Free Special Event – Music, Meditation, Dandia Sticks Dance & Raksha Bandhan Celebration – Aug 25 @ Burlington Class

Special Guests: Rajani - Bhajan Singer from Oakville Ahilan - Tabla (Indian drum) player from Oakville Agenda for the evening: Intro to Vishuddhi Chakra  - Short Video Meditation on Live Music Sahaj Celebration of the Raksha -Bandhan Festival Fun & Dance with Dandia Sticks Open to All - Come & Enjoy & Experience!! Where: Brant Hills Community Centre, Nelson Room Address: 2255 Brant Street (Upper Middle & Dundas) Time: 7PM -9PM Click to ENJOY Article on Raki, Raksha Bandhan and Interesting Correlations with the Subtle System of Chakras Click for GREAT Sahaj Event - Fiesta with Latino…

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Connections and Differences between Kundalini and Spirit

Let's Find out the Connections and Differences between Kundalini energy and The Spirit Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation Let's read and absorb the truth from this Quote from Shri Mataji's teachings: "The biggest problem we face is to keep the connection between this Spirit and the Kundalini. Our connection is very loose and that’s why this Kundalini cannot look after the Spirit. I wonder if you have noticed one thing in Sahaja Yoga, that you canmanoeuvre the Kundalini, but not the Spirit.  You can raise your hand, the Kundalini will move.…

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Einstein’s Puzzle: “How to Repair the World?!” – Sweet Story with ‘Handy Solution’

Albert Einstein and Sahaja Yogis are like Scientists Children in Pursuit of Truth & Beauty 'Study and, in general the pursuit of Truth and Beauty is a Sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all of our lives.' 'If I had an hour to save the world I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute finding solutions'. The  above 2 quotes belong to  Albert Einstein and I feel they represent a good introduction to the  Story below that is so purely Sahaj in its essence - for this reason I…

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Day 14 – Sahaj Evening @ Integrated Health & Wellness Centre – Art & Spirituality Tour

Another Special Day of Anandita's hectic Tour in Canada - From the Airport to Northern Toronto  - let's enjoy the Story from James, Toronto Hi Ioana, Here are some stories for the night in Northern Toronto, to add to the website. The evening program on Monday, December 7  was fantastic. Many patients gathered for a reception in Dr. Karelis' clinic, while a special conference room that was reserved just for the performance. New ones including patients and friends from North York, Downtown, and Mississauga attended, numbering in the twenties, as well as many established sahaja yoga meditation…

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From Hospital – Letter about Strong Kundalini & Mantras

Dearest Ioana, I will give you a story -Today I spend the whole day in the hospital with chest pains - they started on Thursday and in the night from Thursday to Friday I was very scared - I woke at 3pm with terrible chest pain, so in the morning I decided to go to the hospital. My friend drove me. They hooked me up to a heart monitor and did many tests. At 1pm they transferred me to an observation room - hooked up to the heart monitor. I was getting bored and decided to meditate.…

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Sir C.P about Shri Mataji – United Nations versus Universal Family

Sir C.P. Srivastava (July 8, 1920 - July 22, 2013) Knighted by the Queen of England with the honorary 'Knight Commander of the most distinguished order of St. Michael and St. Gabriel' (KCMG) as a recognition from Britain for his contribution to world shipping.Secretary-General Emeritus, of the International Maritime Organization, United Nations.Sir CP is also recipient of the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Award for Excellence in Public Administration, Academics and Management, from the Government of India. International Maritime Organization (IMO - United Nations), on the day he passed away - July 22, 2013 -  had honoured Sir CP,…

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