We were invited early last week to offer to grade 12 students an introduction to Sahaja Yoga meditation (theory and practice) within the context of the Eastern/Western philosophy.
Besides the presentation, we meditated collectively, there were Q&A as well we even challenged them to some basic yogic postures. Our team of volunteers loved it! Let’s hear what the Students have to say about our class ..
Feedback collected from Halton’s Grade 12 Students about their Experience with Sahaja Yoga Meditation
-I enjoyed, I liked how you explained what everything meant and why it was important. I also enjoyed when different philosophers were mentioned.
-It was very educational, and it really helped to find a calm environment to step away from all the noises, will definitely do again! Thank you!-It was a very new and enlightening experience for me. I think it’s great that I was able to do this at school. I feel very peaceful.-I really enjoyed it because it was very relaxing and peaceful. I just wish I had more room!-I absolutely loved the meditationI could feel a sense of peace at the end. Thank you!
-Was very relaxing and helped relieve stress-Very peaceful and organized 10/10-It was interesting to explore a different practice and philosophy, especially in a classroom setting. 10/10 will do again.-Great experience-Meditation is good.-Felt a mental calmness and overall awareness of the mind, spirit and body.-Yoga/hand movements were fun. Fun to take off shoes.-I really enjoyed the lesson today. I felt very in tune with myself and my body. I felt balanced and at peace after the meditation.-When we were comparing how our two hands felt, my left pointer finger started tingling.-Felt a sensation during meditation: finger tingled. Good session.-I related it to my religion (Islam) and how similar meditation is with our prayer!-Calm-I felt still. I felt the coolness in my left hand.–Loved it-It was nice to learn about the meaning and origins of yoga-It is good to regain balance in order to reflect on the most true and important concepts of life.-Thank you for helping me re-align after a busy week.Feedback from their Teacher:“Thank you again for coming.. Feedback as follows:– students said it was a great introduction to Eastern philosophy– enjoyed guided meditation and yoga movements– introduced some important key concepts of Eastern philosophy through significant quotes– theoretical and practical introduction to the concepts of balance– knowledgeable and engaging speaker– great end to the week for students during a stressful time – reminder to be mindful and brought about calmness to normally energetic group– all present gained important insight about themselves and Eastern philosophyThank you again!Two More Enlightened Particles to Share:
Very interesting experiences. Sharing the content of the presentation would be great. At least the main ideas.
Congratulations again and again!
Thank you Silvia we will share with you .. by email.. and one of us is preparing a detailed description of one of our classes .. we will post that one too 🙂 .. thank you so much for your appreciation and encouragement .. We are always glad to share and to enjoy other yogis’ successes .. We are One .. in One World ..
From Kyla (from Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation “Mobile self realization, wellness and inner peace” team of volunteers):
Sahaja Yoga was invited to this School to conduct a seminar to a grade 12 Philosophy Class. They were about to start their unit on Eastern Philosophy and the teacher wanted to give them a special intro to the history of yoga and an experience of some meditation. This teacher had tried sahaja yoga meditation at a previous Wellness with Sahaja Yoga Meditation event earlier this year.
It was nice to set foot in a high school class and visit the students in this setting. The school part felt very real when they all had to hand in their essays before the start of ‘class’.
Ioana spent half of the time discussing background and theory, which was supported with a power-point presentation. The other half of the time she lead a group meditation. We had enough time to collect everyone’s feedback at the end, and the students seemed to have a lot of questions at this time and were keen to discuss the experience. The meditation was meaningful for most of the students and they really noticed either how helpful it was to relax and find that inner peace, or how difficult it was to stop the thoughts and rest the mind. When I started reading their written feedback, I was surprised … students seemed to articulate more openly in writing than they did it verbally in front of the entire class 🙂 , about their interest and appreciation for what they learned and experienced with us that day.
Congratulations to the sahaja yoga team. Your love and efforts to enlighten these young minds are well appreciated and acknowledged in their enriching meditative experience. I would appreciate, if you can share your presentation with me. After all, it’s all about learning from each other.
there is no doubt that students given the opportunity to blossom through sahaja yoga meditation can expand their awareness of themselves and their connection and responsibility to shape an new evolved world with their “super human powers” to transform themselves and the future. thry are clearly moved by the feedback given. i feel the truth of their experience in every pore.
Hi, this is really great! All the Canadian feedbacks are great and inspiring. As Silvia, I would be interested with your material too if youd like to share, as philosophy is also a compulsory subject here in French schools.So it could be a good different way to access classes.
Many thanks
What a wonderful experience shared by the students,As a student who always in learning process had accepted the truth with open heart. Thanks Ioana.