(The Dream Lab’s VIDEO) Sahaja Yogis WITH(IN) THE VIBRANT BURLINGTON @ Canada Culture Days 2015 +++ MORE VIDEOS


Did You Recognize Any of Your Friends HERE?!  We did!

Jonathan’s Surprise Birthday “party”

Sia Reddy & Yogi Friends from USA, Belgium and Canada

Papageno: Tim Bruce and Theresa Gulati

Marie-Joelle and Tim Bruce on Burligton’s Stage

Theresa (Solo)

Tim Bruce: Tiger, Tiger

Marie-Joelle (winning over the wind & the sound system)

We’ll be there for Canada Culture Days 2016!!


(click!) “Sing a Song Called Life” – 3 Canada Culture Days with Sahaja Yoga Meditation’s AMAZING Events -Burlington’s BREATH OF THE EARTH

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Sandra

    Thank you! Amazing artist, and yogis’ experience.

  2. paula

    Those that practice Sahaja yoga meditation, especially artists, emit electro magnetic vibrations that can be felt once we get our self realization…those who have never dreamed of singing, suddenly have developed the capacity to sing, or sing even more beautifully, we become very powerful, able to create beautiful works of art, lyrics, poems, films, not from our ego, but from the light of our spirit…everyone becomes much more dynamic,spreading good energy, and shining eyes, watch the videos,great vibrations that can be felt through the central nervous system. So grateful that these wonderful artists came to spread Sahaja Yoga to the Canada Culture Days through their music. It was much more that performances, these are the days and moments where time gets suspended…and we enjoy the present completely, because the art stops all our thoughts long enough for us to enjoy the now. Sahaja Yoga puts together free public programs with marvelous musical guests, art, using multi media and ancient wisdom, emphasizing the oneness and connection of all to everyone and everything, and it is easily achieved through “thoughtless awareness” meditation. Those who attend the programs simply can enjoy from a comfy chair, and enjoy the great vibes.

  3. adrian

    I am…Gratefully to receive…
    your wisdom.

    Listening… Cheerfully.

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