YOGINI’s Crown Chakra Miracle Story with GURU’s Photo

Jayanthi is sharing her miracle story with SAHASRARA from Shri Mataji's Photo Jayanthi who is a sister yogini from Oakville (Halton region of Canada) sent us her experience with Shri Mataji's photograph. Actually, the focus in her story is on the Sahasrara (crown chakra) of Shri Mataji. Enjoy the letter! "Dear Ioana, thank you all very much for a wonderful puja at our home on Monday, the vibrations were so strong, also i would like to share a beautiful experience i had after you left. After dinner around 7:30pm i felt like going downstairs where we performed…

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Four Essential Q&A about Meditation and Spiritual Seeking

Question: Even though I meditate, thoughts come to my head, they just come all of a sudden and I know they're not part of me. Is there a method to control these thoughts even though we do meditate? Shri Mataji: See, you must raise your Kundalini. Try to raise it. Put your attention to your Sahasrara (crown chakra).  Say: 'Mother (Kundalini), come in my head. '  As soon as Kundalini crosses the Agnya (= Third Eye chakra) you cannot have those thoughts. You should follow this simple method also, that if you see any thought coming in,…

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Human Brain’s Subtle Architecture

Let's Find out about the Human Brain's Subtle Architecture Willlow tree in Burlington (photographed by Ioana). Enjoy this compilation of quotes from the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. It offers powerful answers and explanations related to 'How the Brain, the Ego and the Super-Ego were created' and 'How do they function within the Human Brain's Subtle Architecture' theme. Be patient and you'll be rewarded! Why God had created the Ego and the Superego and What is the Human Brain's Subtle Architecture?! Explore the Powerful Answers from Shri Mataji who calls Herself to…

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About Duality, the Sorrow and Joy in Kahlil Gibran’s Poetry

Joy and Sorrow - painting by Kahlil Gibran "We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them." Let's explore this article that brings the wisdom from Sahaja Yoga Meditation about Integration and Duality, along with the beauty of amazing excerpts such as 'About Sorrow and Joy' in Kahlil Gibran's Prophet; we also are sharing the beauty of the Flower's Song with Sahaj Definitions. Enjoy! Kahlil Gibran writes in 'The Prophet' on Joy and Sorrow "Then a woman said, 'Speak to us of Joy and Sorrow.' And he answered:  Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And…

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Kids leading Morning Meditation with Mantras – Join OnLine AUDIO Sahaj Experiment

Letter from Sia (friend sahaja yogini and mom from UK): "My boys (both 4) and myself just sat down this afternoon and spontaneously recorded a little something for you. A short meditation that you and your kid might enjoy!!! The boys say the mantras and it has a bit of flute (actually recorder) in it too. The flute part is not purely Indian, but I had the sound of the Native American Flutes in my heart when playing. I just love the sound of them and still dream of - one day - getting a flute or…

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For You, My Diamond Friends – on May 7, I Thank you

"What I am trying to tell you is that, with these vibrations, you enter into the divine ether. This ether exists in everything...but it is nothing that you have to do because you are one with the divine ether. And when you start just paying attention to someone, that ether just goes and acts. So your attention becomes collectively conscious and collectively active. Thus you become great friends. There is no quarrel. There is no jealousy because you know you are part and parcel of One Personality. The second thing that happens to you is that you…

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