The Truthful Perspective can only be seen in the Present
I had always heard that reacting was never a solution. This was the first of many proofs that meditation had evolved my personality and my awareness to a new level. It has been my ego (worries and thoughts about the future, overthinking) and super-ego (thoughts about the past, baggage, conditionings) that were creating reaction.
A pure and truthful perspective can only be seen in the Present.
The impure, untrue, negative thoughts have to be cleared and forgiven daily to make room for a clear, uncluttered perspective of any situation.
Abraham Lincoln made so much sense when he said,
«Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends? »
A powerful sentiment that I could now relate to my own life. I can see them differently in my mind not as enemies that require grudges but as tests for my own growth. I had always thought I was positive. But I was finally discovering a true source of conflict resolution. I am becoming a detached witness which I never thought was possible. I had always admired others for dealing with conflict effectively in a calm way.
Now I am starting to Nurture this (sahaj!) Quality in me.
Dear Paula, your testimonials are really inspiring. Especially this one with Abraham Lincoln’s quote. You have reminded me “that if we don’t forgive, we play into the wrong hands” (quote by Shri Mataji). Generally I am able to witness but my strggle is that I cannot detach but after reading your perspective that all the negative situations are in fact a test for our own growth – I feel much more encouraged to allow myself to just BE a detached witness.
You’re such a special part of our halton sahaj family and I feel so honored to have met you (and ofcourse some others too) and learn from you. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to more!
Love, Anjali
Dearest Paula,
What a beautiful honest and heartfelt journey that we all can feel and know in many ways. The vibrations are so deep and calming from your stories, the light and love shine through and reach each and everyone one us. I have also been very blessed to know you and enjoy many Sahaja blessing with you and our dear Brothers and Sisters of Halton, all a joy and gift.
Love always,