Meditate on the Beauty of Holi Festival, Holy Relationships and Colours – “We are Collectively Bound”

Let's Meditate on the Beauty of Holi Festival, Holy Relationships and Symbolism of Colours - "We are Collectively Bound" in Sahaja Yoga! The Holi Celebration known as well as The Festival of Colours will start soon - and many of us that practice Sahaja Yoga Meditation enjoy it and participate to it because it is totally "sahaj" in spirit as well in its traditional expression. My family was fortunate enough to take part to such an amazingly joyful and fun celebration in India at an International Yoga Seminar ** my daughter Abi is in the photo with…

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How to get a ‘Sahaja Yogi’ Diploma Certification

Let's find out How to get a 'Sahaja Yogi' Diploma Certification or if that's even possible Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - is seen spreading 'vibrations' (energy) in Bucharest, Romania while "checking" the Kundalini energy's strength above a sahaja yogi's crown chakra. The Founder of Sahaja Yoga is Talking about What Certifies a Sahaja Yogi We will be offering some excerpts from the lectures of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Let's see what we learn from them! Becoming Your Ideals - They Are like Torches! "If you become the Ideals, the Power of Ideals…

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Anandita & ‘Chello Sahaji’ Bhajan Band in Newspapers – “Burlington Post” writes in “The Arts” section

"Art & Spirituality:  When Rhythm Becomes Meditation" - makes 1st Page of "The Arts" section of the Daily Newspaper in Burlington Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Halton had sponsored this Free Community Event with a beautiful and successful program of "Art & Spirituality". The Canadian Tour of Anandita Basu had its Debut with "When Rhythm Becomes Meditation" in Burlington, on Tuesday November 24 at Brant Hills Community Centre. There were around 100 persons present and their feedback was overwhelmingly positive. This was the largest program of Anandita Basu's Tour in Canada, 2009. Enjoy Kathak & Indian Folk Videos…

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TODAY! – Free Special Event with 2 Great Performers of Indian Classical Music & Dance – Anandita & Ahilan in Burlington -Wednesday, Dec 2

Where: Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Burlington Class Our Special Guests: Ahilan (Maestro of Tabla ) and  Anandita (Great Singer & Dancer visiting from Colombia) These artists are graciously offering us this Special Event as part of the "Art and Spirituality - When Rhythm becomes Meditation"  Tour in Canada. Both Ahilan and Anandita are practising Sahaja Yoga Meditation, Anandita since she was 7 and Ahilan started practising Sahaja Yoga few years back at our regular free meditation classes in Oakville . What is beautiful and special about our special guests is that they can be in meditation while…

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Short Story with Business, Temple and Mother Theresa – The Modern Faith Crisis with Hope from Audio Advise & Cute baby girl

DIFFICULT JUDGEMENT STORY(author unknown - received via emails)In a small town, a person decided to open up his Bar business, which was right opposite to a Temple. The Temple & its congregation started a campaign to block the Bar from opening with petitions and prayed daily against his business.Work progressed. However, when it was almost complete and was about to open a few days later, a strong lightning struck the Bar and it was burnt to the ground.The temple folks were rather smug in their outlook after that, till the Bar owner sued the Temple authorities on…

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Socrates about Ram Navami & Magic Tabla Music

Meditation on Live Tabla Recital & Introduction to Right Heart Chakra - with the occasion of King Rama's Birthday ( the Ram Navami festival) - During this special event we've explored the sense of righteousness, responsibility and good will that are nurtured in our Right Anahat energy centre (Anahat centre is called Heart chakra as well as it is placed at heart's level). On Friday, April 3, 2009, at the Oakville Class we had a  Special Event  dedicated to Ram Navami. We had participants coming from our Halton Classes (Burlington and Oakville) plus friends of theirs that had an…

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