Developmental Services Ontario ‘s APPRECIATION LETTER for Sahaja Yoga Meditation (++ 5 Reminders)

A great way to say Good Bye to an amazing year of volunteering is by receiving an unexpected Thank you letter from a respected organization, that is specialized itself – with the support of the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services –  in offering services within the community!

DSO website

Even more we are so pleased to find out that the good word is in the air about Sahaja Yoga Meditation Halton volunteer team 🙂 simply based on facts: positive experiences, tales of personal benefits that are shared and start to be known and recorded within the Golden Horseshoe region and it seems, even beyond these boundaries.  We are truly happy as our work is based on volunteering and busy as we are with family, jobs and .. with life in general .. we have no time not resources to play into the ‘marketing’ role; it seems that the Positivity has its own natural ways to further grow and spread.  Sometime in September we were contacted via our website to provide a meditation workshop to the staff from DSO/SOPDI – Developmental Services Ontario. Same day, on October 5th 2015,  our guest – Tim Bruce, actor and singer visiting from UK – was leaving Canada; so we took him along, to enhance the meditation experience with William Blake’s enlightened music and poetry.

Appreciation Letter from Developmental Services Ontario to Sahaja Yoga Meditation

DSO SOPDI Thank you Letter -web


FEW of Sahaja Yoga Meditation Volunteer Team’s AMAZING ACTIVITIES


(#2) Teen’s LIVE Feedback (So refreshing!)   

(#3) Short NOT-TO-BE-MISSED VIDEO: 10th Anniversary

Chris 13 - Thank you for Sahaja Yoga meditation

Chris  – 13 year old – Thank you card he felt to hand out to our Sahaja Yoga meditation team of volunteer instructors;

Shulin -Colleen -Chris is 13 old participant - Ioana and Peter from SYM-Halton

For Everyone that is still here on this page: We are very happy to post soon the Appreciation Letter received by Sahaja Yoga Meditation Halton on behalf of City of Burlington for our amazing collaboration during Canada Culture Days 2015.

Until then, make sure that you try the Global Meditation video Projected on Eiffel Tower! – so short yet powerful!! As well, that you’d listen to Yoann Freget’s song for Mayors of the World during the Climate Change Conference in Paris. We hope to bring Yoann Freget to Halton region in 2016! Happy New Year Everyone!! Drop a comment if you please.

(video) French Connections to A Happy New Year: The Voice Sings for World Mayors in Paris & Follow the Guided Meditation on Eiffel Tower

Winter in Burlington - photo by Louise
Winter in Burlington – photo by my friend Louise

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nitin Dhotre

    This ‘Thank you letter’ is amazing.
    It shows the true power of Sahaj Yoga meditation.
    These people will be greatly benefited by their inner peace.
    Great work by all Sahaja volunteers.

  2. paula

    It is great that Sahaja Yoga meditation is endorsed by governmental agencies like Canada revenue Agency and now the Developmental Services Ontario. Their staff benefitted so much from the session, and having the artist Tim Bruce attend was enjoyed as his music therapy added to the experience of inner peace. For anyone in social services, Sahaja Yoga has the tools to help others, including the caregivers. Hats off to all that serve to better the community.

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