The Blossom by William Blake
Under leaves so green
A happy blossom
Sees you, swift as arrow,
Seek your cradle narrow,
Near my bosom.
Pretty, pretty robin!
Under leaves so green
A happy blossom
Hears you sobbing, sobbing,
Pretty, pretty robin,
Near my William BlakeOn Music by A Band of Yogi Musicians
Performed by Wienananda, a group of Sahaja yogis in Vienna. 2012. Poem by William Blake. Music written by Ronald Subkus (musician/sahaja yogi meditator)
Wienananda – Thank you!
(click to feel) Blossom Time + Cooperation with Seekers is Giving HOPE for COOL BREEZE of Yoga Realization (Munich, Nepal,Thailand)
Shri Mataji : “So the power of assimilation of good, the power of emission of good, all these powers are just in your complete reach. But all this should not become a praise…
WOW, this video is absolutely incredible!!! So beautiful and such powerful vibrations!!
very very nice song, …..a perfect way to start a day. Thank for sharing!
WOW!!!! You can feel the vibrations from this joyful song. Thanks for sharing!
William Blake and Wienananda – Thank you!
Ronald Subkus who wrote the music in this video is talented. It is a beautiful song and I will listen again and again. The singers are amazing also. I felt strong vibrations. William Blake’s poetry which I began to study in grade school always made a strong impression on me Thank you.
powerful and joyful !! JSM!
WOW very powerful music!!!
With eyes closed you can feel the joyful vibrations as they sing!! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Beautiful music with full of vibrations Thanks for sharing . I love William Blake’s poetry .