Colleen’s Dream on Valentine’s Day – Gift & Premonition
Let’s start with a dream of love that soon became reality; can’t think of any better way to start Valentine’s Day, do you?! 🙂 The following is what Colleen shared with us all (Paula, Indu, Isabelle and Ioana – yoginis from Burligton, Oakville and Milton sahaja yoga classes) during our carpool drive to Welland on February 14, 2013. Enjoy!
“I don’t have an alarm clock because I usually don’t have to get up early in the morning, but if I need to get up for something I will ask in my head before I go to sleep to please wake me up at such and such time, and it has so far always worked. The night before going to Niagara College-Welland Campus I didn’t go to bed until about 2:30am, and then I couldn’t sleep because I was afraid I wouldn’t get up in time. So as I was laying there trying to sleep I asked Shri Mataji to please wake me up at 8am as I was going to the college for her. I finally fell asleep and fast forward to the morning, my first conscious thought was being pulled to waking state with my arm stretched out to the dream state with the words *we will be speaking about you today* ringing in my ears. The next thing I knew I was awake and it was 8am!!! As soon as I woke up I KNEW I had been with Shri Mataji in my dream state. I had no image of anything in my head, I just had those words ringing in my ears!! Every time I think about it my heart just swells with love!!!
It was an amazing, very personal experience!!! Thank you Shri Mataji.” Colleen (yogini meditator, Burlington Class, quite connected to her meditation teacher and yoga guru: Shri Mataji)
Day# 1- February 11 (How was it ?!)
Kusum‘s text message: “I have just got home. It was a fantastic experience, having it once per month would be great! Paula has all the info” Kusum (practitioner/volunteer coordinator for Milton-Mississauga class)
Paula’s email: “I drove jetlagged but happily with my crew Colleen and Kusum to meet student and yogi practitioner Sahaj (from Niagara Falls and former student of Niagara College himself!) for our second self-realization and chakra workshop event at Niagara College. Communicating and sharing this gift of Kundalini energy awakening was revitalizing for myself, I was so awake and joyful I entered into my second and third wind and forgot about my jetlag!
The students had wonderful experiences that they shared with us following a trial meditation and workshop. One of the organizers Kenney, who was filming various booths, came near the end and decided to give us a try. Although he was skeptical, he was open. After his meditation with us, I asked him how he felt. He said, “It was out of this world!”.
The school nurse felt very relaxed during the session and asked if there was a lot of traffic for our booth. The students steadily sat down with us for 2 minute sessions of meditation all along, especially a lot of male students were pouring into our seats. I asked if there were more men than women attending the college. She said no, but that many of them came to her office to talk about the number one issue affecting students in these times, mental health. We sat for quite awhile to talk about meditation as a method of supporting the well being of the students. She absolutely loved working at the Niagara College and was genuinely impressed with the quality of students that she has interacted with and their openness to find solutions to stress. We will definetely be in touch and return to Niagara College to share with more students the real meaning of Yoga. The feeling, and even the instant knowing, that occurs spontaneously when Kundalini is awakened that “we are all connected to the same mains.”
A few students confided in me, some of their dreams and connections they have felt. We shared with them Dr. Carl Jung’s findings regarding the collective consciousness. One student had many examples, one was that when a song popped into her head, that she would turn on the radio and it would be playing at that moment on the radio. I actually had the same experience many times. And later that day, I seemed to be streaming in a Bob Marley tune, and when I put the radio on, there he was singing, and I smiled as my Kundalini energy rose up and filled me with the joy of connection. We can tap into this joy-giving frequency of the fourth dimension. Sahaja Yoga is the amazing path to discovering the tree of life rooted in all of us. It was an honor to communicate with curious and open hearted students. Participating in the meditation collectively had the power to erase jetlag from my body. It cleared my mind from any trace of fatigue. So my comment would be, “Rejuvenating!”– Paula (volunteer instructor at Halton sahaja yoga classes)
Day# 2- February 14 (How was it ?!)
Paula: “Many students visited the booth in the the foyer buzzing with activity! Two or three students were wondering if it was normally so loud with activity in a typical meditation class? But once they sat down and began meditating their perspective changed completely. They pressed their right hand on their hearts and asked if they were the pure spirit. Then they asked to get the “yoga”, the divine connection by pressing their right hand on the fontanell bone where the Sahasrara -known as crown – chakra is located.
Then they close their eyes, and time stood still. So many were surprised how still their minds were amidst the hustle and bustle of college midday. I saw so many wondrous smiles. Their minds grew quiet. Time slowed down long enough to give them the connection. They looked peaceful, enlightened, curious and there were definately some “aha” moments. They felt sensations in their hands indicating that the sacred energy Kundalini, that lays dormant in the sacrum bone, had awakened. It was great to share the “cool breeze” experiment with all the students and hope to see them all at any one of our St. Catherines, Halton and beyond classes that are always free!”
Ioana: “We definitely were granted a grand way to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year, enjoying the truly divine play of ‘giving while receiving’ nothing else but Love. One felt that the Spring was boldly rising in one’s heart when so many young busy people somehow were finding the time to experience the stilness and were expressing the desire to meditate in such a vibrant place such as Niagara College! We thank to the organizers and to the Director of Student and Community Relations for the Niagara College Student Administrative Council, Niagara-on-the-Lake campus that had invited us to attend their annual Healthy Lifestyle Fair and we hope that this beautiful initiative that can make a real difference in many people’s lives becomes a well rooted tradition in the years to come.”
Please, drop a comment if you have any in your heart 🙂
(click!) Learn from Mother Earth to be a Yogi-Meditator!
It was really nice to read thru all ur productive Valentine’s Day experiences …. Any prog conducted to promote Shri Mataji’s s Divine Love and Knowledge of Sahajayoga….becomes A Unique Experience down the Memory Lane …. We , The Bahrain Collective too have a Mega Event coming up during the Bahrain Cultural Wellness Fair in April …!! Reading ur great exp , we too r hoping for many true seekers to come and get their Realisation … please do put ur Attention so that Mother’s Divine Attention Will Be There With Us for the Event !!! Once again , MANY MANY CONGRATS ON YOUR Acheivement As MOTHER’s HUMBLE INSTRUMENTS !!!
I love to read all this and also having a desire to go sometime too.hope soon
I would love to attend this seminar when is it next
I remember that day. It was a lot of fun. I was practicing Sahaja Yoga Meditation for less than a year. Now 6 years later, people are telling me I look 20yrs younger. Hmmm Sahaj connection? Without a doubt.
Great way of sharing Yoga with others. Sahaja Yoga.