My Dream with the Prophet & A Muslim Seeker’s Journey

My Spiritual Journey leading to Sahaja Yoga Meditation "Last Wednesday we were talking about this seeking of truth within us and our connection with divine and this whole being. My yogini friend Paula (we are both going to free meditation meetings in Halton) had asked me to write down my experience. My dream with the prophet and journey of seeking this knowledge. Just briefly I tell you about my childhood; that from my early age I've been searching the answers of the questions which come in my mind that who we are and what's the main purpose…

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Meditate on Prophet Zarathustra and The Fire

Let's Meditate on Prophet Zarathustra and The Fire with Armaity, Anca and Shivangna Shri Mataji (Meta Modern Era - book): "Zoroaster has been born five times and also so many of these (primordial masters) were born in different places in different countries to guide the people to take to religious life to establish the necessary Balance for the Ascent." Zarathustra or Zoroaster [Yasna, 31-2]: "Oh people! You cannot see and choose the true road. Ahura Mazda (God) created me to judge between those who worship Mazda and those who worship demons. He sent me here so that…

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Best Three Tips in Stories from Mark Williams: “Cracking Meditation or How to Meditate” & “The Good Thoughts of a Hundred Monkeys” & “Miracle of St Gabriel-Hanuman Mantra in Australian Desert”

We have started meditating on the Guru Principle and these three stories might give some insight on the Guru - Disciple relationship. Mark Williams had posted his personal experiences on an international forum and with his permission we share them on the Halton website. This way we get to know a fellow yogi and realize how powerful, protective, guiding and caring can be our sincere connection with the divine principles, that we may use to call as archangels or prophets or god's powers as deities - living actually in our own tree of life. Hmm, have just…

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Adrian’s Presentation: The Enlightened King Janaka (Sahaj Guru Game)

VIDEO - Raja Janaka in Sahaj Guru Game (Adrian & Divya) Let's explore the live recording of the Sahaj Guru Game "Team Janaka" that was presented in front of the Burlington Sahaja Yoga Meditation class in 2011.  They had to study about King Janaka – The Enlightened King of Ancient Mithila Kingdom - and bring their own experience forward. Enjoy! (click!) ALL in One Article: WHO was King Janaka?! 4 Relevant Stories Thanks go to Peter from Burlington class for filming tour Team#1's  presentation (Shri Janaka - who is known as one for the 10 Primordial Gurus in…

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Recognition for Halton Sahaja Yoga from Single Moms Organization

Recognition for Anjali - volunteer instructor from Halton SYMN Volunteer instructor of Free Meditation class for Single Moms (Halton Organization) - see Anjali's Journey Recognition for Debbie Volunteer instructor of Free Meditation class for Single Moms (Halton Organization) - see Debbie's Introduction to the Wellness Program with dr. Mishra from Mc Master University Recognition for Ioana Volunteer instructor of Free Meditation class for Single Moms (Halton Organization) We are very grateful to Beth H., the founder of Single Moms organization for her gracious feedback as well for her sustained efforts in providing services to single moms in…

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A Belgium Student’s Experience with Sahaja Yoga in Canada

Enjoy Eva's Testimonial as a Belgium Student's Experience with Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Burlington Let's get ready to take Eva's letter into our hearts and feel her experiences as our own. Enjoy the journey! Eva's Letter shared below as her Testimonial with the Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Halton region Dear all, Last month, i had the opportunity to discover a bit more of Mother Earth. I decided to choose Canada as my end destination, because I wanted to visit one of my dear yuva friends, Ana Bianca, there since it's really important in my opinion to really…

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