YOGINI’s Crown Chakra Miracle Story with GURU’s Photo

Jayanthi is sharing her miracle story with SAHASRARA from Shri Mataji's Photo Jayanthi who is a sister yogini from Oakville (Halton region of Canada) sent us her experience with Shri Mataji's photograph. Actually, the focus in her story is on the Sahasrara (crown chakra) of Shri Mataji. Enjoy the letter! "Dear Ioana, thank you all very much for a wonderful puja at our home on Monday, the vibrations were so strong, also i would like to share a beautiful experience i had after you left. After dinner around 7:30pm i felt like going downstairs where we performed…

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Fragrance from Paris, France in Afrique Magazine Interview with Meditation Master and African Yoga Visions & Stories: Gandhi, Sahaja Yoga, Kenya and Morocco

« The flowers of Morocco have so much fragrance because Moroccans have so much love in their hearts » Shri Mataji (founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation) Afrique Magazine -- Paris -- France Interview by Catherine Brousse with Shri Mataji (10/07/89) "The Indians call her "the Great Mother" and see her as a saint; At a very young age she used to write Mahatma Gandhi's prayers. She's been living in London since 1975 where her husband is general secretary of IMCO. She has founded yoga centers in India and in several countries in Europe : England, Switzerland, France,…

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Wordsworth Poem for Butterflies Fascination & Meditation Experience @ Wellness and Health Show in Burlington 2010

Sharing Sahaj Connections and Butterflies Fascination After receiving the photos and the feedback from the Wellness Show with the beautiful connections shared by my dear friend from Burlington, all I wanted was to gift her with a "Butterfly present". She is always so thoughtful and her friends from the Halton sahaja yoga classes know very well her connection with Butterflies. So this poem composed by a realized soul William Wordsworth - much appreciated by the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - hopefully that poem says everything, starting from its title: " To A Butterfly" till its end with…

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Isabelle – I have found Gentle Strength in Halton at Sahaja Yoga Meditation Classes

Isabelle - living the words of Abraham Lincoln (see the beautiful quote she used in her testimonial) ”The greatest force in the universe is also the gentlest one.” Shopping for a calendar for my cousin, I came across the quote above, that I instantly loved. How lucky we are that this is true. Even my mind (which is my greatest obstacle-blockage-enemy) wants this to be true. And what is this greatest force? It is Love. Silent strength. For a long time I was looking for a big sign to show me the way. But I realize that…

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“We Feel it!” even @ Chapters – New Video based on Testimonials from Etobicoke & Brampton on the Benefits of Meditation

"Magnanimity of mind is very pleasing and it attracts others. This magnanimity lies within human being and is awakened by Kundalini. But how can those people have this Joy of Spontaneity who are living in artificial atmosphere ?!" Shri Mataji - founder of sahaja yoga meditation The 2 photos you can see above and below in this article, are from Burlington Chapters, capturing aspects from one of the many Meditation Workshops that Sahaja Yogis are providing across Ontario to the Chapters bookstores and other indoor venues (like malls) - always for free.   The Video that you'll…

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One Million Dollars Joy – for Free in Canadian Malls!

We still get that rush of a pleasant surprise when we discover life in the enclosed, man-made spaces - when we see a beautiful flower or even gardens that truly happen to flourish there. Sahaja Yoga is a system of Nature says its founder, Shri Mataji. And for those that experience the meditation with Sahaja Yoga system, this realization comes naturally:  this type of meditation really brings a natural communication, a  natural feeling of well-being - anywhere it is practised.  Sahaja Yoga expresses itself as a system that carries the (power of) Nature, the Life with it,…

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