Joy of Dandia Sticks Dance @ Raksha-Bandhan Event in Burlington

These Photos speak by Themselves - Enjoy The Sahaj Joy @ Special Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class in BurlingtonFirst Photo Album - ONLY with the Dandia momentkudos go to Gladys from Burlington Class that took all the above beautiful photos - one cannot believe that Gladys will be 70 next year!! the photos below were made by another "photographer" from our Halton group. Photo-Album from other moments of this Special Event:

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ALL ABOUT “Art & Spirituality ” YOANN’s TOUR in Canada, Fall 2010 – 20 Programs so far!!

Yoann Freget - coming from France - will be touring Canada from September 16 until October 31, 2010 Note to Universities, Schools, Places of worship, Associations, Businesses and Corporations: Yoann is ready to meet Canadians that Love to Live  the Music!  Do not miss such an opportunity! Actually Yoann's 2 Months of travel across Canada are almost fully booked with events - he will perform almost daily, sometimes even twice same day! NOW is the time for you (or your organization) to send us as soon as possible an invitation in case you are interested to benefit…

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On March 24 – Special Event: “Happy Birthday from Halton!”

On March 21st, precisely in the Middle of the Day, Shri Mataji was born in the centre of India, at Chindwara, in 1923 In Halton, we are dedicating to our yoga teacher and our spiritual guide, 3 articles with the occasion of her birthday (click on the following links): - Falling at the Feet of Her Love - Article about Kundalini & our Subtle System as Flute - Majestic Attitude Towards Life, like an Elephant  with  Joy from the Founder of The Joy Giving Association - The Inner Transformation for the Ocean of Humanity - Shri Mataji's…

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February 17 – Invitation to Special Free Event: “Sahaj Valentine Day – Happy Heart Chakra with Meditation, Drums and Healthy Tips”

The Heart is the Centre point of the Creation (Shri Mataji) and hence All Chakras are subservient to it. It is the power-house of the body and from it energy flows to all other points. It is the seat of the Spirit, the ultimate source of all power..." Shri Mataji -founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation   On Wednesday, February 17 , from 7PM till 9 PM We invite Everyone to this Unique Event that combines Art & Spirituality & Medicine for the wellness, balance and joy of our Hearts. Where & When: here and additional info (parking)…

Continue ReadingFebruary 17 – Invitation to Special Free Event: “Sahaj Valentine Day – Happy Heart Chakra with Meditation, Drums and Healthy Tips”

TODAY! – Free Special Event with 2 Great Performers of Indian Classical Music & Dance – Anandita & Ahilan in Burlington -Wednesday, Dec 2

Where: Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Burlington Class Our Special Guests: Ahilan (Maestro of Tabla ) and  Anandita (Great Singer & Dancer visiting from Colombia) These artists are graciously offering us this Special Event as part of the "Art and Spirituality - When Rhythm becomes Meditation"  Tour in Canada. Both Ahilan and Anandita are practising Sahaja Yoga Meditation, Anandita since she was 7 and Ahilan started practising Sahaja Yoga few years back at our regular free meditation classes in Oakville . What is beautiful and special about our special guests is that they can be in meditation while…

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CHECK: Dance & Music TOUR – “When Rhythm becomes Meditation’ with Anandita, Maestro from Colombia

The Tour is Back to Burlington with a Special Guest!! It is Anandita's 1st visit to Canada - intended to be a much needed relaxing vacation. However, her Canadian friends couldn't resist not to share Anandita's amazing treasure of talents with their  communities. Advice: do not miss such special events that offer spiritually up-beat and visually stunning performances. Below there is a List with Public Performances in Canada. Anandita will offer free programs as well in Universities and various other community centres  with access restricted to the residents or association members. Anandita had already 2 Interviews with…

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