Days 11, 12 & 13 – Calgary warmed up by Anandita’s Tour with “Art & Spirituality” – VIDEOs & Stories

Letter from Krasi, Calgary - where Santa had arrived already with Gifts for the Heart & Spirit Dear Ioana, My language is pretty simple. It is going to be difficult to try to express the wonderful experience with words. Anandita arrived in Calgary on Friday Dec.4. There was a big snow storm that day. The airport was closed shortly after her arrival. We had a nice evening at the ashram with long sahaj chat and collective meditation.. Anandita has the quality to make our Beauty from within to shine stronger. It was stormy all night and on…

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Canadian Joy Unleashed in Burlington on Colombian Rhythms with Anandita!

On DAY 1 the Canadian Joy was Unleashed in Burlington on the Colombian Rhythms with Anandita Basu Enjoy the following 2 Amazing Videos from the 1st DAY of Anandita Basu's Canadian Tour "When Rhythm becomes Meditation". This great artist brought the Colombian and Indian rhythms to Canada at the invite of the Halton Sahaja Yogis. We called our programs: "Art and Spirituality with Sahaja Yoga Meditation".  Make sure you WATCH both videos until the very end. The 1st video has a nice story: One gentleman was declaring sincerely after the Meditation session that he still does not…

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Consejo Sahaja para el Ascenso Espiritual – Permanece en el Presente

Conocer nuestras Heridas y Repararlas ".. Tenemos que reparar siempre todas nuestras heridas que nos hemos hecho por nuestra necedad, por nuestra lujuria, por nuestra codicia y por tantas falsas identificaciones que llevamos con nosotros. ... Si sabemos cuáles son nuestras debilidades, es mejor; Realmente podemos nadar mejor. Supongamos que en un barco hay un agujero y el agua entra por ese agujero, la atención de toda la tripulación, de todo el personal y el capitán mismo estará puesta en ese agujero por donde entra el agua y en ningún otro lugar. De la misma manera, debemos estar…

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Why Stay in the Present & Advice for Spiritual Ascent, Wounds and Weaknesses

Know our Wounds and Repair them '..we have to repair all the time all our wounds which we have caught ourselves by our foolishness, by our lust,  by our greed and by so many false identifications we carry with ourselves. ...If we know what our weaknesses are, it’s better; we can really swim  across better. Supposing on a ship there is a hole and the water is coming in  through that hole the attention of all the crew, of all t he staff and the captain himself will be on that hole from where the water is…

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What is Kundalini? Answer with Miracle Photos & Numerology Info (HOW TO Establish my Self Realization?!)

Kundalini as Strands of Energy /Spiral Rope piercing through the top of the head Sahasrara chakra "Now, this Kundalini is the Primordial Power which is reflected within you.. And within you, in a human being, it is like many strands of energy. So it’s like a rope and these energies are all twisted together to form this Kundalini. In a human being these strands are 3 into 7 — that is 21— raised to power 108. But when your Kundalini rises, one or two strands out of this come up and pierce the fontanel bone area (at…

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Honour the Thanksgiving with Native Indian Prayers and Sahaja Yoga Wisdom

Let's Honour the Thanksgiving with Native Indian Prayers and Sahaja Yoga Wisdom - We will Listen to Indigeneous People and to Shri Mataji Thanksgiving in America as I can feel and understand it,  has Native Indian roots. It will be about Giving Thanks to the Creator, reflected in all parts of His Creation. That includes our lives. And these Thanks have to be given in a Collective Way. This should be a Collective and Sincere Introspection, ultimately a Meditation on what gives sense to our Existence and to what sustains our existence -  in a state of…

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