Connections and Differences between Kundalini and Spirit

Let's Find out the Connections and Differences between Kundalini energy and The Spirit Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation Let's read and absorb the truth from this Quote from Shri Mataji's teachings: "The biggest problem we face is to keep the connection between this Spirit and the Kundalini. Our connection is very loose and that’s why this Kundalini cannot look after the Spirit. I wonder if you have noticed one thing in Sahaja Yoga, that you canmanoeuvre the Kundalini, but not the Spirit.  You can raise your hand, the Kundalini will move.…

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New Year Cards with Music Wisdom Fun and Bliss

Happiness deep down within. Serenity with each sunrise. Success in each facet of your life. Family beside you. Close and caring friends. Health, inside you. Love that never ends. Special memories of all the yesterdays. A bright today with much to be thankful for. A path that leads to beautiful tomorrows. Dreams that do their best to come true. Appreciation of all the wonderful things about you. Mahvash & family (from Austria) Enjoy a compilation with quotes of wisdom from the Founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, accompanied by messages (video, text, images)…

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Sahaj Values as Benefits and Responsibilities

Discover why one can perceive the Sahaj Values as Benefits and Responsibilities Let's go through this quote from our Sahaja Yoga Master - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. You can feel guided through the various layers of the 'sahaj values' or ideals and in the same time absorb their meaning and potency when applied in our daily lives. Let's learn, apply and enjoy the loving wisdom from Shri Mataji! "Sahaja Yoga is a very big subject.... This is the one by which you get your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual integration because…

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