectora, guía y afectuosa puede ser nuestra conexión sincera con los principios divinos, que podemos usar para llamar a los arcángeles o profetas o los Poderes Divinos o deidades, viviendo realmente en nuestro…

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A Belgium Student’s Experience with Sahaja Yoga in Canada

Enjoy Eva's Testimonial as a Belgium Student's Experience with Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Burlington Let's get ready to take Eva's letter into our hearts and feel her experiences as our own. Enjoy the journey! Eva's Letter shared below as her Testimonial with the Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Halton region Dear all, Last month, i had the opportunity to discover a bit more of Mother Earth. I decided to choose Canada as my end destination, because I wanted to visit one of my dear yuva friends, Ana Bianca, there since it's really important in my opinion to really…

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Soul and Spirit in A Glass – An Impromptu Sahaj Lab with “The West Australian” and “Il Personaggio”: Obituaries from Australia to Italy (Newspapers)

Of course, there are many articles that appeared in newspapers around the world  but these were the first to be shared in the sahaj community. Not many know that Shri Mataji had revealed to us that countries as well have a subtle role related to their own subtle energy that contributes to a subtle energy centre (chakra) or specific attribute within the Cosmic body. About Italy, Shri Mataji had mentioned that represents the Soul in the cosmic level. So it is no coincidence that in this land her 'departure from Earth' had started and ultimately happened, also…

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“Cabella’s Farewell to The Great Saint” in “Il Secolo XIX” Italian Newspaper, on February 25, 2011

** The Italian newspaper "Il Secolo XIX" had offered a full page cover for this event in 2  detailed articles written by the reporters Irene Navaro and Laura Nicastro. Below we have Anna Mancini translating to English the entire page, article by article (the subtitles were also translated) and we've tried to complete the envision of this complex message by inserting photos received from sahaja yogis/ friends from all around the world. Please, take your time to read till the end all the personal experiences that were shared. I was so impressed about the Italian media to…

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Whiter Than Snow on February 23, 2011 – Silk Detachment Farewell Bow of our Mother Guru

".. on Guru Day, Mother would like to wear something of a lighter shade; White, the pure color of silk, complete detachment. But in white all the colors are mixed, then only it becomes white. Such a Balance and Unity it is. It should be that YOU should become White and Whiter than Snow." "DETACHMENT IS PURITY, IS INNOCENCE. INNOCENCE IS SUCH A LIGHT, LIGHT THAT REALLY BLINDS YOU TO ALL THAT IS FILTHY. You would not even know that a person has come with bad intentions. A person comes to you, comes to steal. You'll say,…

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Chakras’ Influence on Collectivity, Togetherness, Political and Social Problems

The Importance of Collectivity and Togetherness "We all have to be Together. Togetherness is to be felt." - Shri Mataji This article represents a study on Chakras' Wellbeing, Collectivity and Togetherness: proving their importance for individuals and society and how the lack of inner balance at the subtle level (within individuals) can create Political and Social Problems. There are excerpts from the talks of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, compiled together, outlining the specific roles that various chakras play, as well their various combinations and interferences. Let's realize together Chakras' Influence…

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