What’s the Subtle Importance of Greece and France

Let’s Discover What’s the Subtle Importance of Greece and France at Global Chakra Level

Photo from Ioana (Oakville pond in Canada)

Invite to learn about Greece and France in a different way as well an invite to meditation

Let’s see how important these countries, Greece and France are, in terms of subtle energy (chakra) level and how this planetary/cosmic interdependency functions. Today, there is a global planetary meditation on the crown chakra (Sahasrara) initiated by sahaja yoga meditation groups and hundreds of thousands sahaja yogis will meditate with the attention on these countries.
Please join us in meditation while absorbing the subtle pure knowledge (nirmal vidya in Sanskrit) shared in the following two Articles provided below, sharing compilations of yoga wisdom collected from the talks of the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

(click!) About Greece and GreeksA Chakra Level Analysis with Info about Goddess Athena-Kundalini


(click!) About France and The Importance of Friendship

Two Friends - Little Sahaja Yogis friends at Cabella Yoga Meditation retreat and seminar

Quote about Greece’s ancient belief in One Primordial Mother and the connection to Athena

“Today I wanted to tell you something good about Greece before we start off with the Puja for about ten minutes. Very interesting things have happened. When I went to Greece, I knew that I had to go to Greece. And they told me that they believed in the beginning in one Mother, in one Primordial Mother. But after sometime there were some Indo-Arian people who came down to them.and said, ‘Yes there is one Mother but She has many aspects and these aspects are expressed as different Gods.’ And then they told me about all the Gods, which you know of. But they later on made them (i.e. the Gods) absolutely human type of Gods and they spoiled it; but still there are certain things so amazing, like Athena is the name of the Goddess, *known as the Primordial Mother. Athena –  Atha in Sanskrit means ‘the Primordial’. And they got the word from Athena.” 

Extract from “Open Your Heart”-  Shri Mataji’s Talk in England, 1981

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