Doris Yogini Reporting from Rome – Center for Evolutionary Learning & Beginnings of the “Meta Modern Era” during 2009 Meditation & Yoga international Seminar

Doris - Sahaja Yogini from France, reporting from Rome :-)   This year Italy played a fantastic role for experiencing Meditation & Yoga en-mass. Truly a fantastic year for exploring the amazing and diversified potential that Sahaja Yoga Meditation has to offer ! Remember the short story about the International Seminar - Retreat at Cabella earlier in 2009 and our Canadian Teenager's Experiences from Children Meditation Summer Camp at Daglio.Also there, at Cabella this inspired initiative arrived to invite Anandita Basu to come and tour Canada - and it happened! So it only comes "round" to share…

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Day 8 in Whitby – Anandita’s Favorite URDU Song, Learn Colombian Song with Dynamic Kathak Dance & More – Art & Spirituality LIVE in Whitby!

We have received such a treasure of photos and videos from Siva about the "Art & Spirituality" tour in Whitby - all performances were captured on tape and we are sharing here the most special - unique ones. For the Story with Beautiful photos don't miss this Whitby Article. VIDEOS Section - with Songs and Dances Urdu Song with Explanations: "La Cumbia" - Colombian Song Dhynamic NEW Kathak Dance: Learn the Bhajan - "Mahamaya Mahakali, Jay Sherawali"

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Anandita & ‘Chello Sahaji’ Bhajan Band in Newspapers – “Burlington Post” writes in “The Arts” section

"Art & Spirituality:  When Rhythm Becomes Meditation" - makes 1st Page of "The Arts" section of the Daily Newspaper in Burlington Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Halton had sponsored this Free Community Event with a beautiful and successful program of "Art & Spirituality". The Canadian Tour of Anandita Basu had its Debut with "When Rhythm Becomes Meditation" in Burlington, on Tuesday November 24 at Brant Hills Community Centre. There were around 100 persons present and their feedback was overwhelmingly positive. This was the largest program of Anandita Basu's Tour in Canada, 2009. Enjoy Kathak & Indian Folk Videos…

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Days 11, 12 & 13 – Calgary warmed up by Anandita’s Tour with “Art & Spirituality” – VIDEOs & Stories

Letter from Krasi, Calgary - where Santa had arrived already with Gifts for the Heart & Spirit Dear Ioana, My language is pretty simple. It is going to be difficult to try to express the wonderful experience with words. Anandita arrived in Calgary on Friday Dec.4. There was a big snow storm that day. The airport was closed shortly after her arrival. We had a nice evening at the ashram with long sahaj chat and collective meditation.. Anandita has the quality to make our Beauty from within to shine stronger. It was stormy all night and on…

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Day 9 – Oakville, Canada or The World – “Art & Spirituality” with Anandita for Everyone!

Sahaja Yoga Meditation Program with Anandita Performance - Introduced & Experienced at Halton Multicultural Council in Oakville, December 2, 2009 Debbie, Volunteer with HMC and co-organizer of the event: Anandita performed at the Halton Multicultural Organization in Oakville on Dec 2. Attendees included volunteers and their clients (mainly newcomers to Canada from all parts of the World). Anandita spoke a little bit about herself, did a beautiful dance, introduced Sahaja Yoga, gave self realization and danced with the group. Everyone enjoyed it very much and was delighted to have shared in this experience. More than 50 people…

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Day 6 & 7 – Montreal enjoys Anandita “When Rhythm Becomes Meditation”!

'"When Rhythm Becomes Meditation"?!  It is real!!! ' says Diane, Montreal We could experience it at the special event with Anandita in Montreal. Love and joy is carried through every expression of her, while singing, dancing, talking, smiling, etc. Don't miss the opportunity to attend the program near you.  Diane Enjoy Photo-Album ANANDITA AU CENTRE SAHAJ Montreal's Poster More Photos, Stories and Videos will come soon!

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