On Palm Sunday about Ascent: Innocence Up with Great Children (Ballet Video & Sahaj Photos)

Shri Mataji: "Ascent is when you really Rise Above..." ..not only that you rise but you make others rise."   Our family had seen recently the Oscar movie "UP!" and we loved it! Totally adorable, intelligent and so very sahaj in so many details beside its core message. It is a must to be seen! Sahaja Yoga meditation it is so Uplifting when one would start practising it regularly and the inner child that is already somewhere inside each of us will become active again and ready to express his joy and optimism in our day to…

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On March 24 – Special Event: “Happy Birthday from Halton!”

On March 21st, precisely in the Middle of the Day, Shri Mataji was born in the centre of India, at Chindwara, in 1923 In Halton, we are dedicating to our yoga teacher and our spiritual guide, 3 articles with the occasion of her birthday (click on the following links): - Falling at the Feet of Her Love - Article about Kundalini & our Subtle System as Flute - Majestic Attitude Towards Life, like an Elephant  with  Joy from the Founder of The Joy Giving Association - The Inner Transformation for the Ocean of Humanity - Shri Mataji's…

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Falling at the Feet of Her Love – dedication to my Yoga Teacher’s Birthday, with her own Words of Wisdom

"I was folding my hands before you because I knew it would little bit upset you, so I was just keeping it there, that your Mind should not be disturbed so much. In my palms, you see, very carefully I was catching your Heart to keep it there, so that you should not feel hurt. Because it was not harsh, but it was truth which was harsh. But still, in my palms I was holding it, carefully, so that you should not feel hurt about it . Twenty-four hours are not sufficient for me to love people.…

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On St. Patrick’s Day: A Celtic Experience with Fusion Music Video & Solas Bhride & St. Brigid in a Rain of Vibrations

From Thava, sahaja yoga practitioner from South-Africa, her experience in Ireland with photos: I am awed but not surprised at how it all unfolds amongst us ... I want to share my story of being invited to celebrate the" Winter Solstice " December 21, 2009 whilst we were in Ireland before travelling to Rome on the 24th by "Solas Bhride " in Kildare, a town outside Dublin. My husband Subri and I arrived at the venue completely open to experience the "Winter Solstice" celebration in the Celtic tradition. We were warmly received by sister Mary Mineham who…

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International Women’s Day celebrated in Burlington – How Was it?! Enjoy Photos & Video with Ksenia’s Music!!

Special Event - Ode to Kundalini Shakti On March 10, in Burlington at Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class, we had spent an amazing time together: meditating, learning and singing songs (bhajans) dedicated to Kundalini Energy, also dancing (!), enjoying a potluck and sharing our experiences related to the feminine powers in our life. The highlight was definitely our special guest for that evening: Ksenia - a wonderful singer and sahaja yogini from Toronto - that was both singing and playing at Harmonium classical Indian music for us: bhajans and Ragas. Later that evening we had Ahilan joining Ksenia at Tabla, and one couldn't resist to…

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