Fall 2014 Bronte Creek Project/Trailhead Empowering Youth Conference
~ Light the Fire: Follow your Passion into Action ~

Sahaja Yoga Meditation was contacted and had been invited to participate on Thursday, Nov 20th, 2014 at Camp Sidrabene in Burlington to a very exciting Conference: to present to and inspire the Bronte Creek Project and Trailhead students during a 5o minutes session! It was great to hear that one of the students had been coming to our Halton Life DE-Stress program for Youth earlier this year had warmly recommended our volunteer team. We were deeply honored to be reserved a slot during the conference and being asked to provide also motivational speakers to the young audience.

PHOTO ALBUM from Inner-Peace Workshop
Feedback from a BCP student: “Students from Bronte Creek were really looking forward for a workshop like this! A lot more students wanted to sign up, but there wasn’t enough space. I guess they also realized the need for inner peace for themselves in their busy lives of friends, school etc., Many students felt very calm and peaceful, some of them also felt the flow of energies (vibrations)! I really feel this was a valuable lesson in our lives! Thank you for coming!!!”
Other Successful Sahaja Yoga Meditation programs for Students
This is amazing. No surprise sahaja yoga meditation was so well received but the fact that organizations are starting to discover it and having the desire to put it to use is really exciting. Congrats to everyone.
Beautiful! Always so amazing to see young ones interested in meditation and improving themselves. Here’s to hoping more take a genuine interest 🙂
It was so nice to be welcomed at Camp Sidrabene for the 2014 Bronte Creek Empowering Youth Conference. After serving us delicious tea, kale chips, and organic brownies which the students had made, we settled into the meditation room and had a strong discussion about what meditation is, how it can help us, and what we can expect from the experience of meditation, but also what we can expect from our own daily meditation practice. The students were attentive, respectful, and interactive. I am sorry to say I missed the meditation because I had to rush back for a meeting in Mississauga, but I heard good feedback from the other volunteers. We look forward to working with Bronte Creek Project again in the future. If you are hosting an event and you would like to include Inner Peace Meditation Workshops, please feel free to contact us.
All the best!