What is the Gold’s Value when The World is Fragmented ? Seeking in Sahaja Yoga: Subtle versus Gross as Light in Darkness

The Values in a Fragmented World "And it is only possible for people who are of a Subtler Nature to understand the value of Sahaja Yoga, to hold to the Values of Sahaja Yoga, and to retain it in this Fragmented World." "The world is fragmented and everybody is acting towards one's own destruction." "All the values which people follow are gross values. Most of the values are absolutely gross. So, for Sahaja Yoga we have to have people who are trying to justify their Subtleties. Such subtle people have always been a little different from the…

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What are Chakras Made of ? Explore the Sun and Follow Shri Saraswati!

Were you wondering What are Chakras made of? Are you obsessing over the Sunlight? In case you were wondering wondering What are Chakras made of and you are passionate about the Sunlight, this article is for you to explore!  Plus, it contains lots of  Nirmal Vidya (pure knowledge, in the Sanskrit language) that comes in the form of Quotes from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, who offered tens of thousands of enlightened speeches. Quotes about the Types of Light, as well on Surya (the Sun) and Shri Saraswati  "And the Surya…

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A Special Piano Lesson with Lotuses and Chakras

There is a story about a special Piano Lesson with connections made to Lotuses and Chakras Let's enjoy this article as a meditative reading that nourishes your heart, your mind and even your eyes.The lotus flowers posted above are from a little pond discovered in Oakville, Halton region in Ontario, Canada. We are inviting you to this article featuring a piano lesson like no other.  A Special Piano Lesson: "Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took the small boy to a concert of the great concert pianist, Paderewski. After they were…

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YOGINI’s Crown Chakra Miracle Story with GURU’s Photo

Jayanthi is sharing her miracle story with SAHASRARA from Shri Mataji's Photo Jayanthi who is a sister yogini from Oakville (Halton region of Canada) sent us her experience with Shri Mataji's photograph. Actually, the focus in her story is on the Sahasrara (crown chakra) of Shri Mataji. Enjoy the letter! "Dear Ioana, thank you all very much for a wonderful puja at our home on Monday, the vibrations were so strong, also i would like to share a beautiful experience i had after you left. After dinner around 7:30pm i felt like going downstairs where we performed…

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Four Essential Q&A about Meditation and Spiritual Seeking

Question: Even though I meditate, thoughts come to my head, they just come all of a sudden and I know they're not part of me. Is there a method to control these thoughts even though we do meditate? Shri Mataji: See, you must raise your Kundalini. Try to raise it. Put your attention to your Sahasrara (crown chakra).  Say: 'Mother (Kundalini), come in my head. '  As soon as Kundalini crosses the Agnya (= Third Eye chakra) you cannot have those thoughts. You should follow this simple method also, that if you see any thought coming in,…

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Human Brain’s Subtle Architecture

Let's Find out about the Human Brain's Subtle Architecture Willlow tree in Burlington (photographed by Ioana). Enjoy this compilation of quotes from the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. It offers powerful answers and explanations related to 'How the Brain, the Ego and the Super-Ego were created' and 'How do they function within the Human Brain's Subtle Architecture' theme. Be patient and you'll be rewarded! Why God had created the Ego and the Superego and What is the Human Brain's Subtle Architecture?! Explore the Powerful Answers from Shri Mataji who calls Herself to…

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