Special Event: “Ode to Kundalini Shakti with Bhajans, Meditation and Experiences” – on Wednesday, March 10 @ 7 PM

Celebrate International Women's DayLet's Realize and Recognize our Feminine Power from within! How ?! During a Special Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class dedicated to Kundalini Shakti (Power in Sanskrit) - the subtle energy that unconsciously was associated with Mother Mary - seen as the Mother of God, as a Virgin and as a Protective Queen, all in One.Definitely,the truth in this symbolism (born in the laic expression of Christianity) can be felt during the Sahaj meditation and its workshops. Through this form of meditation, while reciting mantras or expressing an open Heart chakra and  a pure and vibrant…

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Spring with Snowdrops: Martisor Tradition with Subtle Connections to Wordsworth’s Poem

Explore the Romanian Martisor Tradition with Subtle Connections On this snowy day in Canada, let's feel and remember the hidden potential of the coming Spring! The Festival of Martisor is always celebrated on March 1st  in Romania and one can draw many connections to the subtle knowledge offered by Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Just mentioning a few on the spot: March is the month of Mars, the planet that  is associated to 1st Chakra - Mooladhara, called as Root Chakra as well) - and its energy is represented by Shri Ganesha that governs  the Innocence and Purity of…

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Meditate on the Beauty of Holi Festival, Holy Relationships and Colours – “We are Collectively Bound”

Let's Meditate on the Beauty of Holi Festival, Holy Relationships and Symbolism of Colours - "We are Collectively Bound" in Sahaja Yoga! The Holi Celebration known as well as The Festival of Colours will start soon - and many of us that practice Sahaja Yoga Meditation enjoy it and participate to it because it is totally "sahaj" in spirit as well in its traditional expression. My family was fortunate enough to take part to such an amazingly joyful and fun celebration in India at an International Yoga Seminar ** my daughter Abi is in the photo with…

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Who is Lord Shiva in Mythology and Diagram with Symbols

Discover "Who is Lord Shiva in Mythology and Diagram with Symbols" and Enjoy the Connection to Chakras with a VIDEO Example of Meditation for Heart Meditation with Shri Mataji for the Heart Chakra  - Sahaja Yoga Seminar in UK, 1988 "Please close your eyes.. Now we will all do the meditation .. We will work on the left hand (energy channel) side.. (keep) the left hand towards me. Now first of all you put your (right) hand on your Heart. In the heart resides Shiva, is The Spirit. So you have to thank your Spirit that it…

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The Psalm 23 and MIORITA – A Powerful Mantra for the Heart Chakra with Shri Shiva as The Shepard, Romanian Painting and Bach’s Cantata 122

Shri Mataji - founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation: 'All the beautiful blessings of His are described in the Psalm 23 : The Lord is my Shepherd. It is all described how He looks after you as a Shepherd.'   "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.  He leadeth me beside the still waters.  He restoreth my soul.  He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness, for his name's sake.  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;…

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March 1st – Invitation to the Opening of Milton’s 1st Sahaja Yoga Meditation Beginners Course!

In certain countries across the world, on March 1st people celebrate the Arriving on Spring. Definitely a Fresh and Promising Cool Breeze of Spring will arrive in the town of Milton (Halton region) with the opening of the 1st Class of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, right at the border with Mississauga. This first class will be dedicated to have this type of Meditation and its benefits introduced to the participants in a very inter-active manner, with a hands-on chakra workshop that will open the door to the sahaj know-how in dealing successfully with our daily stress as well…

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