A School’s GREAT Feedback and Thank you Letter for Ten Meditation Workshops

Let’s Enjoy the Photos from this School Wellness Marathon and School’s GREAT Feedback and Thank you Letter for Ten Meditation Workshops provided by Sahaja Yoga Meditation volunteers

A team of  eleven (11) volunteers from sahaja yoga meditation had the joy and honor of participating to Unionville High-school’s  Wellness Day on May 15, 2015. We were contacted via our website by the school directly and the Halton- Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network volunteers represented by Ioana from Burlington ensured a smooth  coordination with the school’s hosting team, as well with other volunteers from across Ontario. We’re still processing the feedback received from various participants *students, teachers and volunteer instructors*  to our 10 “Inner Peace workshops with Sahaja Yoga Meditation”.  However we felt to share with you the beautiful thank you letter and few photos that “say it all!”. Enjoy!

Amazing painting in Unionsville highschool

How it Started

Unionsville Invite -Collaborations with Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Our Volunteers from Sahaja Yoga Meditation -Ontario

Our team of volunteers that offered the 10 "Inner peace with Sahaja Yoga meditation" workshops. From left for right: Yogesh, Sam, Niti, Ioana, Kathleen, Isabelle, Theresa and in the 2nd row: Holly, Shulin and Claudia. We all LOVED this highschool (amazingly polite and welcoming students, lovely teachers, beautiful building that was thriving with positive energy and creativity)
Our team of volunteers that offered the 10 “Inner peace with Sahaja Yoga meditation” workshops. From left to right: Yogesh, Sam, Niti, Ioana, Kathleen, Isabelle, Urvashi and Theresa . In the 2nd row: Holly, Shulin and Claudia. We all LOVED this high-school (amazingly polite and welcoming students, lovely teachers, beautiful building that is thriving with positive energy and creativity – it felt more like an university campus for us).


The Appreciation Letter for Inner peace Workshops

Appreciation Letter from Unionsville Highschool _Markham-WEB


Thank you card for all our volunteers

Other Inner peace workshops with Sahaja Yoga Meditation

(click) Appreciation Letter for Sahaja Yoga Volunteers from Brooksville Public School (1st HEALTH & Wellness Fair)

(click!) University of Guelph “Stressbuster Campaign”: Response from Student Council to “Inner Peace Workshop”

(photos + Thank you letter) Sahaja Yoga Meditation contributes to 2014 Empowering Youth Conference with Motivational Speakers + Inner-Peace Meditation volunteer team (!)

(click!) Youth Services – Youth Quest Program’s THANK YOU LETTER for “Inner Peace” Workshop versus “Restlessness” (YMCA Barrie/Muskoka)

(click!) Appreciation Letter for “Inner peace workshop” @ St Martin’s Manor (Hamilton Centre for Young Parents)


Truly, Sahaja Yoga Meditation had been a reliable partner in building healthy communities all across Ontario, Canad. Check the List of inner peace workshops offered in 2014.


Our Thanks go to the amazing Wellness Committee from Unionville high-school, to the amazing students and to all teachers and of course to the principal – it was a splendid event and we are sure that all participants had both learned about and experienced essentials of health and wellness applicable to our day to to day life. Thank you and we are looking forward to meeting our new friends again!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Shivangi


  2. Shulin

    I loved this school! We met very nice students and teachers. Even the grade 9 boys could manage to be very still during the meditation. And all of them had GREAT feedbacks! One teacher said her headache was gone. And almost everyone could feel the vibrations flowing from top of their heads and also coming from others. And they even started to diagnose their own problems after learning about the qualities for different channels and energy centres. I’d LOVE to go back again!!

  3. Nitin

    Great work.

  4. Isabelle

    I thank all the wonderful students and teachers we got a chance to meet. Wow!!! You made my day! Also big thanks to our crew. Amazing job.

  5. Niti

    It was very nice to see teenagers keen on learning Meditation. When we told them how this meditation will help them to be energetic, dynamic and alert which in turn will help them with their studies – It really made them serious about experiencing it and learning how to do it on regular basis.

  6. Shashidhar

    This news fills my heart with joy and hope of a better future.

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