Heart Chakra Experience#3 – Debbie’s Heart Really Rocks! (VIDEO)

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Debbie's Creative Heart - her gift & part of her presentation about Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra Experience#3 - Artwork - Debbie's Heartfelt Play with Rocks VIDEO - Debbie's Heart Chakra Experiences on the ROAD! Debbie's VIDEO-testimonial: How Sahaja Yoga Helped me?! Anjali's VIDEO-Experience with ANAHAT Centre! Adrian's VIDEO-Experience with HEART Centre & ART!

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Heart Chakra Experience #2: Adrian’s ART & VIDEO Testimonial (Sahaj Guru Game 2011)

Adrian's Heart Knows: "The Heart is the Centre point of the Creation .. and hence all Chakras are subservient to it. It is the power-house of the body and from it energy flows to all other points. It is the seat of the Spirit, the ultimate source of all power…”  (Shri Mataji  - the founder of sahaja yoga meditation) Adrian's Artwork: Heart's Creativity & Connection VIDEO Testimonial on Heart / Anahat Chakra  - Adrian's Experience click! Beauty of Permeation with Enlightened Dust Particles (Rumi and Shri Mataji) (VIDEO) Anjali's Heart Chakra Experience VIDEO – Adrian & Divya:…

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A Heart Chakra Experience from Anjali (Sahaj Guru Game 2011)

Let's Enjoy a Heart Chakra Experience from Anjali (Sahaj Guru Game 2011) The "Anahat / Heart Chakra team"-  from Halton's Sahaj Guru Game - comprised the following team mebers: Anjali, Adrian and Debbie. This article is about Anjali's experience. Below you can enjoy the video made by Ahilan. More Videos will come up soon! Let's hear Anjali's  HEART (ANAHAT)'s Sahaj Guru Game Experience (VIDEO)   (click!) WATCH the Nabhi Chakra Team in four SHORT VIDEOS – Experiences from Jon, Jupinder, Sonia and Perviz!

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Nabhi Chakra: Introspect & Meditate with Four Sahaj Gurus! (4 SHORT VIDEOS – Testimonials from Nabhi Chakra Team!)

What is a Sahaj Guru?! What's the difference from a Guru?! "Sahaja yogis should never say anything harsh to anyone. They have no right to say. Because without saying anything to you, you got your realization, absolutely free. Without doing anything you got your realization (the awakening of Kundalini energy). And if somebody is coming to you for realization you must do it in the same manner. You didn't get it through some sort of a austere.. training. So this attitude must be changed. And I have seen that if you have this (austere) attitude then you…

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Jon’s VIDEO sharing on Nabhi Chakra Experience (Sahaj Guru Game!)

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Nabhi chakra team's presentation (Sahaj Guru Game in Halton)

Humour is another Quality of a Guru - for sure of a Sahaj Guru :-)   (VIDEO) Jon's Introspection on Satisfaction and New Beginnings Shri Mataji: "you'll be amazed the kind of a sweet humour about yourself develops and you really become a very interesting, magnetic personality and a very enjoyable person, extremely enjoyable. Everybody will seek your company. This is what is the Sign of your Guru Principle being Enlightened." (excerpt from a talk on Guru Principle, on July 28, 1991 in Italy) VIDEO: Guided Meditation on Nabhi Chakra (recorded session) Enjoy Few Photos from  Nabhi…

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Perviz from Milton Class (VIDEO!) on Great Experience with Nabhi Chakra & Surprise Birthday

(Enjoy VIDEO) Perviz's Experience with Nabhi Chakra First: Perviz's VIDEO Testimonial on Blood Pressure, Sugar & Contentment Level We thank Ahilan for realizing the VIDEO above! Also thanks go to Peter for taking the photos gathered below! Second: Surprise Bday Party for Perviz & Isabelle @ Milton Class + Chakra Workshop (PHOTO-ALBUM) The photo-album contains images from our recent classes related to the Sahaj Guru Game journey .. related a bit more with our dear Perviz :-) . What to say more .. we always have a great time Together - any Halton Class (Burlington, Oakville, Milton-Mississauga,…

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